Written by Alexander Jurcat
Artwork by Cris Dornaus
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The CoronerIDuring the day, the coroner works at the County Operation Center in Kerny Mesa. The coroner's office is a relatively busy place, and several lab-coated assistants work on bodies, or take care of paperwork. Two uniformed officers guard each entrance to the complex, and one is stationed in the lab area. These are Boch's men and will report anything out of the ordinary to him. IThe coroner, Chester "Chet" Wright, is most often found in his office. He is tired of official interrogations, and has been warned by Boch about talking to anyone. He personally checks any credentials the party offers by calling their offices. He also calls police HQ and leaves a message for Boch. IWright has little to say. While obviously hiding something (in fact, Wright will admit that he has been ordered not to speak about the missing body), it is difficult getting him to talk. The party had better be very convincing, or very intimidating. If they do get Wright to spill the beans, however, they learn plenty. Under orders from Boch (who he assumed was acting for the Chief), Wright performed the autopsy on the child's body himself alone, immediately after it was brought in. He prepared the report, locked the body in the morgue and went home. Early the next morning, Wright woke to a phone call from Boch announcing that the morgue had been compromised. Wright rushed down to the office to find Boch and his men already in full investigation. Several men were grilling Matthew Janulewicz, the nightwatchman, and a retired cop. Later, when Wright discovered the false autopsy report on the child, Boch convinced him to keep quiet about it. Boch explained that the department looked bad enough with the missing body, that the city did not need anymore trouble at the moment. He would be adding this to the investigation, and that Wright could lose his job if he talked. At present, Wright is torn. He has always been an honest man, and the current intrigue wears on him. He would like to unburden himself to someone and have them take care of the problem. On the other hand, he recognized the child's body as D.A. Justin Chin's son, and has a healthy regard for Chin's and Boch's power. For all intents and purposes, Boch seems to have a handle on the Chief, or is working for the Chief directly. Wright desperately wants to keep his job. If the party tries to track down Matt Janulewicz, they can find his address in the phone book. Jamilewicz is a a widower who lives alone. Checking with the police department, the party learns that Janulewicz is on disciplinary leave from his job pending the investigation into the missing body. Janutewicz answers the door in a -tshirt and shorts. He is more than willing to talk and protest his innocence. He heard and saw nothing all night long, as usual. Boch came in with some of his men at 3:00am to look over the body and check the autopsy report. They were the ones who noticed the body missing. Until he knows where the party stands, Janulewicz will have only good things to say about everyone. He is afraid of losing his job, and his pension. If the party can convince him that they suspect Boch, Janulewicz endorses that view, and mentions that it almost seemed that Boch was not surprised to find the body missing. B>GM Note This following encounter is a very dangerous and could result in the death of the entire party. The GM should play it carefully and give the party every chance to escape if they take that route. If they choose to fight, most likely at least one will die. To give them a chance, the GM could allow them to get off the first shot, or an off- duty cop could take out an attacker with his pistol before he is riddled with bullets. Herb White's ResidenceHerb White's wife, Angella, tells the party that Herb has gone fishing with a neighbor, Jimmy Jackson, up at Lake Elsinore. He left about 10:00am and she expects him back around 5:00pm. They usually rent a boat at Higgins' Dock on the East end of the lake. She asks if there is anything, wrong. She will be particularly worried if the party questions her after 11:00am. She will volunteer that several detectives came by asking the same questions at that time. If the party describes Boch (distinguished looking, gray sideburns, dark hair), she informs them that he was one of the detectives but did not speak. A Detective Frank did the talking and left a card for her to call if she heard from Herb. She will tell the party that Frank gave her a "direct dial" number on the back of the card. The party will notice immediately that the prefix for the "direct dial" number is different than that of the precinct on the front. If the party calls the number, a gruff male voice answers. This is one of Boch's men and he has been told to collect information only. If anything unusual happens, the man will hang up, and call Boch. The Cell may wish to drive up to Lake Elsinore, but it is a two hour trip. Once there, they find Higgins' Dock relatively close to the main highway. The proprietor, Butch Higgins, knows White well, and tells the party that he and his buddy Jackson headed out for their usual spot - "the crook", a relatively deserted finger of the lake. If the party arrives after 2:00pm, Higgins mentions the San Diego police officers who were also looking for White. If the party has or hires a boat (Spd: 1; Handling: -; Size: 4; life jackets) and motors out to "the crook," it will take roughly an hour to locate White and Jackson. After 3:00pm, they will find only an overturned boat like their own, and one black man with a life jacket bobbing on the surface of the lake nearby. The corpse is Jackson. There are no marks on the body; he appears to have just drowned. White's body is under the boat. His head has a nasty blunt trauma wound. He also drowned. If the party arrives before 3:00, they will find White and Jackson fishing pleasantly. They are both suspicious of the Cell and will refuse to answer questions. White will refer them to the police department if they ask about the murder, or anything else. If the party is very convincing, or very intimidating (remember these are detectives - intimadition is their tool of the trade), White tells them what he knows. He was called at home by Grant, who asked him to bring a forensics van and come alone to the financial district. Once there, he, Grant and Borland performed a rough forensics analysis of the crime scene, bundled up the body, and took everything over to police HQ. Grant warned him not to talk to anyone about what they found. They sat around for two hours until Boch showed up and took over. Boch ordered them all to keep quiet, and then told them to take two weeks vacation - stay out of the media circus. White did not recognize the kid, but Grant and Borland seemed to think it was the District Attorney Justin Chin's son. White guesses that's why everyone's so secretive. White did not catch the morning news about the missing body. About that time, or earlier, if the party is getting nowhere, a speed boat appears across the water heading toward "the crook" at great speed. It takes about 10 minutes for the boat to arrive during which time the party can make whatever preparations they wish. The group cannot make it to shore before the speed boat arrives. On board are three men in diving suits, and one driver. They planned to sneak up on White and Jackson, overturn the boat and drown them. Given the Cell's presence, they shoot first and ask questions later. If the party and White survive the attack, White willingly tells all he knows. Toby Borland's ApartmentBorland's apartment is in Pacific Beach, on the second floor of what was once a relatively nice building but is now run down. Borland never married, and lives alone. No one answers the door, and the neighbors have no idea where he is. If the party is polite and has a half-decent cover story, one will mention that Borland usually has a drink over at as bar called Dick's Last Resort downtown.