Swedish Mornerska Hussars

Battle of Bornhoft Maps
(extremely slow: 431K)

By Gustav P. Bergman

1. Two guns of battery Gerstenberg, one company of Schleswig Jagers, Oldenberg Jagers, and Holstein Sharpshooters backed up by two squadrons of the 17th Lithuanian Lancers put up a fierce rearguard action.

2. The remainder of two bttns of Holstein Sharpshooters, the four squadrons of the Holstein cavalry regiment, and the remaining four guns of battery Gerstenberg continue to withdraw to Bornhoft.

3. 3rd Jutland infantry regiment and one squadron of the Jutland Hussar Regt deploy to defend the town.

4. Just outsie the otwn, behind a hedgerow, the 2nd and 4th bttns of the Holdstein Regt deploy, along with two guns of battery Gonner. behnid them the Oldenburg Infantry regt, four more guns of battery Gonner, and all eight guns of battery Hoye prepare to fire.

5. The final line of defense consists of the two bttns of Queens Life Guards, two bttns each of the Schleswig and Funen Infantry regts, two jager companies, and the remaining four guns of battery Gonner.

A: The seven squadrons of the Mornerska Hussars regt charge the Danish rearguard.

B: Two squadrons of the Schill Hussars and one of the Skanska Hussars move into a position to support the attack.

C: Two squadrons of the Skanska Carabinier also move up to support the attack.

6. The 17th Lituanian Lancers panic and attempt to charge through the withdrawing Danish column.

7. While the other light companies flee in terror, the Holstein Sharpshooters withdraw behind a hedgerow and regroup.

8. 3r Jutland Infantry Regt engages the Swedish cavalry in fierce street fighting.

D: After initial repulse, a single squadron of Mornerska Hussars reinforced by a squadron of the Skanska Carabiniers breaks through the Danish light infantry and continues to the village.

E: Capturing the two guns, the three center squadrons are soon caught up in a confused fight with the withdrawing Danish column.

F: Three squadrons of Swedes, the two squadrons of Schill Hussars, and one squadron of Skanska Hussars ride through the defending light infantry and attack the village in a costly street action.

9. When the Swedish cavalry, its formation ragged from the confused melee, emerges from the village. The guns of battery Gonner and Holstein Infantry regt fire at nearly pointblack range into the masses of horsemen.

G: The Swedes, having absorbed the punishing fire, break off the attack and withdraw.

H: Moving through the defile created by the hedgerows on either side of the road, the Swedes pick up the straggling three squadrons that had finally finished off the withdrawing danish column. They are fired upon by the reformed Holstein sharpshooters as they gallop by.

Mornerska Hussars


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