The Warre has begun

Just finished three units and two Generals for my new Thirty Years War vintage project. Two lancer units, one irregular cavalry unit can now join my two Cuirassier Units. Figures are Minifigs and some...


BBB 2mm villages

Just started to prepare 12 villages to play BBB. They are mounted on round bases, in contrast with towns, which are mounted on square bases. The models I am using are from the great...


Gennaio 2024

Mi serviva un villaggio 3mm per il gioco ACW, ne ho fatti dodici! Eccoli qui. Inizio il 2024 con una piccola lista di pezzi da preparare, per i miei tre (ben tre!) progetti correnti:...


Second Manassas BBB

On the 6th we played the ACW scenario of 2nd Manassas, the one which may be found on the BBB GroupIO page. I have so far played with a labelling script, which has produced...


Last French draftees of ’23

Maurizio just sold me some nice Foundry French, based singly, which I will speedily draft into my vintage napoleonic army. These Foundry figures have been designed by the Perry Brothers between 2005 and 2012,...


Vitoria 1813

A very enjoyable game organised by Maurizio, with Marco playing the Perfida Albione and me as French. The game scenario was built by Maurizio, fully based on the original battle (The battle plan shown...


Warre Dice

Just finished my set of twelve Warre dice. I have bought in a cheap shop 20mm wooden cubes. The dice are shown in the photo below


Twice Old Tercios

There is something strange in my efforts to recover old miniatures and build units for my new armies. This time I have chosen the oldest models in my collection of vintage Thirty Years War...

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