With the Boers in the Transvaal
and Orange Free State 1880-81

Book Review

reviewed by Don Featherstone

by C.L.Norris-Newman.
395 pages; 25 photographs and drawings and a large folding map.
The Africana Book Society (PTY) Ltd. 35J Upper Village, Carlton Centre, P.O.Box 1071, Johannesburg.)

This delightful book is a facsimile reprint of the 1882 edition with an informative and lucid Foreword by Dr. O. N. Ransford (a noted authority on this period), an Index, 17 pages of illustrations a full colour dust jacket. Colonial wargamers will lick their lips at this the sixth issued in the Africana Reprint Library series of facsimile reproductions of early South African works, which will eventually comprise 24 matching volumes, designed to cover the major areas of historical narrative are issued at two-monthly intervals. Bearing the doubtful distinction of being the only war that the British lost during the whole of Queen Victoria's long reign, the Anglo-Boer conflict of 1880-81 offers much for the wargamer who seeks to reverse the major disasters at Majuba Hill, Laing's Nek, Ingogo the besieged towns. An era of white helmets and red tunics, bands playing and flags flying (Lain Nek is reputably the last occasion on which British infantry went into action with colours flying while the enemy blended skilfully with familiar terrain and used their rifles brilliantly. This book is thoroughly recommended to everyone but particularly Colonial wargamers.

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© Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone.
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