Ponto Forlain
by Steve Reeves
Occupation: Mercenary
Skills: Fencing, Tactics, Leadership
Motivation: To become a famous hero
Weaknesses: Sensitive, gullible
Ponto was born a wealthy aristocrat who quickly grew bored with court life
(though not with the money). So with his father's blessing he set off to seek fame to
go with his fortune. Unfortunately, Ponto
spends more time chasing women and socializing in local taverns than actually
chasing adventure. He will more than willingly join a adventuring group whose
motives seem just. In fact, he will finance such expeditions if he believes they will
bring him the fame he expects to find.
Ponto is an adequate fighter but his
strength lies in his ability to plan. He is
unaware of the fact that he is a brilliant
tactician. Any adventuring party will quickly
find that when faced with an encounter he
acts bravely and with a keen mind. Ponto
has a magnetic personality and people
often find themselves drawn into his whimsical, almost carefree lifestyle. Once he
befriends someone he will give his life for
them but expects nothing less in return.
Darion Gelge
by Steve Reeves
Occupation: Scribe, Bodygaurd
Skills: Literacy, HTH Combat, Weapons
Motivation: Protecting Ponto Forlain
Weaknesses: Women, Physical Strength
Darion Gelge is the perfect friend and
companion for Ponto. Originally hired by
Ponto's father to "look after him," Darion
and Ponto have become fast friends,
although Darion never forgets his duty and
has saved Ponto's life more than once.
Darion is the perfect bodyguard because
his elven features and educated manner
hide his skills as a fighter. Darion, like
Ponto, has become acustomed to late
nights in taverns wenching and drinking,
with only the occasional adventure to get in
the way. Darion has kept a log of all of
their adventures with slight artistic embellishments.
During one adventure they came across
a dying mage and Darion wrote down the
man's last words. What he and Ponto don't
know is that the man was giving them
directions to an undead wizard's lair. The
wizard, a powerful Lich, is now searching
for the pair and the book. Ponto and Darion will very quickly find that they are no
longer searching for adventure: it's coming to them.
Klink Barrelchest
by Wayne Wallace
Occupation: Adventurer
Skills: HTH Combat, Dwarf Lore
Motivation: Heroic Altruism (& money)
Weaknesses: Lack of tact, suspicious
Klink is part of a famous adventuring
group that slew the goddess of spiders in
her own lair, ending a time of darkness.
Now, there have been no pressing world-saving missions for a while, so he can be
found travelling from town to town, training fellow dwarves in the arts of war and
personal combat.
Mink's long time in the spider tunnels has made him paranoid of virtually anyone
except his friends. He expects to be stabbed by a poisoned dagger anywhere
he goes, having been slain by a lucky dagger strike before. While mighty priests
make death a temporary inconvenience
for the worthy, the memories of an ignoble death keep him wary of any stranger's offers.
Klink was never good at the art of etiquette and can be expected to annoy any
non-dwarf he speaks to by speaking the plain truth, no matter how inconsiderate a
human or elf might think him.
If a person of the adventuring persuasion is looking for a powerful warrior to
aid a party's struggles, Klink's battle axe can be hired for a price, though the party
may not enjoy his brutally truthful comments.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
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