Later Roman Army


By PR Gray


In addition to reading the accounts of Marcellinus, Procopius and other contemporary historians, I recommend reading Vegetius. He provides information on tactical formations, which inspired many medieval and renaissance commanders. His description of contemporary forces is a mix of former and current practices (and highly suspect given his lack of knowledge and experience), but he does have good tactical information.


Barker P., Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome (WRG, 1981)
Bishop, M.C. and Coulston, J.C. N., Roman Military Equipment (London, 1993)
Burns, T.S., Barbarians within the Gates of Rome (Indiana, 1995)
Bury, J.B., Late Roman Empire (New York, 1958)
Connolly, P., Greece and Rome at War (London, 1981)
Cromwell, R.S., Rise and Decline of the Late Roman (1996)
Dennis, G.T., Three Byzantine Military Treatises (Washington, 1985)
Dixon, K.R. and Southern, P., The Roman Cavalry (London, 1992)
Elton, H.W., Warfare in the Roman World (Oxford, 1996)
Ferrill, A., The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation (London, 1986)
Frank, R.I., Scholae Palatinae (Rome, 1969)
Goldsworthy, A., Roman Warfare (London, 2000)
Hackett, J. editor, Warfare in the Ancient World, (New York, 1989)
Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire (Oxford, 1964)
Liebeschuetz, J.H.W.G., Barbarians and Bishops (Oxford, 1991)
Luttwak, E.N., The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire (Baltimore, 1976)
Milner, N.P., tr., Vegetius (Pennsylvania, 1993)
Nischer, E.C. ,"The Army Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine and their Modifications up to the Time of the Notitia Dignitatum" Journal of Roman Studies 13 (1923) [Nischer argues for up to 68 legions by the end of Diocletian's reign.]
O'Flynn, M., Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire (Edmonton, 1983)
Parker, H.M.D., The Roman Legions (Oxford, 1928)
Parker, H.M.D., "The Legions of Diocletian and Constantine" Journal of Roman Studies 23 (1933) [Parker refutes Nischer's arguments and argues for 51 legions by the end of Diocletian's reign.]
Rolfe, J.C., tr., Ammianuns Marcellinus (London, 1985)
Speigel, M.P.,Riding for Caesar (Harvard, 1994)
Southern, P. and Dixon, K.R., The Late Roman Army, (London, 1996)
Stephenson, I.P., Roman Infantry Equipment: The Later Empire (Stroud, 1999)
Watson, G.R., The Roman Soldier (London, 1969)
Warry, J., Warfare in the Classical World (New York, 1980)
Williams, S. & Friell, G., Theodosius: Empire at Bay (Yale, 1995)
Webster, G., The Roman Imperial Army (London, 1985)

PS I did read all of the above sources. I do not recommend doing so for the faint of heart. With lots of time to read while commuting to and from the office, I was able to read most of the material without sacrificing gaming time.

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