Japanese Infantry Weapons
of World War Two

Book Review

reviewed by Don Featherstone

by George Markham.
96 pages; packed with photographs and line drawings of weapons.
Arms and Armour Press - £ 4.50p.

By today's price standards this is a remarkably cheap book because it is beautifully produced, with many illustrations and bristles with authoritive information. It covers in depth pistols and revolvers; submachine-guns; rifles; machine-guns; grenades; mines; mortars and grenade dischargers; flame throwers; large calibre inlantry guns; edged weapons - swords and bayonets; and ammunition for all weapons described. This book demolishes many excuses for inaccuracies in weapons and their effect for wargamers fighting with the Japanese forces of World War Two - and after Don Houghton's book there may well be a fashion for this field!

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© Copyright 1976 by Donald Featherstone.
This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web.
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