Tera Nightshade
by John Zinser
Occupation: Kolat Monk
Skills: Stealth, HTH Combat, Weapons
Motivation: World Domination
Weaknesses: Fear of Magic
The Kolat Monks are a secret organization of warriors dedicated to the eventual
takeover of the civilized world. Tera
Nightshade is a Terrorist; she and Dejal travel the world enforcing the Kolat's rule
through terrorist activities such as assasinations, kidnappings, infiltration of local
governments, bribery etc. As a member of the Kolat she is a master of disguise and
deception and she uses this to the best of her abilities.
She currently has lovers in riding parties of seven major kingdoms and she uses
these men to manipulate activities in the governments to help the Kolat. She and
Dejal are wanted in almost every kingdom, under various names.
She currently has her sights set on the crown jewels. They plan to use them to
bribe a Dragon into attacking and destroying the castle of Lord Keltar who has been
causing quite a bit of trouble for the Kolat lately.
by John Zinser
Occupation: Kolat Monk, Assassin
Skills: Martial Arts,Stealth, Thieving Skills
Motivation: To become Grand Master
Weaknesses: Loyalty to Tera
Dejal is one of the few masters who has been trained both as a Monk and an
Assassin. He is personally responsible for over 20 political assassinations, including
three within the Kolat organization itself which furthered his quest to become
Grand Master of the Kolat. Dejal is a lawful warrior and prides himself on the fact
that innocent people are never harmed during his assassinations and other terrorist activities.
For the past three years he has been working with Tera and has grown to like
and respect her. Unfortunately, she is two ranks higher in the organization than he is
and killing her is a sure way to create an opportunity to battle for leadership of the
Kolat. He and Tera often use other criminals in their schemes as scapegoats as
they did with Quaglern; almost half of their crimes get blamed on other people.
He is currently involved in a elaborate sceme to set up a Baron: he plans to kill
the Baron's wife and leave the Baron holding the murder weapon and the blame.
by Wayne Wallace
Occupation: Priestess
Skills: Dark Elf Tactics, Spider Lore
Motivation: Serve the Spider Goddess
Weaknesses: Single-mindedness
Aklayvedru was one of Klink's main opponents while in the spider tunnels. She
was only peripherally involved in making trouble for Klink's adventuring party while
she advanced the schemes of the spider goddess. Unfortunately, Klink's party
made those schemes their business, and in an epic battle, Aklayvedru was slain, along
with her retainers.
However, death is not always permanent for those of great faith, and Aklayvedru was later brought back to life. Her goddess has forbidden her to seek revenge, and has instead instructed her to begin rebuilding the priesthood. Her anger has not disappeared, however, and she is
always examining every dwarf she sees while obtaining supplies and allies to see if
he is the one. She is not always in the right frame of mind, so, given enough fine
wine, she may see an innocent dwarf as the object of her hatred and take action.
Aklayvedru is a brilliant tactician and is both intelligent and beautiful enough to
seduce any man if he has something she wants.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
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