Review and Diorama By Doug Kline
Photos by Ivor Janci
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Never before has there been so much product available to the historical miniature wargamer. The quality and selection of miniatures and terrain is outstanding-it has never been better. 5th NY Zouaves marching past a Virginia farmer's homestead. We have come a long way from just 10 years ago, when we made all of our terrain items ourselves. Today, there are numerous vendors creating resin buildings and supporting terrain lines.
One such company is Musket Miniatures, whose product I use extensively. Musket Miniatures (MM), has been in business for several years and today produces wargaming figures and accessories for several scales and periods. MM produces an ACW line of figures in both 22mm (HO Scale), and 15mm. They also carry a range of product accessories in 10mm (N Scale). Musket has several periods represented in 15mm, including American War of Independence, American Mexican War and ACW. They have recently added a range of European Buildings for use with 10mm-15mm figures, and they have also started a range of 20mm WW Il figures and accessories.
The line of resin buildings is impressive for all three scales. The listings within this line are duplicated over all three scales. The same building is usually available in all scales; properly sized for the miniatures. The 15mm and 10mm buildings are truly breath-taking, and paint up very well. Most of the buildings in this line do well with a combination of washes and dry brush techniques. Some of my favorite buildings include Slat walled house (2 different models are available), several log homes, and the farmhouse with both front and back porches. The listing of buildings is quite large, and is probably the most extensive line of Early American /Civil War buildings offered.
The buildings tend to be pretty true to scale or a little on the small side. In fact, gamers who prefer smaller sized structures (myself included), will find the 10mm buildings will do very well with your 15mm figures. Other unusual buildings featured include outhouses, slave cabins, stores and even a railroad station. In addition to the buildings, Musket Miniatures offers a good selection of rail fences, and stone walls. The fences, which are manufactured in white metal, are offered in a 5 rail pole fence (15mm), a 5 rail staggered fence (15mm) and a torn down 5 rail fence. The stone walls are made of resin and include damaged sections. There is also a very good looking stone and wood fence (stone and rail), which is done in resin with metal cross members and top rails. The 10mm offerings are similar to the 15mm line of fences. The 22mm (HO) line is more extensive, offering several more styles of fence. Some other impressive offerings from MM include several types of bridges, stone, wood and even a covered bridge with a removable top. They offer a variety of crop and field accessories including Hay Stacks, Wheat Shocks, Corn Shocks, Cornstalks and even a resin plowed field. There are also a variety of tents, breastworks, shell craters, gabions and Chevaux de Frise. I have personally found these terrain accessories to be indispensable in customizing terrain pieces and improving the "look" of my wargaming table.
Finally, MM offers a large variety of terrain accents including barrels, campfires, stacked wood, tree stumps, crates, sacks, and camp accessories. These small items can really add to the overall terrain effect or experience of gaming. I have only touched the surface of the items offered by Musket Miniatures. All serious ACW wargamers should have a copy of their catalog. MM can be reached at Musket Miniatures, LLC, P.O. Box 1976 Broomfield CO 80038, USA. Phone (303) 4399336. Owners Jim & Jeff McCarron also welcome visitors if you're in the Denver, Colorado area of the US. Musket Miniatures also has a very good webpage and online catalog where you can place your order and make payment using a major credit card. You can reach them at their website address:
For more information on this extensive product line, you can also email to the following address: Musketmini@musket Doug Kline, 32 years young, has been wargaming formally since '78. A one-time ACW Reenactor, he's an amateur ACW Historian, living in Roanoke, Virginia with his wife, Karen, and baby daughter, Kaleigh. Doug is a member of HMGS East & a founding member of Blue Ridge Historical Miniatures Association (BRHMA). Designing wargame terrain for years, he's the owner of Battlefield Terrain Concepts (BTC): a vendor of custom quality wargaming terrain. He's also helped playtest ACW wargame rules & has been a designer of scenarios for a number of years.. His email address is More Reviews:
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