Blood Brigade

Book Review

reviewed by Don Featherstone

by Don Houghton. (Arrow paperback - 65p).

Without in any way being detrimental, this is going from the sublime to the ridiculous! Don Houghton is an old friend of mine and a wargamer of considerable experience who will be well known to older readers of Wargamer's Newsletter for those quite outstanding (possibly the best we have ever had) articles on wargaming "AT THE COLONEL'S TABLE". Don is a T.V. and film script writer (responsible for some of the Dr. Who series among others) and now he has turned to military fiction. This book THE BLOOD BRIGADE is an exciting, fast-moving story of a very assorted bunch of men and women escape from Singapore and then begin their own small-scale war against the Japanese invaders. it never lets up for a moment and bristles with action and expertise although it could be claimed that in places it is unnecessary explicit in its descriptions of violence and the like. But this is the trend today and is undoubtedly part reason for the success of any light fiction.

I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to the two more that are to follow on the same subject. As was reported in last month's Newsletter, Don Houghton is personally offering a prize for battle reports of the three major (Skirmish) actions described so well in his book.

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