By Terry Hooker
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Uniforms of the Republic of Texas 1836-1846, by Bruce Marshall, pub. Schiffer Military History Book, Pa. USA, 1999, 26 coloured plates with related text, plus facsimile reproductions of the Army and Navy uniform regulations of May 1839 and March 1839 respectively, should see a few wargame figures produced from this source to fight against Mexicans and Indians, a work of love by Bruce and goes well with Joe Hefters work on the same subject 20 odd years ago. Historia de Mexico: La Revolution de Independencia y Mexico Independiente, by Alfonso Toro, pub. Sociedad de Edicion y Libreria Franco-Americana, Mexico 1926, interesting section on the War of Independence plus two coloured plates of flags. The Central Republic in Mexico, 1835-1846: Hombres de Bien in the Age of Santa Anna, by Michael P. Costeloe, pub. Cambridge University Press, UK 1993, interesting account of the time and politics of Mexico. Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War 1846-1848, by James M. McCaffrey, pub. New York University Press, 1992, an easy read with plenty of contemporary text. The War in Mexico, by Anton Adams, pub. Emperor's Press, Chicago, 1998, good text, orders of battle and maps, these make it worth buying, alas on the down side are the figure colour plates, I was surprised to see this style of artwork included in a $38 book. The Battle of Palo Alto 1846, by Stephen Allen, pub. Practical Wargamer, Vol.12, No.7, pp.41-44. Mexican War Journal, Vol.7, No.4, two articles Heroes or Villains? The Image of U.S. Volunteers in the War with Mexico, by Steven Butler, and The Navy Takes Lower California, both are informative. South Carolina Volunteers in Mexico: Palmetto Regiment, 1846-1848, plate No. 767, and text by Darby Erd and Jack Allen Meyer, pub. Journal of the Company of Military Historians, Vol.50, No.4, interesting sources. The Mexican Adventure, by Daniel Dawson, pub. G. Bell & Sons Ltd, London 1935, a good source for the period 1858-1863 ( 370 pages ) while the Epilogue ( 40 pages ) carries on to the execution of Maximilian, a good source book. Maximiliano Intimo: El Emperador Maximiliano y su Corte, by José Luis Blasio, pub. Libreria de la Vda. De C. Bouret, Paris 1905, have not really looked at this work although it has four photographs of people that I have not seen before. El Verdadero Juárez y La Verdad Sobre La Intervención y El Imperio, by Francisco Bulnes, pub. Librería de la Vda. De CH. Bouret, Paris 1904, 870 pages, there must be something of interest amongst these? Benito Juárez, by Patricia Galeana de Valadés, pub. Biblioteca Iberoamericana, No.28, Madrid 1988. Tacambaro: The Belgians in Mexico, by Kevin Van Overmeire, pub. Miniature Wargames, October 1998, pp.11-15, an interesting article by, I believe, a Belgian which gives a little more light on the subject, it would appear that I do not have the second part of the article can anyone help out? The Maximilian Adventure in Mexico, by Richard Clarke, pub. Wargames Illustrated, January & February issues 1999, nice articles on the Campaigns plus two coloured plates on the various uniforms, plates a bit basic but fine if you have not seen anything on the subject before, third part on wargaming the War, did not buy that issue not being a wargamer, also in the February issue is a page article on the Egyptian troops that were with the French in Mexico by Paul Jackson. La Revolucion en la Laguna; Primera Parte, 1910-1913, by Xavier I. Esparza Santibañez, pub. Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Mexico 1992, contemporary reports on this early part of the Revolution, Zapata and the Mexican Revolution, by John Womack Jr., pub. Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1969, I only had a English paperback edition. Insurgent Mexico, by John Reed, pub. International Publishers, USA, 1969, I already have a copy of this but this edition has a preface by Renato Leduc who as a telegrapher with Villa's army was the person who sent the dispatches from Reed to the States, Reed also wrote "Ten Days That Shook The World" on the Russian Revolution and depicted in the film "Reds" by Warren Beatty. Radio Intelligence on the Mexican Border, World War I: A Personal View, a four page interview with Richard Egolf who served in the U.S. Army's Radio Intelligence Service in 1918, pub. by the N.S.A. Museum. Wings over the Border: Pioneer Military Aviation in the Big Bend, by Kenneth Baxter Ragsdale, pub. University of Texas Press, 1997, 1st pub. 1984, covers period 1929-1944, good photographs and text on a period often overlooked. Strategy, Security, and Spies: Mexico and the U.S. as Allies in World War II, by Mariá Emilia Paz, pub. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997, a very interesting read. Mexico's Other Insurgents, by Graham H. Turbiville, pub. Military Review, May 1997, pp.81-90, modern day Mexico 1970-1996. Book List Book List: Introduction Book List: Pre-Columbian & Conquest, Colonial Period Book List: Mexico / Texas Book List: Brazil, Central America and the West Indies Book List: South America Book List: The Paraguayan War Back to Table of Contents -- El Dorado Vol VIII No. 4 Back to El Dorado List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1994 by The South and Central Military Historians Society This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |