Syro-Canaanite 1700-1000BC

Armies for
Ancient Chariot Era Warfare

by Terry Gore

The city-states of the early 16th century BC grew in power and prestige for five hundred years, subjugating their neighbours and warring on the other growing powers in the Middle East. The armies were centred upon the light chariots of the maryannu (nobles) that often followed the 'king' of the city-state on his quest for wealth and glory. Eventually, the stronger Hittite and Egyptian empires absorbed the cities.

Large numbers of tough foot formed the centre of the city-state armies. Recent research has shown that the Canaanites were armed much as the Egyptians, but that the infantry were armoured. The numerous chariots could be used as flankers or as a central attack force, supported by skirmisher foot. Though of limited use in rough delaying terrain, the city-state armies offer an interesting combination of skirmishers and light troops along with formidable close order foot. An army can comprise an alliance of city-states with ally generals leading the contributing forces. This is a fair army for beginners.

Enemies: Hittites, Trojan War, Egyptians, Hyksos, Assyrian, Philistines, Sea People and Hebrew. Notes:

More Armies for Ancient Chariot Era Warfare

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