Lebanon 1982 in 28mm
il progetto prevede pezzi Mongrel, Arabi, Siriani ed israeliani. Ho gia’ circa 100 pezzi da dipingere.
Link interessanti
Ecco cosa ho acquistato finora:
- Un Merkava I in kit Academy. Preso su Ebay a meno di 10 Euro.
- Due T72 della Academy
- Due M151 in resina di una ditta italiana, altre si possono comprare qui: http://bakercompany.co.uk/us-army/30-ford-mutt-jeep.html
- Un T34/85 per i PLO
- altre due jeep M151 Ford Mutt (Sloppy Jalopy, 15 Pounds ciscuna.), versione Tow, per ospitare i pezzi Mongrel che ho trovato su eBay.
Potrei comprare:
- uno o due T55 dalla Decors miniatures, 15+15 Euro. Non ci sono più.
- un BRDM2 ed un BMP1 dalla Honorable Lead Boilers Suit Company, 20+20 Pounds
Lista dei pezzi presi da Ebay:
- The Israeli Paratroops consist of:Platoon Leader and Radio Operator
2 Men with Dragon Anti-Tank Launchers
3 Ten Man Squads – which include one man with RPG7 and one with FN-MAG machine gun, besides the others, who are armed with Galils, M240 GLs etc.
13 Paratroops in ‘sun hats’, armed with GalilsEnough drivers and passengers (16) to outfit the 4 M151 Jeeps (Jeeps not included) of a reconnaissance squad.
The Arabs/PLO consist of:
4 Leaders.
1 Man with an SA7 SAM launcher.
1 Man with a rifle grenade on an AKM.
3 Men with PK Machine guns.
6 Men with RPG-7 Grenade Launchers.
18 Men with various AK type and similar assault rifles.3 107mm Recoiless Rifles.
2 DShK Heavy Machine Guns (each with gunner).
2 Mortars.
15 various weapons crew, in addition to the gunners mentioned above.
1 T34/85
Pezzi di Luca
- All’incirca 30 israeliani e 30 Siriani, con armamento vario.
- Mancano i SAW (si chiamano RPD, RPK, RPK74) siriani, ho solo le LMG (PK credo si chiamino)
E basta!
Pittura israeliani
Base : 924 russian uniform
hilight: 924+860 medium flesh
Hi hilight : 924+976 buff
Shadow : 70887 brown violet
Flak jacket
922 USA uniform
same hilights as above
Web Gear
70988 khaki
Hi lights 70988 + 976 buff
shadow70886 khaki grey
Boots black for infantry
GW dark flesh for paratroops
Pittura siriani
Mechanized Infantry Company
Company HQ: 1 APC, 7 Infantry
3 Rifle Platoons:
1 Rifle Section: 1 APC, CO + 9 Infantry, 2 ATGWs (Sagger or Milan)
2 Rifle Sections: 1 APC ea, 8 Infantry w/ AK-47, 1 RPG-7 (AK-47) and 1 RPD each
APCs are either BMP-1 or BTR-60