Gulf War Arab
Queste unita’ hanno combattuto la battaglia di al Khafji.
GWC Task Force Abu Bakr Morale: All Regular
- Task Force Headquarters:
- 1-HQ Stand in V150 APC
- 1-Qatari Reinforced Mechanized Brigade/Group:
- Brigade/Group Headquarters:
- 1-HQ Stand in AMX-10P or VAB
- 1-Qatari Armored Battalion:
- Battalion Headquarters:
- HQ: 1-HQ AMX-30S
- 2-Tank Companies, each with:
- 3-AMX-30S
- Battalion Headquarters:
- 1-Qatari Mechanized Battalion:
- Battalion Headquarters: 1-HQ Stand in AMX-10P
- 2-Infantry Companies, each with: 3-AMX-10P Combat Teams
- 1-Infantry Company: 3-VAB Combat Teams
- 1-Weapons Company:
- 2-VAB HOT 1-81mm Mortar in VAB
- 1-Jeep mounted Milan III
- 1-Qatari Artillery Battery:
- 1-105mm Howitzer & Truck
- 1-Saudi Mechanized National Guard Brigade:
- Brigade Headquarters: 1-HQ V150 Combat Team
- 1-Brigade Reconnaissance Company:
- 1-V150 20mm Armored Car
- 2-V150 Combat Teams
- 1-V150 TOW I Imp
- 1-Air Defense Company:
- 4-V150 Vulcans
- 3-Saudi Mechanized National Guard Battalions, each with:
- Battalion Headquarters: 1-HQ V150 Combat Team
- 3-Mechanized National Guard Companies, each with: 3-V150 Combat Teams
- Support Weapons (Integral to SMNG Companies):
- 2-V150 90mm Fire Support
- 2-V150 81mm Mortars
- 1-V150 TOW I Imp
- 1-Recon V150 20mm Armored Car
- 1-Saudi Artillery Battalion:
- 4-M102 105mm Howitzers & Trucks
- The Qatari Reinforced Mechanized Brigade/Group was nicknamed “Panzer Group Qatari”.
- The Qatari Armored Battalion may be attached to the Qatari Mechanized Battalion creating a single, ‘Reinforced’ Battalion under the command of the Mechanised Battalion HQ (this is actually what was done historically).
- Use the French Datacards for all Qatari troops.
- The AMX-30S is the same as AMX-30B2 (1982-92 & Gulf) on Datacards.
- The AMX-10P Combat Teams use the AMX-10P (Mech Inf) factors.
- The VAB Combat Teams use the VAB (1981+) factors.
- Use the US Datacards for the Saudi troops.
- The Saudi National Guard Support Weapon Stands are integral to the Mechanized Companies, but are consolidated here to allow representation at MSH’s scale – allocate any 2 (different) support stands to each of the 3 Companies (But you can’t allocate both 90mm V150’s to the same company).
Ecco le foto dei veicoli della Saudi Arabia National Guard

Ecco l’organizzazione della guardia nazionale saudita
La battaglie dei ponti, combattuta durante l’invasione. Truppe del Kuwait contro iracheni. Nel numero di Armor la storia dettagliata.