by Marvin Scott
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In general I like an element of skill in my games, and this game looked like a very good air rifle game. So I got out my Crosman pellet rifle with peep and post sight to do a trial run. I posted the target on my backstop and moved to the 10 meter line in off hand position. Other players should not take this as either an official distance or position. This was my first game and I'll probably change distance later. The first shot was for number of planes. The pellet cut the line between 20 and 35 on the P-40 set of targets. I went with the higher score - 35 planes. Next, was to get number of shots per plane. The black dot was nearly invisible over my post sight. The pellet cut a hole in the Zeke segment and inside the one-shot ring, I decided to take four shots, one for each 10 planes, rounding 35 up to 40. The Zeke target was again barely visible. First shot took out the left side of the cockpit! Ten Zekes down! The second shot destroyed the right side of the cockpit. Another ten Zekes down! The third shot hit the left fuselage and tail. Nothing to this. Another ten Zekes! Fourth and final shot. Yipes! hit by friendly fire, ten P-40s lost. On to the P-36 targets, much smaller, harder to see and hit, but I had learned something. My shot at number of planes hit black- thirty-seven planes. My number of shots pellet earned one shot and cut the line between Val and Zeke. I went with Val on the basis that the hole was mostly in the Val side of the line. I decided to take four shots at Val. My first shot cut the line on shot down. Ten P-36s lost! The second shot hit empty space between the plane and friendly fire. Ten P-36s return to base without scoring. The third shot clipped the left fuselage and tail. Ten Vals shot down. The fourth shot hit the right fuselage and wing root. Ten more Vals shot down. Let's total up. Japanese losses equal 30 Zekes and 20 Vals. American losses equal 10 P40s lost to friendly fire and 10 P-36s shot down. I can do better than that. Wait till next time. Maybe I'll move closer. It occurred to me that the game might be fun to play flying one plane. I chose to fly a P40, so I set up the target. First shot was to determine which enemy plane to engage and how many shots I had. It hit the black, three shots, but it split on the line between Kate and Zeke. I chose to engage the Zero again. First shot was a near miss just above the wing, just below the tail. Next shot was in hit by friendly fire. The mission was over. Maybe I need a bail out rule. More Pearl Harbor
How to Play Pearl Harbor Sample Game - Air Rifle Version Pearl Harbor - The Aircraft Note on Conspiracy Theories Game Diagrams Back to Table of Contents -- Lone Warrior #134 Back to Lone Warrior List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 2001 by Solo Wargamers Association. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |