by Rudy Scott Nelson
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Classical India (II-3) The Rare Bullock or Camel Cart Option with double based option = 1 x El or 3Cv (G); 3 x WWG; 1 x 3Cv; 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh; 3 x 8Bw (replace the 8Bw with 2 x 4Bw + 1 x 4Bd); 1 x 3Ax or 2Ps; 1 x 7Hrd; 1 x 3Bw or 7Hrd. GUPTAS Classical India 320-545 AD (II-3) = 1 x El (G) ; 2 x El; 2 x 3Knt; 1 x 2Lh; 4 x 4Bw; 1 x 4Bd; 1 x 2Ps or 2Lh(Skythian) or 3Ax (Mtn India) Bithynia (II-6) 265 -180BC : = 1 x 3Cv (G); 2 x Ps; 3 x 3Ax; 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh; 4 x 4Pk; 1 x 4Wb (Celt) or 3Ax (Thrace) Bithynia (II-6) 179-74BC = 1 x 3Cv; 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh; 3 x 3Ax; 2 x 2Ps; 2 x 4Pk; 1 x 4Wb (Celt) or 3Ax (Thrace/Paphl) Paphlagonia Ally 1 x 2Lh + 1 x 3Ax
Gauls or Celts (II-11) Clarification = Before 300BC use LCh, Between 300BC-100BC use either LCh or 3Cv; After 100BC use 3Cv Alexander Imperial Later Persian Dominate Army (II-15) = 1 x 3Knt (G); 4 x 4Pk; 2 x 4Bw (Persian); 1 x 2Lh (Persian); 1 x 4Ax (Grk/Mac); 1 x 3Knt (Persian); 1 x Arty or El; 1 x 2Ps (Persian Bw)
Later Carthage pre-235BC in Sicily (II-32) = 1 x 3Cv (G); 1 x 2Lh (Num); 2 x 4Sp (Libyan); 2 x 4Sp (Grk/Syr); 2 x 4Ax; 2 x 2Ps; 1 x 2Lh or or 3Cv or 3Ax (Spain); 1 x 2Lh (Num) or 3 Wb (Gaul) Later Carthage pre-200Bc in Spain (II-32) = 1 x 3Cv; 1 x 2Lh (Num); 2 x 4Sp (Lib); 2 x 3Wb (Gauls or Celt-Iberia); 2 x 3Ax (Spain); 3 x 2Ps (Baleric Sling, Spainish Jav, Num/Lib Jav ); 1 x El or 2Lh (Spain) or 3Cv (Spain) Later Carthage Hannibal in Italy 216-203BC (II-32) = 1 x 3Cv (G); 1 x 2Lh (Num/Spain); 2 x 4Sp (Lib); 1 x El or 2Lh or 3 Cv (Spain/Gaul); 2 x 3Wb (Gauls or Celt-Iberia); 2 x 4Ax (Spain); 1 x 2Ps; 2 x 4Sp or 4Ax (Italy Ally) Later Carthage Hannibal in Africa 202BC (II-32) =1 x 3Cv (G); 1 x 2Lh (Num); 4 x 4Sp (Lib/Poeni); 1 x El or 2Lh; ; 2 x 4Ax (Brutti); 2 x 2Ps; 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh Polybian Rome (II-33) = This list allows for a lot of different allies which are not represented in the army list. If using the data from the DBM lists, I would subtract 2 x Bd which still leaves the Bd-Sp-Ps ratio correct. Replace the 2 bases with the following Ally Choice. Only one Ally choice can be used. Spanish = 1 x 3Ax + 1 x 3Sv or 2Lh; Numidian = 1 x 2Lh + 1 x 2Ps or 2Lh; Aitolian = 1 x 2Ps + 1 x 2Lh or 2Ps or 3Ax; Pergamene = 1 x 3Knt + 1 x 4Ax. Later Pergaqmene (II-34) 190BC-129BC = 1 x 3Knt (G); 1 x 2LH; 1 x 3Cv; 2 x 4Ax; 2 x 2Ps; 1 x 2Lh or 3Cv (Thracian); 1 x 3Knt (Ex-Selucid); 2 x 4Pk (Ex-Selucid); 1 x 3Knt or 3Ax (Kappadokian Ally) ELYMASIS PARTHIA (II-37) 147BC-205AD = 1 x 4Knt (G); 1 x 4Knt;3 x 2Lh; 1 x 4Knt or 2Lh; 2 x 4Ax; 2 x 2Ps; 2 x 3Bw SUREN INDIO-PARTHIAN = 1 x 4Knt (G); 1 x 4Knt; 3 x 2Lh; 1 x 4Knt or 2Lh; 1 x 4Ax; 1 x 2Ps; 2 x 3Ax or 2Ps; 1 x 7Hrd or 1EL or 2Lh; 1 x 2Lh (Saka Ally) MID-EMPIRE PARTHIA 127BC-215AD (II-37) = 1 x 4Knt (G); 1 x 4Knt;3 x 2Lh; 1 x 4Knt or 2Lh; 1 x 4Ax; 2 x 2Ps; Choice one Ally. Armenean = 1 x 4Knt + 1 x 4Ax = 1 x 2Lh; Arab Nomadic 1 x 3Cm + 1 x 3Bd + 1 x 2Lh or 3Cm; Hatrene 1 x 3Bw; 1 x 3Ax or 2Ps + 1 x 3Knt or 2Lh; Parthian Allies = 1 x 4Knt + 1 x 2Lh + 1 x 4Ax LATER PARTHIA 216-225AD (II-37) = = 1 x 4Knt (G); 1 x 4Knt;3 x 2Lh; 1 x 4Knt or 2Lh; 1 x 4Ax; 2 x 2Ps; 1 x 3Ax (Daylami); 1 x 2Lh (Saka) EARLY NUMIDIA (II-40) 215-100BC = 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh (G); 4 x 2Lh; 1 x EL or 2Ps; 4 x 3AX or 2Ps; 2 x 4Ax (Roman Trained) JUBA I NUMIDIA (II-40) 56-46BC = 1 x 3Cv (Spanish Bodyguard) (G); 4 x 2Lh; 1 x EL; 3 x 3AX or 2Ps; 1 x 2Ps ; 2 x 4Bd (Imitation Legion) ROMAN CLIENT NUMIDIA 3AD-6AD = 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh (G); 4 x 2Lh; 2 x 2Ps; 2 x 4Bd; Rome Ally: 1 x 3Cv + 1 x 4Bd + 1 x 4Ax Maccabean Jewish (II-43) Clarification = 4Pk is only for 148BC- 109BC Mithridatic Pontus (II-48) Clarification = The 1 x 3Knt are Sarmatians or ally Armeneans. The optional 2Lh can be Armenean Ally or Skyhian. The optional 3 cav is Rhoxolani or native. The 3Ax option are Thracians or native javlinmen. The 2Ps are native troops. Mithridatic Pre 84BC = Use the 1SCh + 4Pk option and change the 2 x 3Ax or 2Ps option to 1 x 3Ax + 1 x 3 Bd (Bastarne) or 4Bd (Imitation Legion) or 4Wb (Galatian). Mithridatic Pontus (II-48) 84BC-47BC = Use the 4Bd option but use the extra element as an ally. 1 x 4Knt or 2Lh (Armenean) or 3Bd (Bastarne) or 4Wb (Galatian) MARIAN ROME The basic choice of 1 x 3Cv or 4 Bld; 1 x 2Ps; 6 x 4Bd and the 1 x 3Cv or 2Lh (Subject Cavalry) remains the same for all options. Pre-80BC (II-49) = 1 x 2Ps (Velites) ; 1 x 3Ax (Subject foot); 1 x Arty or 4 Bd (Roman) or 4Ax (Peltast)
Later Judean (II-51) = The 2Lh option is for Ally Lh. The DBM provides for either Parthian or Roman Allies. If using Allies reduce the allowed 5 x 2Ps to 2 x 2Ps and add allies. Rome: 1 x 3Cv + 1 x 4Bd + 1 x 4Bd or 4Ax. Parthia: 1 x 4Kt + 1 x 2Lh + 1 x 2Ps Dacia-Capri (II-52) Clarification = Arty is captured from the Romans. 3Knt is Sarmatian Ally for Dacia only. Capri in the last listed option must use either 3Bd or 2Ps. Scot-Irish (II-54) Clarification = the 3Ax or 4Wb option represents the Attecotti tribe. Early Imperial Rome (II-56) Clarification = 3Cv Option is Gaullic Cav in the Civil War. 2Ps Option can be Baleric Slingers in Western Armies or Judean Allies in the Eastern Armies. The 2Lh option can be Numidians in any option or Armenians or Drom camels in East Options. The Bw option can be Nabatean allies but could be reclassified as 3Bw for Commengene allies. Options that are in the DBM book but not the DBA book is a 3Knt or 3Ax Sarmatian allies or 4Wb British allies in Western armies or a 4Bd or 4Ax Judean option in Eastern armies. Later Moor with (Required) Roman Deserters Employed 373-374AD (II-57) = 1 x 3Cv (G); 4 x 2Lh; 4 x 2Ps (1 x 2Ps can be Roman archers); 1 x 3Ax or 2ps; 1 x 2Lh (Roman); 1 x 4Bd (Roman).
Jewish Revolt (II-59) Clarification = Wb options are for mainly Zealot forces. 3Ax are for ordinary factions. One Wb can be the Sicari faction. Jewish Revolt Josephus’s Army 66-70AD = 1 x 4Ax (G); 1 x 3Cv; 1 x 7Hrd; 1 x 7Hrd or 3Ax or 4Wb; 1 x 2Ps; 4 x 4Ax;1 x 4Bw or 2Ps (Bw); 1 x 4Wb (Zealot); 1 x 3Bw or 2Ps (Zealot) Axumites (II-62) = General on the El is for 100-970AD. General is rated as 2Lh but is mounted on a camel (2Cm) in Arabia 523-575AD. The DBM book allows for allies.
Three Kingdom China (II-63) Clarification = Northwest Rebel armies can replace the 4Sp with 4Pk. Wu or Shu Armies cannot use the 2Lh option. Instead of the 3Bd option they can have allied troops of 3Wb or 3Bw or 2Ps. Sassanid Persia (II-69) Clarification = In 614-615 one 7Hrd is Jewish Fanatics. The 3Ax option is Daylami or Hill Tribes. After 225 one 4Knt can be Armenean allies. Palmyran (II-74 A) The last three items on the list are Roman allies. Korean army note (II-75) Half of the Bw and Sp units used are shieldless militia. Kaya Korean (II-) = They are the 3 Bw Paekche Korean (II-75) = The 3Bw should be 4Bw. They are regular not irregular troops. Koruryo Korean (II-76) = The 3Bw should be 4Bw. They are regular not irregular troops. A 2Lh is Nomadic Allies. Silla Korean (II-77) B option = The 3Bw should be 4Bw. They are regular not irregular troops. The 4Pk units are the elite Red Banner troops. Variant DBA Armies Based On DBM Army List Analysis RelatedOverlooked Minor Nations for DBA/DBM Armies
Armies in Historical Books: The Persian Era and Region Armies in Historical Books: Enemies of Ancient China Armies in Historical Books: Warriors of Siberia Armies in Historical Books: Armies of the Ancient Near East and Africa Back to Time Portal Passages Spring 2004 Table of Contents Back to Time Portal Passages List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2004 by Rudy Scott Nelson This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |