Tmima Stratiotikon Plirophorion

Late Roman Army

by P R Gray

Barker P., Armies and Enemies of Imperial Rome (WRG, 1981)
Bishop, M.C. and Coulston, J.C. N., Roman Military Equipment (London, 1993)
Burns, T S., Barbarians within the Gates of Rome (Indiana, 1995)
Bury, Late Roman Empire
Dennis, G.T., Three Byzantine Military Treatises (Washington, 1985)
Dixon, K.R. and Southern, P., The Roman Cavalry (London, 1992)
Elton, H.W., Warfare in the Roman World (Oxford, 1996)
Ferrill, A., The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation (London, 1986)
Jones, A.H.M., Later Roman Empire (Oxford, 1964)
Luttwak, E.N., The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire (Baltimore, 1976)
Milner, N.P., tr., Vegetius (Pennsylvania, 1993)
O'Flynn, M., Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire (Edmonton, 1983)
Parker, H.M.D., The Roman Legions (Oxford, 1928)
Southern, P. and Dixon, K. R., The Late Roman Army, (London, 1996)
Watson, G.R., The Roman Soldier (London, 1969)
Warry, Webster, G., The Roman Imperial Army (London, 1985)

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