By Terry Hooker
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O'Higgins and Don Bernardo, by Edna Deu Pree Nelson, pub. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York 1954, a book about both father and son, it reads more like a novel than a biography of these men. 1810 La Revolucion de Mayo, by Carlos A. Pueyrredon, pub. Ediciones Peuser, Buenos Aires 1953, a classic reference book, contains copies of documents from this event, 646 pages, a heavy read but it's all there, so I was told. Los Grupos Politicos en la Revolucion de Mayo, by Jorge María Ramallo, pub. Ediciones Macchi, Buenos Aires 1983, an understanding of the political arena pre-1810. El Ejercito Realista en la Guerra de Independencia, by Julio Mario Luqui Lagleyze, pub. Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano, Buenos Aires 1995, a very good source book that should be used with the various other ones recently published in Spain over the last 12 years, Historia y Campañas del Ejército Realista, Tomo I 1810-1820, by Julio M. Luqui Lagleyze, pub. Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano, Buenos Aires 1997, there are 8 plates of uniforms in this work but they are in black and white half-tones this would not be so bad if there were captions that told you of the colours these uniforms were but there are none, otherwise this book is very informative with maps and details on the campaigns, do not know when Vol.II is to be published. "Los Realistas" (1810-1826), by Julio Mario Luqui Lagleyze, pub. Quiron Ediciones, "Hombres en Uniforme No.5., Spain 1998, 62 colour plates showing uniforms, flags, medals and cloth badges (escudos) plus 128 pages of text, you will find some of the figures from the previous book in this one re-draw and coloured, I can recommend this title. España y la Independencia del Rio Plata, by Edmundo A. Heredia, pub. Junta Provincial de Historia de Cordoba 1977, some helpful data. San Martin Antes de 1812, by Juan Carlos F. Wirth, pub. Editorial Nueva Impresora, Parana 1951, a brief history of San Martin's life up to 1812 in 75 pages. San Martín Organizador Militar, , by Federico E. Mittelbach, pub. Ediciones Dunken, Buenos Aires 1998, a really good book with charts on organization etc. on the Horse Grenadiers and the Army of the Andes. San Martin y Bolivar en la Entrevista de Guayaquil, by Eduardo L. Colombres Marmol, pub. Imprenta y Casa Editora Coni, Buenos Aires 1940, 447 pages details different versions of what happened and was said at this historic meeting. Jose de San Martin Libertador de America, pub. Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano, Buenos Aires 1998, some nice coloured illustrations of flags and battles, while the text contains work by 50 authors. San Martín el Libertador del Sur, by Demetrio Ramos Pérez, pub. Biblioteca Iberoamericana, Madrid 1988, found only 3 coloured illustrations that I had not seen before, but these titles in this series do contain quite a few useful coloured illustrations normally. Por La Gloria Del General San Martin, by Jacinto R. Yaben, pub. Marina de Guerra, Buenos Aires 1950, a couple of good maps at the back, while the text is helpful but a bit daunting. Independence in Spanish America: Civil Wars, Revolutions, and Underdevelopment, by Jay Kinsbruner, pub. University of New Mexico Press, 1994, a slim volume for such a title. Orientales en la Emancipacion Americana, by Anibal Barrios Pintos and Washington Reyes Abadie, pub. Fundacion Beisso-Fleurquin, Montevideo 1981, good reference book on the various notables from Uruguay who served with San Martin, Bolivar and Sucre. Memorias de Güemes a Rosas, by Miguel Otero, pub. ociedad Impresora Americana, Buenos Aires 1946, Sucre; Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho, by Alfonso Rumazo González, pub. Editorial Mediterraneo, Madrid 1976, 6th edition, Cruz Carrillo, by Maruja Sanchez Carrillo. Pub. Humildad en la Grandeza, Caracas 1986, Los Generales en Jefe de la Independencia (Apuntes Biograficos), by Tomas Perez Tenreiro, pub. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, Vol. No. 114, Caracas 1989, these four titles all deal with famous Generals during the Wars of Independence. Historia de los Premios Militares: Republica Argentina, pub. Ministerio de Guerra, Buenos Aires 1910, this is a three volume work on Argentine medals and cords of the 19th century and their respective laws, they are illustrated with coloured plates of the medals and some of the decrees, recommended for anyone interested in medals or Argentine military history. Los Numeros de Linea de Ejército Argentino, by Adolfo Saldias, pub. Talleres Gráficos, Buenos Aires 1912, a two volume work with the history of each infantry, artillery, engineer and cavalry battalion or regiment, from 1810-1910, a good reference work. Rosas: Aportes para su Historia, by Ernesto H. Celesia, pub. Ediciones Peuser, Buenos Aires 1954, a two volume work which should extra light on this period. Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants, by D. F. Sarmiento, pub. Hafner Press, New York 1996, 1st pub 1868. Jose Ballivian 1805-1852, by Manuel Carrasco, pub. Hachette, Buenos Aires 1960. Candido Lopez, pub. Ediciones Banco Velox, reproducing 25 of this artists works on the Paraguayan War, managed to see 5 of his painting while in Buenos Aires earlier this year. Bosquejo Historico de la República Oriental del Uruguay, by F. A. Berra, pub. Libreria Argentina, Montevideo 1895, 4th edition, covers from settlement through to 1828, good for 1810-1828 period. Massacre in the Pampas, 1872, Britain and Argentina in the Age of Migration, by John Lynch, pub. University of Oklahoma Press, 1998, good detail on frontier life, Indian raids and local misgiving to immigrants. Juan José Flores el fundador de Ecuador, by R. A. Cantero and J. A. Fernandez, pub. Biblioteca Iberoamericana, Madrid 1988, 12 coloured illustrations worth having in this book. Los Presidents de Venezuela y su Actuacion Militar, by Tomas Perez Tenreiro, pub. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas 1981, Vol.16, Revolutionaries, Traditionalists and Dictators in Latin America, by Harold Eugene Davis, pub. Cooper Square Pub. Inc., New York 1973. Historia Critica de la Revolucion del 43, by Americo Ghioldi, pub. Ano del Libertador Gen. San Martin, Buenos Aires 1950, the 1943 Revolution in Argentina. Perón y Eva, by Antonio Benedetti, pub. Editores Panamericanos Asociados, Mexico 1956, El Mito Peronista, by Roberto Aizcorbe, pub. Ediciones 1853, Buenos Aires 1976. A Nation of Enemies: Chile Under Pinochet, by Pamela Constable and Arturo Valenzuela, pub. W. W. Norton & Co., New York 1991. Military Rule in Latin America, edited by Philippe C. Schmitter, pub. Sage Publications, Beverley Hills, Ca. 1973, La Nueva Guerra y el Nuevo Derecho, by Carlos Horacio Dominguez, pub. Circulo Militar, Buenos Aires 1980, two volumes on 1970's Argentina, Argentina: The Military Juntas and Human Rights, pub. Amnesty International, London 1987, Civil-Military Relations in Argentina, Chile and Peru, by Liisa North, pub. University of California, 1966, Ecuador: Fragile Democracy, by D. Corkill & D. Cubitt, pub. Latin American Bureau, London 1988, Generals and Tupamaros: Uruguay 1969-1973, pub. by Latin America Review of Books, London 1974, Latin America through Soviet eyes, 1964-1982, by Ilya Prizel, pub. Cambridge University Press, 1990. Book List Book List: Introduction Book List: Pre-Columbian & Conquest, Colonial Period Book List: Mexico / Texas Book List: Brazil, Central America and the West Indies Book List: South America Book List: The Paraguayan War Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol VIII No. 4 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by The South and Central Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |