Sasanians 6mm
Just started restoring and basing ancient armies painted by Francesco. I have begun with Sasanian cavalry. Actually the army was mostly cavalry. Figures are Irregular, with some Heroics and Ros units here and there....
BBB Vimeiro
Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...
WWI Jagers
Just finished all Jagers needed to play Eastern Front scenarios for Great War Spearhead II called “All Fine Men“: I use this page as a reminder. In order to complete my Russian civil war...
Austrian No14 Bretlach and No11 Anhalt-Zerbst Cuirassiers
Bretlach Cuirassiers e Anhalt-Zerbst Cuirassiers sono i due prossimi reggimenti che voglio dipingere. I pezzi sono Front Rank. Le uniformi sono molto simili. Le unita’ saranno su quattro basi. I pezzi sono in parte...
6mm Russian Civil War
I am preparing now about 120 bases of Russian infantry, cavalry and other troop types. The figures are Irregular and specific for the Civil War period, coming from the collection of Francesco. I am...
Curtatore e Montanara
Tutto merito di Marco il resoconto della battaglia, organizzata appositamente mentre ero oltralpe. Sabato 11 Gennaio Curtatone e Montanara 1848 Regolamento: Neil Thomas (One-hour Wargames: Practical Tabletop Battles) Contrariamente alla successiva retorica patriottarda lo scontro...
La Petite Guerre a cheval
Here my last effort with Seven Years War French figures. This time I prepared two units of French light troops, the Clermont Prince cavalry. The figures are Minden, I had 14 troopers, so they...
6mm Ancients by Vittorio
Here some photos of Vittorio’s beautuful ancient armies. I am posting them as the best possible example of basing 6mm figures. They are based on 30mm and 60mm width bases. In my case figures...
Gennaio 2025
Nuovo Anno! I propositi di questo mese: In opera o finiti: TODO: Poi qualche pezzo per iniziare il progetto delle Guerre d’Italia? O aggiungere unita’ ai miei pezzi dei trent’anni? Per una ispirazione, ecco...
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