by Capt. John Harrel
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AHKETON (RD #1, Sandybollow Road, Philadelphia, NY 13673 (315-642-32351) has released an extensive range of 15mm Spanish-American War figures. There are 29 numbers including blockhouses, redoubts, trenches and thatched huts, as well as Spanish and Americans. There's a Krupp gun for the Spanish and a Dynamite gun for the Americans. I haven't seen any yet, but hope to have some by next issue. Watch for sore information in this column at that time. Though BATTLE HONOURS produces only Napoleonics and Ancients in their range of 15mm figures, a few have some Colonial possibilities. Most notably are the Spanish guerillas and the pack mule set. The casting and detail are quite good and the scale is right on (which sakes them a bit small next to "industry standard' 15mm figures). For more information contact Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Road, Budd Lake, NJ 07828 (201-691-2423). I was right about the ESCI 'Muslim Warriors' set (No. 238). The package contains 50 figures, some are Ansar, same Bedouins, some Tuaregs, some Fuzzy-Nuzzys and some Pathans. There's even a dismounted officer who looks like Peter O'Toole as Lawrence of Arabia! A good bargain for the price, but these are true 20mm (1:72) figures. When I was at Historicon, Johnson Hood of Wargames gave me some of the new 15mm ESSEX Colonials for review. As I mentioned last time, they are every bit as good as the Essex 25's. The sculpting and casting are great and the poses and mixed figures in the native packs are a nice added touch. The Ansar are really well- done with mixtures of turbans, skullcaps and bare heads in each pack. By the time you get this FALCON will have their new Russian and Japanese 25mm Colonials ready for shipment. These figures are excellent for either the Boxer Rebellion or the Russo- Japanese War. My only complaint is that the Japanese horse is huge! I recommend using the German Southwest African Horse in its place. An Ansar camelman as well as an Arab officer have also been released plus the long-broken Dahomean Amazon with sword is now repaired. By the way, Falcon's address has changed to P.O. Box 444, Medford, MA 02155. FRONTIER Miniatures is going to experiment with a new policy of guaranteed 48hr. order turn-around. This new policy will, initially, ONLY APPLY TO THEIR 15MM BOXER REBELLION RANGE. Orders received on Friday and Saturday will be sent within 48hrs. of Monday. If this promise is not met, the customer will receive a credit slip equal to the amount of the order. Partial packs of figures will also be available, as few as three figures say be ordered, but at a slightly higher price (30 cents per figure). If you submit a mixed order, and 15mm Boxer Rebellion items will be sent within 48hrs., but the rest of the order will have regular turn-around time. Effective October 1, 15mm figure prices have increased to $4.98 per pack. January 1st will probably see an increase in 25sm figure prices. With luck, Atley Turner got his advertising insert to me in time and you will find it enclosed with this issue, it should contain more information on the new 48hr. policy. KNIGHT DESIGNS has released an entire Boxer Rebellion set in 6mm for 12.00 Pounds. The set includes nearly 300 figures as well as cardboard cut-out Peking buildings and a quick set of rules! I've sent for a pack and will let you know what its like next issue. The LYZARD GRIN Chinese wheelbarrow gatling gun had to go into the shop for some modifications.... it seems that when it was put together, it was taller than the man operating it. Richard Houston now has a smaller wheel and thinner castings in the set, so it looks great. The old one has been stripped of its hardware and is now sold as just a wheelbarrow. There are also three new gatling guns an tripod mounts available. RAFM of Canada are about to release a 25mm range of Plains Indian Wars figures including Northwest Mounted Police (in pill-box hats, I hope). Many of the figures will be of their interchangable head variety, providing the gamer with many different options. When I was at Historicon, there was a rumor that they are considering doing 25mm Riel Rebellion figures! If you're interested, drop thee a line at 19 Concession St., Cambridge, Ontario, NIR 266, CANADA and let them know that 25mm Colonials with switchable heads would be fantastic! Lastly, I have a few packs of my own SAVAGE AND SOLDIER Boxers and Chinese Gingal crews still available. The price is $4.00 per pack of 10 Boxers or five tiso-san gingal sets. Please add 15% for postage and handling. The Reviewing Stand
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