by Dave Dollar
Art by Paul Herbert
Maps by Tyson Parker
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Kane Drachman Action Hero SupremeAs Heinrich DuVall, the French-born, German-educated
bodybuilding, martial arts assassin.
Skills: Martial Arts (Kung Fu), Lifting Heavy Things, Acting: 2 Advantages: Attractiveness: 1, Wealth: 4 Incapable of playing a role without an accent, Drachman is a constant challenge to every screenwriter who just wanted a plain American action hero, without having to write in extravagant plot devices to explain his thick foreign accent. Drachman is by no means a seasoned fighter - he has never fought for his life off the silver screen. However, he is an accomplished martial artist and his tong track record in the action movie business had made him quite familiar with firearms. In fact, he can handle, strip, clean and reload any pistol with a jeweled precision that would make a real soldier's eyes bug out. But that's where his skill ends..he's a terrible shot, almost as dangerous to his allies as to his enemies Drachman is really like a big kid. He loves his movies and his fast cars, and above all, really likes to imagine that the bad guys are real; that there is a line between black and white in our world today, and that real heroes exist -- and can make a difference. Naturally he does not spread this around, for fear of ridicule from his peers. If Drachman survives this fight, his bond with the hunters will be unbreakable. Recent Films: American Bloodlust (Grossed $82 million) No Gun Too Big (Grossed $144 million) The Grunting Man (Grossed $38 million) Blood, Guts and Hard Liquor (Tanked) Drachman is very sensitive about his last movie and is constantly looking for someone who liked it, or for that matter, heard of it. Katie Wade: Darling of the Silver screenBOD- 2 As Moira Silken, daughter of the famous biologist Dr. Franz Silken. Morra is the one lever that can get her father to release the secret arming code to the Midas Beam; a super-weapon that blah ... blah ... blah... Katie is a nice young woman who stays out of public life as much as possible. She initially came to LA from her home in Nebraska, to get a job with a computer firm in Sherman Oaks and live with her boyfriend. Romance went sour immediately and Katie ended up without a job and without a home. A lucky break on an Odor Eaters commercial started her career in film and soon she was cranking out picture after picture. She is reasonably strong of will but has never even come close to the carnage she will face tonight. Recent films: Forget Cleveland (Grossed $92 mil), While You Were Scratching (Grossed $54 mil) Alec Mars: The Veteran HeroAs Franz Silken, famous scientist and golf enthusiast, Moira's father.
This was the old man with the golf bag. Mars has been in over a hundred movies, mostly action or drama. His normal role is as the aging hero, passing the torch down to his younger counterpart. Famous for his dramatic, and realistic death scenes, he is one of the most respected actors in the business, despite his advancing age and indelible English accent. He is, most famous for his roles as [A British Spy Whose Name We Cannot Mention Here]. Recent Films: Older than Dirt (Grossed $56 million), Keeps on Ticking (Grossed $28 million), Women 1/3 My Age Still Want Me (Grossed $131 million) Dillon Moore, The Unwilling HeroAs Max Tempest, a young medical student and hockey player fighting to keep up his grades, keep his scholarships, and get drafted to the NHL so he can pay off the mortgage on his widowed mother's farm before the foreclosure. Over spring break he must win Moira's heart and team up with Heinrich DuVall (his old karate instructor) to save Moira and her dad from certain death (or at least discomfort) at the hands of Gayle Grayson. BOD: 2 Dillon is anything but a hero in real life. He is a nasty, whiny selfish brat who was raised into the film industry on his father's coattails. He is always well stocked with cocaine and overflowing with had attitude. He is a coward to the core and will gladly sell everyone in the hotel to Clay's men on the hollow promise of his continued life. Dillon is filthy rich and has purchased his own cellular subnet through West Coast Telecom. This means that when the bad guys shut down all communications with the outside world (Event 9) Dillon's phone will be unaffected. More on that later. Recent Films: Passing Out in LA (Grossed $50 million) Blow Monkey (Tanked) Take My Sister (Grossed $14 million) Lucinda Kay, The SupermodelAs Gayle Grayson, the enemy agent. ,
This is a perfect first time role for Lucinda Kaye, as all of her acting jobs to date have merely been poses for the fold-out pages of various "gentleman's" publications. Her role mostly consists of standing around, looking good, and pointing at people for her brutish flunkies to squash. She is acutely aware of her status in the eyes of the other cast members and so ; keeps to herself quite a bit. She is very sensitive about her image as a sex object and this makes her tend to get violent at men making lewd suggestions in her direction. She was raised on a ranch in Arizona, and before the start of her dubious career she was narrowly edged out of the final slot on the US Olympic women's archery team. She is a crack shot with a bow, and not at all had with a crossbow. Recent Films: Skin Ranchers II (Grossed $12 million... direct to video) Tim Payne, Stunt ManBOD:2 Here is a man who never loses his sense of humor. As one of the premier stunt men in Hollywood Jim has been in over 175 films in the last 10 years. I He has also broken over 175 bones. Jim has been crushed, blown up, stapled, mangled, dropped, shredded, decompressed, eaten and incinerated in over 4 billion dollars of footage. Almost 30% of his filmed stunts (and he is very proud of this) were actually brutally painful failures that looked better on film that the original stunt - so they were kept. This is despite all the regulation safety precautions that were scrupulously followed on the set. Jim is just terribly unlucky. He is so unlucky, in fact l that he happens to be here tonight. When assigning targets for random gunfire, explosions or shrapnel damage, age, let Jim take the hits for the most wounded Hunter in your party. At all times, Jim carries with him a bottle of prescription painkillers (for 175 broken bones worth of arthritis). They are very potent and have not I actually been approved for general use by the FDA. Wounded characters who take Jim's pills, after an onset time of 20 minutes, will be able to ignore the pain effects of all but the most major injuries. The drawback is that all MIN and AGI checks will he made a -1 penalty. *Note: Jim will be happy to jump the motorcycle off the roof for the Hunters -- provided they set up the wire first. Hal Karsten, FBI Director (and Friends)At 47 years old Karsten ranks among the younger men ever to achieve the post of Director of the FBI. This is not so much due to his know-how, as his know-who. Karsten has been in the employ of Jonas Clay (and other less than reputable figures) for the last 12 years. Were anyone to ask him, he would not know how his descent into corruption started. At first it was innocent enough - a "favor" for the governor of Alabama when one of his aides was caught in a mail fraud scheme. The kid wasn't trafficking weapons, or killing, or kidnapping, or anything. He was just trying to make some side money with a home business. Just lose the file. No one would even know the difference. But as Hal Karsten would tell you now, there is a clear line between right and wrong... and if you are not on one side of it, you are on the other. But back then, it was so hard to see that line. What was wrong with bending the rules... as long as nobody got hurt? But it just got easier and easier to bend them a little farther each time. It was this attitude that led Karsten to the bed of a San Francisco schoolteacher one rainy October night. He had been in the field for some time and was acutely feeling the cold ache of loneliness. One drink too many and Hal Karsten had suddenly done something that could never be undone. He had been unfaithful. And he had been photographed. Then-Councilman Clay of Sacramento offered to help. The photos, and the journalist, simply faded into anonymity... never heard from again. Since then, Karsten has slid backwards and backwards and backwards... trying to hold sacred the one thing that means more to him than life, or honor, or God -- his family. Karsten's wife Jayna and his daughter Claire are his entire world. He will do anything -- anything -- to protect them. He will not listen to reason, or options, or alternative plans, or pleas for mercy. He knows only the he must destroy the Hunters or /Claire and Jayna will pay the accumulated price of 12 years corruption. Generic SWAT Operative: Standard combat gear for these guys includes (but is not limited to) headset communicators, ballistic vest and leggings with front and rear trauma plates, an M16-A1 with four extra clips, 2 teargas grenades, 2 smoke grenades and 2 flash grenades. Their sidearms are SIG 9mm automatics with extended clip (16 shots). BOD:3 The Four Johnson, FBI Special AgentsLisa Johnson: Lisa is 29 and has been with the Bureau for five years. Her specialty is forensic identification, and so she can tell you all about how to judge a corpse's time of death by which insects have started to use the body as a host. She is very friendly and open but, not much fun at dinner. "Did you know that flies will settle on a body within 15 minutes of TOD? They first move in and lay eggs in the nasal cavities and ear canals. After just 15 minutes! Can you believe that?! 24 hours later those little larvae are just munching away at the soft tissues inside the ... are you ok? You aren't going to eat all that rice are you?" She makes a hobby of growing chili peppers and is a great connoisseur of scalding hot foods. BOD:2 Chad Johnson: Under the word "Genius" in the dictionary is a picture of Chad Johnson. Chad is a 5'10" rail of a man whose clothes seem to hang on him in defiance of gravity. He was legally blind, until laser RK surgery restored him to near-perfect vision last year. He has been with the Bureau for eight years, and in the field for four of that. Normally the Bureau does not allow agents with so severe a visual impairment to pull duty in the field, but thanks to Frank Gutenberg, Chad is right where he wanted to he all his young life. Gutenberg's team has not been disappointed. Chad's raw intellect has saved all their lives on more than one occasion. His specialty is in criminal psychology of serial killers. He is a frighteningly accurate human lie detector and will be a good way to present your Hunters with tips as to what the bad guys might be planning. His hobby is model railroading. BOD:1 Louis Johnson: By far the loudest of Gutenberg's team, Lou is the group con man. His chain smoking, unkempt hair and pot belly make him an unlikely subject for an FBI special agent. This is one of the things he counts on when interviewing witnesses or suspects, on or off the crime scene. He is by far the friendliest and most outgoing of the group and while his loud, overbearing nature and uninvited comments on people's personal appearance or habits may seem obnoxious, everyone seems to find him charming. Charming enough to let critical pieces of evidence slip out of their mouths. He is gifted with a photographic memory. If asked how long he has been in the field, he will only grin and respond, "Through 2 marriages and a hundred grand in palimony!" Sports, beer and fine cigars are Lou's passions. He can tell you anything you want to know about the Detroit Red Wings. BOD:2 Chris Johnson: The newest of the Four Johnsons, Chris pulls double duty as the team's muscle man and intrusion specialist. His combat skills come from four years with the USMC. He is unbearably shy around women, making him the team's last choice for a witness interview. His passion is cars -- fast ones. His hobby is body building. BOD:4 The Vampire Lazarus (and Friends)The Vampire Lazarus
Lazarus is one of Clay's favorite and most loyal followers, and is unusual for a vampire, in the capacity in which he has applied his Undead abilities. Lazarus is a very well-trained and renowned mercenary. His fascination with soldiery, for several centuries, has been total. He began over 500 years ago as a monk, serving under Richard the Lion-Hearted and ultimately became one of the Knights Templar - serving the cause of the Pope during the Crusades. When an alliance between the Papacy and the English crown caused the Templars to be disbanded, the Order refused to comply, arguing that the Papacy was above the English crown and that the Templars owed allegiance to no one but God himself. To their shock and dismay, the Pope declared the Templars heretics and excommunicated them from the church of Rome. Lazarus fled to Spain a hunted man. It was in a small town just outside Madrid that he fell prey to a woman. A woman who stole his monastic virtue... and his mortal life. Ever since, he has wandered the night, mostly through the dark streets (and battlefields) of Europe, but for the last few years, here in America. He couples his skills as a soldier with his Undead abilities, making him a deadly opponent. Unlike the other Undead your Hunters have faced so far, Lazarus does not kill entirely for pleasure. He does so just because it's... well... it's what he does. It is his job. His targets are not limited to mortals either - he is Clay's personal enforcer. Lazarus has found in Clay, at last, a leader whose strength and determination he respects. But Lazarus also respects other soldiers - especially Vampire Hunters. He knows what it means to face down the darkness... even if he happens to be a part of it. If the Hunters are able to wound Lazarus badly enough (which will be difficult) he will retreat completely out of the battle, and leave his flunkie vampires to fend for themselves. Wounded as badly as he must be to retreat, he will feed and sleep for several days - which means he won't be able to defend Clay in the final conflict. If this happens, he will keep tabs on the Hunters afterwards, but will not immediately move to wipe them out. He will gather information and wait. After the whole affair is over, and Jonas Clay is dead, your Hunters will probably throw a party. Lazarus will most likely send the Hunters some expensive "Congratulations" gift along with a hand-written note. If he lives, Lazarus could be the seed to a whole new campaign. In combat, Lazarus wears a boron-lined black ballistic vest with front and rear trauma plates. ("Drive a stake through this, jerk!") But what's even more frightening is the emblem he wears on that vest: Brightly contrasting on the black background is a blazing white cross - as he used to wear in the Knights Templar. In the fight Lazarus carries a specially designed longsword as his favored weapon. Its grip is rubber and form-fitted to his hand. Its blade is a hi-tech ceramic alloy. His Vampiric strength, combined with the sharpness of the blade, can shear through concrete and steel. It does damage as a class 3 weapon Crosses and other holy-symbols have no effect on Lazarus. Quote: "The Pope? Yeah, I used to work for him. The bastard fired me." The Vampire Reggie
Reggie wanted to be a rock and roll star when he came to Hollywood in 1982. Instead, he prowls the neon streets of LA. In his master's eyes he had one trait that set him above all the rest of the coven for this mission. He was all Lazarus could find. The Vampire Bif
Bif is presently doing a tour as the "Ptarmigan Slasher" and trying to cut five more strokes off his moonlight golf game. His lair is in an expensive condo just up the hill from LA's exclusive Ptarmigan golf course. Recently several teenagers using the golf course as a midnight party spot have been found brutally murdered. He avidly collects the jewelry of his victims. As opposed to Reggie, Bif is always well dressed. He keeps the keys to his BMW convertible on a chain around his neck. Like Reggie, he was immediately available. Hunters Inc. Chapter 5: The Vampire Strikes Back Back to Shadis #39 Table of Contents Back to Shadis List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master List of Magazines © Copyright 1997 by Alderac Entertainment Group This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |