By Roy Lane
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Army Group Center should be the hammer during the early summer campaign. And if AGC moves quickly and decisively past Minsk toward Smolensk, the Russian will spend some anxious turns wondering where this hammer will fall. The longer the Russian is kept unsure of AGC's Main Strategic Objective (MSO), the better. AGC's first task is to assist AGN in capturing the Baltic rail net, especially the line running Kaunas to Daugavpils and back through Grodno. Moreover, 3rd Panzer Group should take possession of Polotsk and the Orsha rail net by the end of the Jun 11 exploit phase; failure to do so will result in additional scorched earth and possibly a double line between Polotsk and the upper Berezina River. The Russian can easily admin. move in elements of 5th, 7th and 25th Mechanized Corps to form the second line of this blocking position while using local resources to form the first nonoverrunable line of six factors. In fact, throughout most of the front the Soviet will be able to erect 6factor double lines. The only cure for breaching such a line is distasteful, but necessary. If the German expects to make any progress, he requires the formation of a sixty factor "killer wad." This stack may be assembled by breaking down two 11-10 panzer divisions and stacking the 5-3-10 armor regiments with three 12-10 panzer divisions, Gross Deutschland Mot III (4-10), 69th mot Art III (5-3-8), and the 792nd mot Art III (5-3-8) from 2nd Panzer Group. Obviously, no panzer jock wants to put five panzer divisions into one stack, but if you're not aggressive enough and allow the Russian to begin forming double lines, it will be the presence of the "killer wad" that forces him to make the double lines at least 7 factors per hex. The Russian can't maintain 7-factor double lines as easily as 6-factor ones, plus the first line is usually panzer meat anyway - so the extra factor in each hex is a free kill. So, be very aggressive with 3rd Panzer Group during exploit on Jun II and dash into the Polotsk and Orsha sectors. A little preplanning should have some DAS available and a truck counter with the panzer corps. The seizure of the Insterburg - Kaunas - Wilno 1B:3313 - Polotsk rail line intact before the Russian ever gets to move should be the key objective of 3rd Panzer Group and 9th Army. Good planning can make this a very easy objective to achieve. The line through 1B:3313 is more important than the one from Wilno to Daugavpils, because once Polotsk falls, the Russian flank is compromised across the Dvina river. Just capturing Daugavpils doesn't prevent the Polotsk area of the Dvina from being blocked by elements of 22nd Army stationed further east by Velikie Luki. Guderian's 2nd Panzer should make all efforts possible to cross in strength the Berezina river at Bobruysk. If too weak in numbers, it could face a sharp riposte by Russian tanks moving up from the south. Of all the Army Groups, AGC MUST use its two panzer groups very aggressively - leave the mop-up to the infantry. An early breach of the Berezina and Dvina river lines will force the Russian to set up his second line of defense in an area less defensible than the swamps and forests of the Berezina area. And if not breached at once, the Berezina line can be strongly reinforced using the rail net available several hexes behind it. Crossing the Berezina toward Gomel will do more for AGS than AGS can do for itself. Guderian's panzer group must look as if it could turn south toward Kiev at any time. A smart Russian will be standing fast against the Rumanians, thereby forcing 1st Panzer Group south away from Kiev. Yet if Guderian can move through Gomel by Aug 1, the Russian will be unable to defend the Dnepr river at Kiev. This doesn't mean actually turning 2nd Panzer Group south; just being able to do so if the situation warrants. Keeping the Russian guessing your true '41 MSO is vital when dealing with a "Forward Defense." If confronted with a "Runaway Defense," keeping your Army Groups moving east is of paramount importance. Letting the Russian have a free hand to do as he pleases will only serve to enhance the "Runaway" style of defense. So keep AGC moving directly east to bring the Russians to bay as early as possible. If the Valclai Hills are left open, go grab them; otherwise, wait for the infantry to come into the line there, as the Valclai fighting will quickly become trench warfare. The sooner the panzers become embroiled besieging defensive strongholds, the better off the Russian is in the fall. So, bypass the Valdai Hills with the panzers, and use the infantry to assault directly with some heavy AA for antitank support. Swing the panzers through Rzhev and cut between the Hills and Moscow toward Kalinin. If not fortified, the terrain here is at worst only a -1 due to woods or rough terrain and the Russian rail net doesn't favor the defense of this sector. Of all the panzer drives, 3rd Panzer Group's drive on Kalinin will likely yield the most dividends and should receive top priority in OKH support. 3rd Panzer Group's MSO should be to drive rapidly past the Valdai Hills to the south swinging north at Rzhev. The timing should be such that infantry is passing Velikie Luki while the panzers take Rzhev. 3rd Panzer Group should drive toward the Kalinin sector with an aim to cut rail traffic both north and south of the city, from Moscow directly to Leningrad. If the city can be taken in a coup de main, so much the better. Luftwaffe support can be concentrated in this sector, if the enemy hasn't planned ahead and Russian air bases are few. Your air should be used in this area primarily for interdiction of the Russian rail net. Of all the areas on the map, it is in the Moscow - Yaroslavl Leningrad triangle where rail hits can be most effective. 3rd Panzer Group's next move will be governed by two other factors: whether 9th Army is moving through the Valdai Hills at a satisfactory rate and what has become of Guderian. However, reaching and cutting the direct rail between Moscow and Leningrad is the MSO for this group, and once achieved the group should begin to consolidate its position. Many a German player neglects to build forts in the fall. If your troops aren't moving forward, build the forts. Even if the hex isn't your most forward position, the fort will come in handy during the winter. The German is well endowed with resource points and the fort building will pay off in January 1942. If 9th Army is cutting through the Hills it may be wise for 3rd Panzer Group to build forts facing Moscow and drive north to cut the junction at Vyshniy Volochek. If Guderian is moving toward Tula, 3rd Panzer Group may wish to drive directly on Moscow while fortifying to the northwest. The objective would be to spread out the Russian and force him to give up some sectors. Unless AGN is keeping pressure on the Luga toward Leningrad, AGC's northern wing will probably be confronted with the strongest Russian response available. Pressure must be brought to bear on the entire front with additional weight being applied to sectors which will be defensible in winter. The KalininVaIdai Hills-Luga to Narva line is probably the best defensive terrain on the map and is definitely within the German's ability to take with the forces at hand. What the German does with his remaining armies will depend on how successful he is in attaining the above mentioned line, which is the line this author considers an MSO for the German Armies in the east in 1941. So what of 2nd Panzer Group and 4th Army? Guderian's forces may be siphoned off for usage by 1st Panzer Group, or to support a drive on Gomel. Because of the terrain involved in 2nd Panzer Group's sector, defining a sound strategy can be difficult. If the Russians decide on a major defense along the Berezina to deny quick access toward Smolensk or a flanking move on Kiev, the going could be slow. Be prepared to take causalities in order to take terrain. If the Russian throws a 25-point defensive stack to block movement, go after it. 2nd Panzer Group will only get bogged down if the German is unwilling to exchange a few panzer divisions along the way. If the German is too cautious in the center, the Russian will be able to harass any drive on Smolensk from the south and defend Kiev much more stubbornly than should be allowed. Since the going will be slow here, 4th Army will be able to play a direct role in assisting 2nd Panzer Group in operations. The MSO for AGC's southern wing should be Bryansk at a minimum, with an eye toward Orel and Tula. The Russian should be forced to move as many factories as possible. Pressure on Tula and Kharkov can cost the Russian 60 rail points which may be quite dear if he is conducting a "Forward Defense." Germany Play in 1941 Part Three The Final Chapter German Play in 1941 Part One Hints on Playing Fire in the East
Panzers and Breakthroughs Complicating the Red Retreat The Northern Campaign The Finnish Theater German Play in 1941 Part Two Army Group North and the Leningrad Campaign Back to Europa Issue 17 Table of Contents Back to Europa List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by GR/D. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |