Written by Alexander Jurcat
Artwork by Cris Dornaus
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The next morning, November 1st, All Saints Day, each catches the following story on the TV news. GMs should read aloud or parahrase this information. TimeLineThe following timeline highlights the major events of this story. The listed occurrences will not vary regardless of the player character actions. 10/30 11:17pm 10/31 3:00am 10/31 4:00am 10/31 5:00am 10/31 10:00am 10/31 7:00pm 11/1 2:00am 11/1 3:00am 11/1
5:00am 11/1 8:00am 11/1 9:00am 11/1 10:05am 11/1 11:00am 11/1 1:00pm 11/1 3:00pm 11/1
6:45pm "Our top story continues to be the tragic turn in the La Jolla kidnappings. Late in the night on October 30th, a murdered child was discovered in the financial district. The police forensic unit was immediately dispatched to the scene, and an official news blackout imposed. Witnesses at the scene were horrified to find the boy's limbs had all been cut off. The body was very pale and oddly colored. One bystander claimed it appeared to have been drained of blood. "Yesterday morning, Chief of Police Jerry Sanders announced the formation of a special task force investigating the child's death. The Chief indicated that the FBI had offered to work closely with the new task force, and promised that no stone would remain unturned in uncovering the killer. Chief Sanders provided no other details, but speculation raged that the child was one of those taken last week. "The child's body and other crime scene evidence were taken to the Coroner's office in Kerny Mesa for autopsy and analysis. We have now learned that late last night, someone entered the Coroner's office, and removed the crime scene evidence, including the boy. "Police department spokesman, Officer Paul Connelly, did not explain how the intruders gained access to the police labs, or how they managed to remove the evidence without challenge. He did indicate that a full investigation was under way by the special task force, and that disciplinary measures would be imposed. Connelly noted that the disappearance of the body and evidence would have no impact on the investigation into the child's killer as the autopsy had been completed, and the report filed. "Stay tuned to this station for more special reports as this tragic and puzzling story unfolds..." The party was aware of the serial kidnappings before they left town on their Sonora Desert mission, but nothing about them suggested anything alien, supernatural, or conspiratorial. Thus, Aegis' mandate was not implicated, and the Cell took no active role. Now that a body appears to have been drained of blood, and then removed from the police HQ, events have taken a more sinister turn. The Cell member's plan to return to their normal lives for a few days will have to be changed. Initial InvestigationAny type of inquiry (perhaps calling the police station, or reading yesterday's paper) reveals that the special police task force is headed by Detective Luther Boch, a decorated and well-respected veteran. The paper shows a distinguished looking older man, with gray sideburns and a full head of dark hair. The police department has made it clear that Boch's homicide task force will coordinate its work with that of Detectives Tracy Peters and Dustin Johnson, the team that has been working the kidnapping case since its inception. The FBI team assigned to aid the San Diego police in this case is commanded by Special Agent Todd Johnson (any party member from the FBI will know this person as something of a lightweight and will be of no use during this investigation). Otherwise, the party will learn little from public channels. The media has published all it knows, and is being kept in the dark by the police despite vigorous protests. The police department explains that it is pursuing all possible leads and will report as developments occur. The Cell can easily learn the names of the seven kidnapped boys. They can also interview the families but they learn no more than has already been published. The children were all mate, white, and between the ages of 4 and 6. All were taken in the dead of night despite locked doors and windows, sophisticated alarms, police patrols and (in the last two cases) armed guards outside their rooms. GMs should emphasize that all the families have been interviewed by the local police and FBI several times. Few will take kindly to another government agency asking questions. The police, who are never far from the families, also ask difficult questions about the Cell's credentials if they get a chance. In the end, this line of inquiry reveals little and may blow the group's cover. The Police InsiderAt some point, the Cell should contact their police connection. The insider refuses to talk on the phone, but may be convinced to meet the party during their lunch hour. In a low voice, the contact picks a vacant lot behind the Royal China Palace restaurant parking lot in Chula Vista, California. GM Note: Chula Vista is a run-down city in contrast to San Diego, and it is not known for its high levels of police parrots. GMs should play up the contact's paranoia, and the clandestine nature of the meeting. The police officer explains that the appointment of a special task force under Detective Boch, while justified on the surface, was highly unusual. Peters and Johnson are fully competent homicide specialists. Chief Chief Sanders' rationale that the two cases need not be connected made sense, but it made more sense to just fold the whole matter into the on- going investigation, not start a new team. Boch is a power within the force, with his own cadre of officers who appear more loyal to Boch than their nominal superiors. Since Boch was appointed, his team has taken over more and more, and warning everyone on the force to not discuss the case to anyone, even in house. It seems some powerful people want to keep this murder as quiet as possible. The contact was able to learn that an attorney, stopping at the Ice Chalet to watch amateur hockey, found the body in a dumpster behind the UTC. Her name is Beth Grant, and her father is a police detective (not in Boch's camp). Sam Grant, his partner Toby Borland, and a relatively junior forensic technician named Herb White performed the initial crime scene work. This was an unusually small team, and their review of the scene was quick and dirty. All the evidence was taken directly to the police HQ downtown, not the local precinct house in La Jolla as usual. Grant, Borland, and White must have been acting according to someone's orders, however, because no inquiry into their actions was made or disciplinary measures taken. In fact, all three were given two weeks paid leave to keep them away from the media circus. The connection can provide the addresses and phone numbers of Sam Grant, Toby Borland, and Herb White, however they do not know where Beth Grant lives, and cannot get access to any files on the case (they are all in Boch's possession). Beth's address is in the phone book. Pulling Strings The Cell will no doubt attempt to use various pulling strings during this mission. The GM will have to adjudicate their use depending on the exact circumstances. The party will not be able to employ any No Questions Asked pulling string to shut down the San Diego police investigation into the murders. Further, any attempt to do so will spark vigorous objections and several news stories. There is no way to keep such a power play secret. The players should however, not know about this until they try. The Hermes AlertAt 10:05am, shortly after the team hears the news brief, the Cell leader's HERMES link starts vibrating. This is very unusual, and means that Aegis has a message. The leader should discretely access the link.
After accessing the tracking codes, a map appears on the leader's HERMES link indicating an apartment building in La Costa (an upscale neighborhood in San Diego). If they have found Beth Grant's address, they notice that it is the same building. The only parking is around the back of the building, but the back entrance is locked. The only way in is the front lobby with a security guard. While parking and trying to access the back door, the Cell spies a San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) truck parked off to the side in front of a maintenance door. A young looking utility worker has a panel of the truck open, b t seems more interested in what's going on around the truck. If the party approaches the truck, or even seems too interested, the worker grabs a wrapped bundle from inside the panel and moves quickly through the maintenance door. He does n t stop if hailed. SDG&ECrafty GMs may note that San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) trucks are all over San Diego and would not present anything peculiar to locals without a Perception check. Otherwise the PCs may miss this event entirely. Luck may play a role in this as well. When they get to the maintenance door, the party finds it locked (Df2 Lockpicking test). Several shots from a pistol destroy the lock, but also arouse the neighborhood, If the party does not follow the worker, the two Black Book operatives complete their work in a half-hour. They drive off, triggering the incendiary devices. The building is entirely wi I be consumed in flames in less than an hour. If the party follows the utility worker, they enter a maze of basement rooms. A large work room, a storage area, a laundry room, and a recycling/garbage room fill most of the floor. The two utility workers are in an enormous boiler/air conditioning machinery area. The door to the area is locked (Df2 Lockpicking test or several shots), and the younger worker who the party noticed outside is keeping watch. The other, older worker expertly affixes incendiary devices for maximum burn. The room is filled with machinery, and plenty of cover. The machinery is so loud that no one will notice a fire fight. If the party appears to be winning, but does not neutralize the Book team quickly, the older worker will trigger the few prepared devices. They will not burn the building as quickly or as efficiently as planned, however the Black Book agents know that in-time get the job done. The initial explosion will kilt the Book team, and any party members in the room will be on fire. The party may notice nearby fire extinguishers. These can he used to put out any party members, and fight the blaze. Even so, firefighters must be summoned within a half an hour or the blaze begins to burn out of control. Should the party neutralize the Book team quickly, they are faced with several primed incendiary devices. A successful DO Demolitions skill disarms the devices, but no time constraints are involved because the devices work off an electronic trigger. The party can also call the fire department and leave the work to them. This of course eliminates any cover-up possibilities. Black Book Demolition TeamAll attributes 3, Luck 2/12 Skills: Autofire 2, Brawling 2, Demolitions 3, Drive 2, First Aid 2, Small Arms: Pistol 3, Small Arms: Rifle 3, Stealth 3 Equipment: Sub-machine guns with two full clips, incendiary devices, tools The Grant ApartmentOnce past the security guard out front, or up the service elevator from the basement, the leader's HERMES link brings the party to Beth Grant's apartment (although they won't know that unless they have looked her up). As they approach the apartment, a young man in jogging clothing exits the apartment and walks past them, nodding hello. Inside, the apartment is light, airy and clean - and very cold. The party notices that the air conditioner has been turned on full blast, and all the windows have been closed. A kitchenette chair has been pulled into the living room and overturned. The chair smashed into a cup of coffee on the way down and spilled it on the floor. Another cup of coffee sits on the opposite side of the low table in front of the couch. A briefcase with a number of personal and work items sits on the living room floor near the overturned chair. The papers indicate that the owner of the briefcase is Elizabeth Grant. Down a short corridor away from the living room and kitchen areas, past a bathroom, is the master bedroom. The body of a young black woman in a business suit lies straddling the doorway. She has been shot once in the chest and is dead. A silenced pistol lies nearby. The HERMES link is in her coat pocket, disguised as a cigarette lighter. The man's style wallet in the front trouser leg holds a full set of identification, listing her as Theresa Adkins. [The party may follow up on these documents but they will learn little - Adkins is a part-time lab assistant at a local hospital who works odd hours. It would take a great deal to break this Aegis-sponsored cover.] On the bed, lies a young Caucasian woman, shot once between the eyes. Near her is a snub-nosed .32 caliber pistol. She too is dressed in a conservative business suit. A set of keys is in one coat pocket. Two of them will open the door locks to the apartment. The frigid apartment has kept both bodies from stinking too badly. One other clue is present. A pad by the nightstand next to the phone reads "Call Dad". Next to the note is a large picture in a frame showing a frumpy, gray-haired man in a tweed jacket. An address book in the briefcase lists Sam Grant's number under "G."
Cabrillo Palisades Townhomes 7911 Harmarsh Street San Diego, CA 92123 The clues result from a botched cover-up attempt. Boch picked up Adkins at 5:30am at his Cell's HQ, briefed her on the desired memory alteration of Grant, and drove over to Grant's apartment. On the way, Adkins pressed him for details on the case, but he refused to provide any. Adkins got suspicious and triggered her HERMES link status check. Boch and Adkins approached Grant as she was preparing to go to work. Grant agreed to answer their question and called her office to say that she would be late. She served coffee, and sat across from Adkins in the living room while Boch paced. Boch asked Grant some general questions while Adkins triggered the MHIC-EDOM. Once Grant was in a trance, Adkins began the hypnotism session. Grant, however, proved highly resistant to hypnosis and snapped out of it in midsession. Frightened, Grant ran for the bedroom and the revolver hidden in the nightstand. Adkins followed trying to calm her. Boch pulled his unregistered, silenced pistol (provided by Aegis) and followed as well. Seeing Boch's pistol over Adkins shoulder, Grant fired, killing Adkins. Boch's instincts took over and he shot Grant in the forehead. Boch put his own pistol in Adkins hand, and removing her pistol from its shoulder holster. He searched Adkins' body and grabbed her cell phone, thinking that was her HERMES link. Boch also secured the MHIC-EDOM, although he has only rudimentary training with it. He turned up the air conditioner, closed the windows, searched for a nearby public phone, and called the "exterminators." If the party foils the "exterminator" attempt, and searches the apartment, they have to decide how to proceed. Their chance of sneaking out unnoticed dissolved with the chance meeting of the neighbor. The Cell has no idea whether Adkins cover will hold under a homicide police investigation. They may wish to remove Adkins' body, and arrange their own cover-up, or finish the job started by the "exterminators." The Cell may think to request any HERMES reports filed by Adkins over the last couple days. Only the leader may make such request. In two hours, the leader will receive a notice that no report was filed, but a personal communication was sent from Adkins' link to another link, which the ISS will not identify. The communication is a jargon-filled and obscure dissertation reviewing a mind control/hypnosis session. No direct references are provided, but from the whole piece, the party can gather that a high level official was conditioned to appoint one of Adkins' Cell members to head a very sensitive investigation. Tracy Peters and Dustin JohnsonPeters and Johnson spend the day at police HQ, doing unnecessary paperwork and getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of communication by Boch. They have long since run down every lead they have. If the party gets to speak with them, their response depends on the circumstances of the meeting. At best, they will express their displeasure at Boch's power play, and their disgust at the Chief for allowing Boch to take over. Getting to see Peters and Johnson at the office must be handled carefully. Everyone in the police station knows that Boch is handling the murder case, and they are all familiar with the FBI team. If the Celt poses as another law enforcement agency, their credentials are checked by a call to the local office. After work hours, Peters and Johnson rest at home. Their addresses may be gotten from the party's police connection, or they may be followed home. Neither person is listed in the phone book. The detectives and their wives are very suspicious of "official" home visitors. GM Note: At various points during this mission, the party's credentials may be checked. If the Cell has not reported to HERMES about their intended cover, or if one of the Cell members is not part of that cover agency, the local office disputes the party's cover and asks that they be retained for questioning. If they have passed their cover through HERMES, have one of the character's rolt Luck. Good Luck means an Aegis mole has covered for them. Neutral Luck means that the local office is confused and conveys that to the police caller. If one of the Cell members is from that agency, a direct call and some stern words straightens things out. All this will delay the party and raise police suspicions. Bad Luck means a superior answers the phone, contradicts the Cell's cover and requests their detention. Given the powerful and official people the Cell meets during this mission, they must be very careful about their cover story. Halloween Scenario 2: Conspiracy X All Saint's Day Back to Shadis #52 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |