written by Paul Lucas
artwork by Cris Dornaus
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Fear the man who has nothing to lose. The Rogue Dragons are a large, ready-made mercenary company that can be dropped as-is into any fantasy campaign. They can be used as background characters, contacts, adversaries, rivals, or even employers, if the party wants in on the mercenary game. history Thirty years ago, two kingdoms - we'll call them Darlan and Corinthia - fought a hard and bitter war. One Darlani commander, Cressus Winterdawn, had become extremely disgusted with the atrocities his army peers were repeatedly committing. A grizzled veteran, Cressus spent his entire life faithfully serving the Darlani army, upholding its traditions and honor; all that was disintegrating before his eyes - the brutality of a new generation of shallow and self-serving officers stood to denigrate everything he stood for. Finally, as the war dragged on month after r&ntless month, he was ordered by a ruthless general to make an example of a justconquered Corinthian town by slaying all of its children. The "rebellion" that had so inflamed this general consisted of several teen-age boys throwing rocks. When Cressus refused to carry out these executions, the general threatened him with charges of treason and death by lashing. Cressus slew his superior on the spot and ordered the general's retainers be stripped of their weapons and handed over to the townspeople (in the interest of justice). Announced to his men his decision to quit the Darlani army and switch sides, nearly half his men joined with him; the other half made no move to stop them. Cressus and his followers crossed enemy lines and offered their services to the nearest Corinthian commander. As anticipated, they were welcomed to join the Corinthian ranks, once they had proven their loyalty - this was achieved by providing information on Darlani troops. Cressus and his men were assigned to guard supply depots - far from the main battles - for the duration of the war. They were used as a source for intelligence periodically, but saw no action. After the war, they were summarily released from Corinthian service. Cressus' band, being traitors to Darlan, would be unable to return home... Determined to stick together in these strange lands, plying the only trade they knew, the group incorporated the mercenary company that would become known as the Rogue Dragons - taking the name from the symbol on Cressus' coat of arms. They've wandered the civilized lands ever since, taking on numerous contracts and fighting in conflict after conflict, and personnel have come and gone over the years. Cressus married and had a single daughter, Rhiannon, who was raised within the company after her mother died. Just a few years ago, Cressus died as a result of a Darlani assassin's vicious attack; later, Rhiannon reluctantly inherited his position as the company's commander. Though tough and capable, she is not the natural leader her father was; often the Dragons are difficult to control as they now maintain a diversified and rambunctious constituency. Many of the Rogue Dragons have no where to go, and outlaws of Darlan would find themselves in a tight spot without the austere presence and magnanimity of the team. Therefore, the older members strive to maintain control through various methods, and would squash any resentment of Rhiannon's authority in order to preserve the longevity of the Dragons. Renowned for being deliberate and efficient - "Do whatever is necessary to complete the job!", the company is prospering now, and has reached its greatest size since Cressus' desertion from Darlan over three decades ago. They are also looked down upon by nobles and others of status, due to their admissions policies they accept anyone (even riff-raff and criminals) who can prove their worth to the company - and are still hunted in the border cities of the Darlan empire; in some locations the order to kill on sight has been given to civilians and soldiers alike, and the company must keep constant vigil against those willing to secure a bounty against the Dragons. organization The company's pay is split into even shares, and divvied among the members according to rank and other circumstances. Rhiannon is the company's commander. She holds the military rank of Captain, and receives 5 shares. Condar is Rhiannon's constant companion and lover, and though he has no official standing within the company, he is greatly respected as a fighter and is known to have Rhiannon's ear. At his own insistence, he receives only 1 share. Ruckus Skullbasher is the official second in command. His military rank is Lieutenant. He receives 4 shares. Illusia is the company's official wizard. She has a military rank of Second Lieutenant, but is never given actual command of troops. She receives 3 shares. Aegim is the group's engineer and siege expert. He is also ranked as a Second Lieutenant and is given command of troops in siege situations. He functions as the Dragons' quartermaster as well. 3 shares. Roric is the company's cleric, surgeon, and healer. He has no official rank, but receives 3 shares. Below this "inner circle" are three Second Lieutenants who are in actual charge of the fighting men. They are ranked in order of seniority. 3 shares. Below them are six Sergeants, each commanding ten men, 2 shares each. There is a company cook, Horig, who is in charge of the officers' food and determines which plants and animals are safe to eat. He is considered a Sergeant, but is rarely given command. 2 shares. Three scouting specialists are kept on the payroll. They are ranked as corporals. 2 shares each. The company's four animal handlers/wagoneers are considered corporals. 1.5 shares each. The 60 foot soldiers are next, split into five-man squads. Each man is expected to be equally skilled at both archery and melee combat. I share each. Total membership: 82 Total shares: 120 Resources The company owns two dozen riding horses, mostly used by the command officers and specialists, as well as sixteen draft beasts. The riding animals are cared for by their owners, with surplus mounts handled by the wagoneers. Each soldier is given a short bow, twelve arrows, a quiver, and a spear if he does not provide his own weapons. He is also assigned a bedroll, a chain mail shirt, a uniform (consisting of a black leather jerkin, brown leggings, boots and a bassinet), a backpack, a water skin, a fire kit, a blanket, a small pouch of medicinal herbs, and an insignia pin. Each squad is issued two tents. Sergeants are given the same personal gear, but use a sword and shield instead of a spear; plus they get their own tents. If an officer's choice of weapon differs from those of the sergeants, it is noted in their individual descriptions. The company owns four wagons, usually laden with supplies and tools such as shovels, axes, cooking pots, extra tents, spare wheels, and so on. When on the march, surplus equipment is carried by the additional horses and every soldier is expected to carry his share. Rogue Dragons Mercenary Team for Your Fantasy Campaign
Rhiannon Winterdawn, Condar, and Ruckus Skullbasher Callan, Illusia Willowmist, and Aurella Ghalon, Thallin, and Aegim Cresst Chaplain Roric Ontas Other Members Hiring the PCs Back to Shadis #50 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1998 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |