by Dave Dollar
Art by Paul Herbert
Maps by Tyson Parker
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Event 1) ArrivalAfter a comfortable, first class, coast-to-coast flight from NY to LA (probably with lots of complimentary beverages) the Hunters will be met at LAX by a group of black federal limousines and taken directly to the Twin Towers to meet with Director Karsten. If one of your Hunters is still carrying the white teddy bear from the last episode they will feel inexplicably eager and excited to be in LA. Additionally, the same character will suddenly have a whole head full of LA trivia that they have no idea how they know. This might manifest itself in the form of the character suggesting a speedier route to the hotel than the driver is taking: "Y'know, if you take the 110 around to the 101 you could miss all that 405 traffic completely..." Or: "You can save 20 minutes if you get off on Wilshire and just cut through West Hollywood. Wait a minute... have I ever been here before?!" The limo drivers are from the local LA office. But Gutenberg has brought with him his four best agents (The Four Johnsons). These are the same agents that have assisted him through this entire affair. They are loyal to none before him. The limos will pull gracefully into the rotary at the root of the Twin Towers and deposit the Hunters and their FBI escorts at the front doors, in the shadow of the pool area, 17 floors above. The FBI agents are all carrying concealed sidearms. Gutenberg will permit the Hunters to take in any and all of their gear provided they are discreet about it. "Hi there big boy, is that a Stinger missile in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" The lobby is lavishly appointed with a central fountain encircling the express elevator shafts and broad balconies where diners can dine at a number of fine cafes, or shop for memorabilia and gifts. The floor is a mirror of marble and the reception desk is carved of a single piece of white and gray stone. The place really is a work of art. The Hunters, shell shocked form the last several week's events and probably at least lightly drunk on first class complimentary beverages, can breath a deep sigh of relief at the promise of a comfortable bed and some good room service. But just one sigh please - that's all we have time for...just as the Hunters cross the threshold into the hotel, the silence is shattered by a woman's scream as a man dressed in black leathers jumps out of the dense foliage of a planter near the elevators. In a blur of speed, an old man carrying a golf bag takes a crushing right hook across the jaw and crumples to the floor. With a single motion, the man in black leathers steps toward the young woman and grabs a nine iron out of the golf bag. "Damn you Celia!! Couldn't get enough, could you!? Thought you'd take it all, eh?! Well... welcome to the club!!" he screams and cocks the golf club back to strike... Bad timing, man, bad timing... As they are pounding his face into a fleshy ooze, one or more of your Hunters might notice that their crazed assailant looks a little like "Keanu Reeves..." In fact, he looks just like "Keanu Reeves." Uh oh.... As the hunters are slowly considering the ramifications of their mistake, the frantic voice of the director shrieks out from above, "Cud! CUT!!! CUUUUTTTT!!! #$%@&!" The scene was supposed to be a master shot taken of an assault filmed earlier on a sound stage at the studio. The actors were only wearing wireless mikes and no special lighting was to be used. Gutenberg will hand the discarded, limp rubber golf club to the nearest Hunter, "I would've picked the four-wood." GMs: Looks like your hunters have made some enemies in the movie business. That's right. Blood Ties is the newest A-list production in the works at Ravenous Studios and it stars all your players' favorites! For game purposes, fictional names and brief, fictional accounts of the NPC actors' careers are included for your use. However for best effect, you should replace these names with your player's favorite superstars. If one (or more) of your players is really sweet on Sandra Bullock, then replace "Katie Wade" with "Sandra Bullock." If one of your players always wanted to fight terrorists alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, replace "Kane Drachman" with "Arnold Schwarzenegger". If one of your players really fantasizes about pushing Gilbert Godfried off the top of a burning hotel... ... well, you get the picture. "Keanu Reeves" was merely a name picked at random out of the ether. Substitute it with any name you wish. There should he enough talent to go around for each of your players to team with their favorite superstar. Role play out the interaction of the Hunters with their favorite actors... especially as the night progress: es and the situation gets worse. I think you'll be surprised how much your players like it. The Cast of Blood Ties is detailed in the Cast List boxes throughout the article. Here is a summary:
Katie Wade: Darling of the Silver Screen Alec Mars: The Veteran Hero Dillon Moore: The Unwilling Hero Lucinda Kaye: The Supermodel With the assaulted actor either unconscious, or Just badly battered, Gutenberg will step in and flash his badge. While this will not stop the director, Sal Solomon, from total hysterics, it will keep the police from hauling our heroes off in irons. Plot Point While Gutenberg soothes the situation with Ravenous Pictures, Special Agent Johnson (you pick) will lead the hunters over to the desk to check in. The conversation should go something like below. Let your players hear it. "Johnson - party of 10. We have a floor reserved." "I'm sorry, Mister Johnson, your reservation for the 17th floor was bumped at the last minute. I have you on the 18th floor ... is that alright?" "That will be fine." Yes."
"Do you know Scully and Mulder?"
"No. That's a TV show, you @$$%*&A . Get a life
and give us our keys."
Sal Solomon and his crew have occupied the
17th floor for the duration of their stay. The bad guys
will not know that the Hunters have been bumped.
This is very good for the Hunters and very
bad for the film crew. At around 9:00 prn the Hunters
will be escorted to a conference room on the ground
floor where they will meet with Hal Karsten, Director
of the FBI.
As mentioned above, this meeting should take
place about 9:00 pm. This makes it a night meeting so
that Clay's vampiric helpers can operate freely, and
also sets up the': Hunters to be able to view the 10:00
news afterwards - to catch Event 3: Clay's Unveiling.
Karsten has been head of the Bureau for nine
years. Before that, he was a crime lab researcher
specializing in ID forensics in Washington. He has
been with the FBI for 22 years; so it has en a long
time since old Hal was in the field.
Role play the meeting with Karsten, but keep
it brief. Karsten is there mostly to hear the player's
stories. He is collecting information for Clay, so that
Clay can more accurately assess the damage his
organization has taken so far.
Such questions as:
"Tell me in your own words, what you saw in
"What clues led you to Howard Hawke in New York?"
"Are there any loose ends or remaining threats
that you can see from your last two... uh... exercises?
Who are they and in what capacity are they a threat to
"What is the next step from here? Any leads on
who is coordinating this coven?"
At this moment, he is calm and seems almost
disinterested. His orders thus far are to find out what
the Hunters know.
After the Hunters have had the opportunity tc
thoroughly tell their stories, he will tell them, that he will
need to "get back to them on it."
Indicate to the players that Karsten seemed
skeptical and a little nervous.
The Hunters can now freely retire to their
rooms Senator Clay is going to be on at 10:00... some
press release or something.
At 10:00 pm Pacific Time, Senator Clay will
address the citizens of California. His purpose will be to
reveal the model for his Solace Center -- the keystone of his
welfare reform program -- to the rest of the country. In
his speech, Clay will summarize the Solace Bill as a
welfare reform bill that will tax big business and the rich
to provide federal funding for the Solace Centers. The
Solace Centers will provide housing, education and
medical facilities for the homeless, infirm and
It is here that he will unveil Howard Hawke's
model of the Solace Center. This should be all your
Hunters need to put the final pieces together (if they
haven't already). By now it should be pretty hard for
them to miss that distinctive maroon-and-tan theme.
Clay's speech will be interrupted by the 17th
floor (and most of the tech crew of Blood Ties) being
blasted into next week.
The explosion will kill all main and auxiliary
elevator service in west tower. All four emergency
stairwells will be engulfed in flame and main power to
everything above the 17th will be cut. Even evacuating
the lower levels will be difficult due to the large amount
of flaming debris that the blast wilt hurl into the central
shaft of the tower.
For the Hunters and their allies, there is no way
to go but up.
At this point, after a cursory check for escape
routes, the Hunters should be grabbing anything they can and start hitting the emergency stairs to the upper
levels. As the stampede through the restaurant they
could pick up several stunt men or tech crew who might
be dining late. But the real fun starts when they get to
the roof.
Important Note: Here is a good
place to make example of the fact that this is a dynamic
adventure. Instead of a course set out on a paper map,
your characters must thread their way through the
events of the plot. Your Hunters have already had time
to interact with the stars of Blood Ties. And so one or
more of them might already be on the restaurant level
dining with the cast. Or perhaps even on the penthouse
level drinking with the cast - with impure thoughts in
their minds.
Your Hunters could be anywhere... it's up to
you to give them subtle incentive to keep them on the
23rd floor or higher.
To get to the roof, your players must pass
through the Penthouse level. This level contains six
deluxe suites where the A-List members of he cast are
staying the night. It's more convenient to just stay at the
hotel since they would have to be here at the crack of
dawn anyway to film the Big Motorcycle Stunt
tomorrow. See Event 9 for more on the Big Motorcycle
The stars of Blood Ties are not as quick to
action as the Hunters and so are still waiting for the
hotel management to call them and tell them what
happened. As the Hunters arrive, the stars will just be
realizing that the hotel is on fire and panic will be just
setting in. Time for the Hunters to take charge and get
everyone they can to the roof, before they succumb to
the rising heat and smoke. A rescue by helicopter should
still be pretty easy at this stage.
Trying to bolt up to the penthouse level, the
Hunters could meet resistance from the actors'
underinformed private security. These guys are just big
mooks and should be easy for your hunters to intimidate
or neutralize.
There are many things to do on the roof -- not
the least of which is get on a cell phone and call for
With a bombing like this, the local FBI is sure to
he in close proximity. Gutenberg is all over that. He'll
call Karsten and ask for a helicopter...
And surprisingly enough... it's director Karsten
himself leading FBI response team.
Karsten will be surprised to hear from the
"Yes, of course... we'll have a bird to you in five
minutes! Hang tight!"
Hunters with any kind of danger sense might
notice a strain in Hal Karsten's vioce... but there's no
time to deal with that now... because it's time for....
While the advanced architecture of the Twin
Towers makes it almost immune to earthquake damage,
it was never designed to take deliberate special forces-
style vandalism. Lazarus' C4 charges will sever the
flexible joints connecting the Skybridge with the West
Tower. The Skybridge is still connected to the east
Gravity, today as always, is reliable as ever. In a
chorus of screaming steel and shrieking victims, the
entire Skybridge platform will hinge downward,
separating form the West tower, dumping
150,000 gallons (650 tons!) of water from the glass-
bottomed pool, 180 feet into the rotary below.
Collateral damage to nearby pedestrians and
vehicles from all the lawn furniture, soft drink machines,
food vendor stands and 40 or more flailing bodies,
crashing to earth at approximately 80 mph, should be
graphically described.
The unstoppable torrent of water will hurl
humans (who will likely be killed instantly by the shock
of its first impact) and all but the heaviest vehicles, out
of the rotary and down the hill -- creating an instant
mudslide of water, flesh and steel.
At least two limousines and four cars will wash
with the slide down the hill onto Highland Avenue,
causing a massive pileup.
Vehicles crashing through the guardrails on
Highland Avenue will roll (possibly in flames) onto the
101 freeway - causing further pileups.
Kane Drachman: "Look at that... it is just like
in a movie..."
Your hunters will have about a 4 minute window
to use the cables laying around on the roof (property of
Ravenous Pictures) to pluck a few innocent civilians off
the Skybridge before it fully separates from the West
tower. They'll have to move fast.
Note: The cables are not nearly strong enough
o keep the skybridge from falling.
Once Karsten discovers the Hunters and
Gutenberg are still alive, he will order all cellular service
in the area to be shut down and all land
telecommunications service cut. The outside world
cannot know about this. One or more of the actors or
civilians might bring this to the Hunters' attention
through their complaints. "Louie! Oh Louie, my cell
phone has died!"
However, remember, Dillon Moore's phone is
on a separate subnet, and so still works.
One or more of your hunters might notice -- just
before Karsten's chopper rises up over the edge of the
roof -- that this 'rescue' helicopter is flying in under the
level of the roof... and pretty fast.
Instead of a friendly medivac to airlift the
soon-to-be-charcoal Hunters off the roof, Karsten
has called for a gunship. Two SWAT snipers packing
M16s (with grenade launchers and light-intensifier
nightscopes) will start cutting them down the instant the
helicopter clears the line of the roof. They haven't been
informed as to the nature of the "terrorists" they're
supposed to be shooting at, and so won't be too choosy
about their targets. The group is going to have to be
pretty tough and accurate with their fire to down a
SWAT helicopter.
This would be a good time to lose a few civilians
if your crowd on the roof is getting unmanageably large.
For added fun, a stray M203 grenade could get blasted
into that 8,000 gallon water tank. The rupture in the tank
would create a small but potent flash flood that would
wash Hunters, actors and/or civilians off the roof. That
is, unless they could grab onto something and dangle
awhile, screaming hysterically for help.
Note: Do not let the Hunters capture a working
helicopter... even if none of them knows how to fly it,
they are bound to try. For best effect, have it careen
down into a nearby residential area and explode.
The media has arrived! Karsten commits to his
path of action and declares that a group called the
Crystal Jihad has seized the building and
hostages. He will declare that the terrorists are in
possession of an unknown number of high explosives
and heavy weapons, and that all air traffic in the area is
to be shut down until further notice.
This is so no news choppers can get a good
took at the roof.
If none of your Hunters happen to be glued to
the news on their portable televisions, one of the actors,
or other civilians that might be up there can bring it to
their attention.
"Damn! Like we weren't in it deep enough!
Now they're sayin' we got terrorists up here!"
LA Action Live reporter, Diana Wolfe, from her
vantage at the FBI staging area in the parking lot will be
interviewing Director Hal Karsten live!
Wolfe: "Are you empowered with any kind of
authority, Director, should the Crystal Jihad issue its demands?"
Karsten: "This is America, Ms. Wolfe. We
don't deal with terrorists." At this point, the Hunters may need to restrain
Frank Gutenberg; otherwise he will grab up the nearest
heavy firearm he can find and -- screaming obscenities
all the way -- start blazing away at the FBI staging
area. They are way too far out to be accurate, but a
barrage of M16 fire will make Karsten and Wolfe dive
for cover, truncating the press conference.
From here out, anyone approaching too close to
the edge of the roof is going to be a target for SWAT snipers.
It's getting mighty warm up here, Hunters. What now?
The marquee stunt of Blood Ties was supposed
to be Dillon Moore (as Max Tempest) jumping his
motorcycle between the towers of the Twin Towers
Hotel. More specifically, it was supposed to be Dillon's
stunt double making the jump. Even then, he wouldn't
actually be making the jump.
Are you crazy?
For this stunt, a thin but strong steel cable was to
be strung from the antenna of the West Tower to the
Roof of the East tower. A special harness was then to
be fitted to Max Tempest's bullet bike (an insanely
powerful, turbo-charged 1100cc monster) The design of
the harness was such that it would hold both the bike
and rider securely attached as they jumped off the roof
and then slid down the cable to a large open hole in the
glass. Then they could reel the bike back up and shoot it
again from a different angle.
The bike is there (two of them, in fact). The
ramp is in place. The glass is open over on the East
tower. The only thing missing is...the wire.
If someone could really actually jump
that motorcycle, for real, over to the other
tower... with the cable attached, they could
secure it to something and everyone else
could slide across to safety. It's only about
120 feet. Except for the darkness, the smoke
and the hail of sniper fire, it's a pretty
straightforward jump.
And would at least keep them from
cooking alive.
The target zone is a removed section
of curved glass on the opposite tower's
restaurant level. It's gonna make an awful
mess if they miss it.
The SWAT gunmen will keep shooting
at anyone trying to slide across after the wire
has been placed. Their orders are "no
There are two motorcycles there so
your Hunters can try it twice, if the first one
Possible complication
The Hunter making the heroic
jump smashes through the glass and surprises
(I know I'd be surprised) a team of SWAT
operatives. Surprise, flying glass and crashing
motorcycles could help even the odds for your
The blueprints for the East Tower are
laid out in an impromptu foreman's office on
the restaurant level (see map). This will
become a valuable tool for the Hunters when
the FBI cuts the power to the building. Now
that they are off the roof, and out of danger
from the fire, Karsten knows he will have to
take them out conventionally.
From the blueprints, any of your
characters with construction or engineering
skill will be able to locate the emergency
battery room.
Who gets to go down to the 20th floor
and turn on the emergency power - in the
In direct violation of Karsten's no-fly
zone a Bell Jetranger, piloted by the Vampire
Lazarus will arc up over the rooftop some 70
or 80 feet. Doubtless, it will be taking fire
from the Hunters as it approaches, so it will
veer away as soon as it delivers it's payload
the Vampires Bif and Reggie.
Lazarus is using Bif and Reggie to
observe the Hunter's offensive capabilities.
He half expects them to be killed but wants to
see how the Hunters react before going in
The Hunters will first hear the sound
of a helicopter far above. The sound of its
engine will slow and then rev more quickly.
The chopper must be 300 or more feet above the roof.
Some large object, plummeting
through the darkness will hit the roof so hard
and so heavy that it will punch clear through to the next floor.
No explosions follow... and when the Hunters go to
inspect the projectile, they will find... nothing.
The Vampire Lazarus is here... somewhere...
The unattended Jetranger will crash into the
GMs: you don't have to necessarily wait until
now to use this one. Throw it in whenever it suits you.
Dillon Moore's cell phone is still active. He has
used it to call the police (in between snorts of cocaine
from his private stash) on these insane "Hunter" people.
"They're crazy! They think the FBI is out to kill them!
I'm losin' my mind up here, dammit you gotta help me!"
The smooth, soothing voice on the other end
assured him everything would be alright... as long as he
did what he was told...
You should begin with Dillon arguing loudly
against anything that might be a good idea. These type
of characters always seem to do that.
From there, someone might notice that Dillon is
conspicuously absent from time to time; presumably
sneaking off to snort his coke -- but actually going off to
phone the bad guys.
Until he gets a chance to grab a firearm -- and
this should be at the worst possible time -- Dillon will
merely act as a spy for Karsten. But when he has his
chance, he will try to grab a gun, take a hostage and
present himself for surrender to the authorities.
Unless the Hunters are taking stringent
precautions to stay quiet and stay away from the
windows, the Feds will know right where they are most
of the time. The success or failure of this offense by the
SWAT team will be, in large part, determined by their
knowledge of where the Hunters are going to be.
Two pairs of SWAT operatives will assault the
stairwells simultaneously - firing bursts of automatic fire
up the stairwell and lobbing the occasional flash grenade
up a flight to the balcony above them. They will try and
take one floor at a time this way - driving back the
Hunters' defenses.
Hunters with a military background will get a
MIN check, however, to notice something...
... those guys really aren't trying too hard.
In fact, the stairwell assault is only a distraction,
to keep the Hunters away from the central express
elevator shaft.
Either two or four SWAT operatives are
ascending the center maintenance shaft, which opens
onto the roof. If the Hunters don't get savvy and consult
their blueprints quickly, they are going to be fighting a
two front war.
Three fronts, if any of Lazarus' team is still
wandering around.
Here, it is important to note that Clay is listening to Diana Wolfe on the radio to keep apprised of the
situation. The siege has gone on far too long. He will
telephone Karsten to give him some more... inspiration.
Karsten, still awaiting a report from the FBI
team in Anaheim, will pick up the phone with dread
gnawing at the pit of his stomach.
"I don't think you are trying very hard, Director.
That's no way to repay me for all the favors I've done
you. I want this situation handled, Hal, do you understand
me? Now I don't want you think I'm some kind of
monster, Hal - we're friends... right? And friends are
good to each other, aren't they? Aren't they? Hal, what
is that noise? Are you crying? Stop crying Hal... and pull
yourself together. We're friends... so I'm going to give
you a choice. You get to choose, Hal... which one do
you want to keep? Jayna or Claire? We're friends, Hal...
I'm only going to kill one of them, and I'm going to let
you pick..."
This should prompt Karsten to initiate...
Perhaps no-one will ever know what choice Hal
Karsten made with Clay on the phone, but the result of
Clay's "inspiration" is that Karsten hits the Twin Towers
with everything he has left.
He will tell his SWAT operatives on the ground
that the terrorists have started executing the hostages. If
your Hunters are alert, they might catch him on the
"...this is a free-fire zone! There are no
friendlies, repeat, no friendlies!"
Lock and load, Hunters... this one's for all the
Karsten's assault teams are going to be moving
fast and so might be a little reckless. Press the hunters
from several directions at once and press them hard.
Give them as much as they can take.
It'll be a brutal fight, but eventually the gunfire
will cease, and an eerie silence will wash over the
As the battle for the building raged, Karsten
finally got a call from his team in Anaheim. His wife and
child were dead.
As the ringing in the Hunter's ears is finally
beginning to fade, Karsten will walk into the lobby. He is
unarmored and armed only with his pistol. Picking his
way through the carnage he will make no efforts to
cover or dodge.
"They're dead, Frank. I just got the call. They're
dead. You were right. Frank. You were right all the
If any of the Hunters look questioningly at
Gutenberg for direction, he will stare coldly back.
"Kill him."
Even if your Hunters don't ventilate Karsten
where he stands, given a few more seconds, Karsten
will press his pistol to the side of his head and do it
Most of your crew is likely already dressed in
SWAT armor and carrying SWAT weapons. As they
exit the lobby in the graying light of dawn, Gutenberg will
hold up his badge (to forestall any gunfire) and take
command of the task force. He will loudly declare, for
the benefit of the media, that all the terrorists were killed
and the building is secure.
Diana Wolfe will broadcast this news to the
whole world... including Senator Clay. Looks like he'll be
able to make that press conference after all.
Next Episode: The FBI arrests
Senator Clay on national TV, marking the end of the
Solace Bill, and Clay's political career -- almost.
Until next time...
Hunters Inc. Chapter 5: The Vampire Strikes Back