Gazala Battles May 1942
TO&E Part 1:
Axis Formations

DAK: (15th Pz and 21st Pz armor divisions,
and 90th Light mechanized division)

by Jeff Glasco

Deutches Afrika Korps

Corps Headquarters Troop Quality: Elite, Morale: 10

    1 command stand
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck
    2 recon motorcycle infantry stands

Corps Headquarters Combat Escort Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck
      2 recon motorcycle infantry stands

    2nd Battery, 606th Flak Battalion, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 gun crew stands
      2 20L113 AA guns
      2 light trucks

    Platoon, 39th Antitank Battery, with: 1 Marder

    Attached Tank Platoon, with: 1 PzKw HF

    Platoon, 1st Company, 33rd Engineer Battalion, with:

      1 engineer stand
      1 light truck

    Platoon, 3rd Recon Battalion, with: 1 recon SdKfz 222

605th Antitank Battalion (Self-Propelled) Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen

    3 Antitank Batteries, each with:

      1 command JgdPz I
      1 JgdPz I

    Heavy Antitank Battery, with:

      1 command Marder I
      1 Marder I (SP 76.2)

135th Flak Regiment (Luftwaffe)

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck

    I Battalion, 8th Flak Regiment, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      3 Heavy batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 88L56 AA gun
        1 heavy tractor

      2 Light batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 gun crew stands
        2 20L113 AA guns
        2 light trucks

    I Battalion, 33rd Flak Regiment, (as I Battalion, 8th Flak Regiment)

    617th Flak Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagens

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 SP 2cm AA

      Supply Column, with: 3 medium ammo trucks with trailers

Artillery Command 104

    Headquarters, 221st Artillery Regiment, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck

    II Battalion, 115th Artillery Regiment, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 forward observer
        2 kubelwagens
        1 staff telephone truck

      2 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 210L31 howitzer
          1 heavy tractor
          1 support stand
          1 medium ammo truck with trailer

        Battery, with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 105L32 field gun (It)
          1 light tractor
          1 support stand
          1 light ammo truck with trailer

    408th Artillery Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 forward observer
        2 kubelwagens
        1 staff telephone truck

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 105L52gun
        1 light tractor
        1 support stand
        1 light truck with trailer

      902nd Separate Heavy Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew (ds)
        1 170L50gun
        1 heavy tractor
        1 support stand
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

15th Panzer Division

Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9 unless otherwise noted

    Divisional Headquarters
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck
      1 recon motorcycle infantry stand

    8th Panzer Regiment

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command PzBefWg III
          1 staff radio SdKfz 251/3
          2 recon PzKw IIP
          1 engineer
          1 light truck

        Maintenance Company

          1 command stand
          1 car
          1 SdKfz 7 recovery tractor
          1 maintenance van
          1 medium truck
          1 support stand

        I Battalion, 8th Panzer Regiment, with:

          Headquarters, with:
            1 command PzKw fflH
            2 recon PzKw IIP
            1 staff radio SdKfz 251/3

          Supply Column, with 2 medium ammo trucks with trailers

          1st Light Company, with:

            1 command PzKw IIIH
            2 PzKw IIIH
            2 PzKw IIIj

          2nd and 3rd Light Companies, each with:

            1 command PzKw IIIH
            2 PzKw IIIH

          4th Medium Company, with:

            1 command PzKw IVE
            1 PzKw IVE

        II Battalion, 8th Panzer Regiment, (as I Battalion, 8th Panzer Regiment)

    115th Rifle Regiment

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 staff radio truck
        1 engineer stand
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        2 light trucks
        1 recon motorcycle infantry stand

      Supply Column, with 1 medium ammo trucks with trailers

      11th Infantry Gun Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 150L12 infantry gun
        1 medium truck
        1 medium ammo truck

      Engineer Company, with:

        1 command engineer stand
        3 engineer stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 medium trucks
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 light truck

      I Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment, with:

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen

        4 Companies, each with:

          1 command infantry stand
          2 infantry stands
          1 weapons stand
          2 medium trucks
          1 gun crew stand
          1 50L60 AT gun
          1 light truck

      II Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment, (as I Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment)

      III Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment, (as I Battalion, 115th Infantry Regiment)

    3rd Reconnaissance Battalion Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 10

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command SdKfz 222
        1 staff radio SdKfz 263

      Scout Car Company, with:

        1 command SdKfz 222
        2 recon SdKfz 222
        1 recon SdKfz 231/8

      Motorized Company, with:

        1 command infantry stand
        1 weapons stand
        2 recon infantry stands
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        5 light trucks

      Heavy Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 engineer stand
        2 light trucks

      Supply Column, with 3 light ammo trucks with trailers

    33rd Antitank Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      Self-Propelled Battery, with:

        1 command Marder (76.2mm)
        1 Marder (76.2mm)

      Towed Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 gun crew stands
        2 50L60 AT gun
        2 light trucks

    33rd Artillery Regiment

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car

      Supply Column, with 4 medium ammo trucks with trailers

      I Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment, with:

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 kubelwagens
          1 staff telephone truck

        3 Artillery Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand(ds)
          1 105L28 howitzer
          1 light tractor

      II Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment, (as I Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment)

      III Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment, with:

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 kubelwagens
          1 staff telephone truck

        2 Howitzer Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 150L30 howitzer
          1 medium tractor

        Gun Battery with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand(ds)
          1 105L52 gun
          1 medium tractor

    33rd Engineer Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 medium supply truck with trailer

      1st Engineer Company, each with:

        1 command engineer stand
        2 engineer stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 medium trucks
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun

      2nd and 3rd Engineer Companies, each with:

        1 command engineer stand
        3 engineer stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 medium trucks
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 light truck

    Frank's Notes

    My only serious quibble (or is "serious quibble" an oxymoron?) is with the tanks in the panzer battalions. I will go along with Jeff's placement of the J models all in one of the light companies, as I assume thai that is based upon a hard source of some kind (I was never sure where they were exactly in the battalion), and making all of the PzKw IIIs with short 50s the H model makes sense.

    However, I think that giving the battalion two J model PzKwIIIs over-represents them. (That works out to a total of about 40 in service at the start of the offensive, and I don t believe there were many more than 20 actually on line.) I am also reasonably certain that most of the Panzers in service by then were F1 models rather than the older Es.

21st Panzer Division

Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9 unless otherwise noted

    Division Headquarters
      Headquarters Company, (as 15th Panzer Division)

    5th Panzer Regiment

      Headquarters, (as 8th Panzer Regiment)

      Maintenance Company. (as 8th Panzer Regiment)

      1st Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment, (as 1st Battalion, 8th Panzer Regiment)

      2nd Battalion, 5th Panzer Regiment, (as 1st Battalion, 8th Panzer Regiment)

    104th Rifle Regiment, with:

      Headquarters, (as 115th Rifle Regiment)

      Supply Column, (as 115th Rifle Regiment)

      11th Infantry Gun Company, (as 115th Rifle Regiment)

      Engineer Company, (as 115th Rifle Regiment)

      I Battalion, 104th Rifle Regiment, (as I Battalion, 115th Rifle Regiment)

      II Battalion, 104th Rifle Regiment, (as I Battalion, 115th Rifle Regiment)

      III Battalion, 104th Rifle Regiment, (as I Battalion, 115th Rifle Regiment)

    3rd Reconnaissance Battalion: Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 10

      Headquarters Company, (as 33rd Recon Battalion)

      Scout Car Company, with:

        1 command SdKfz 223
        1 recon SdKfz 222
        1 recon SdKfz 231/8

      Motorized Company, (as 33rd Recon Battalion)

      Heavy Company, (as 33rd Recon Battalion)

      Supply Column, with: 3 light ammo trucks with trailers

    39th Antitank Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      Self-Propelled Battery, with 1 command Marder (76.2mm)

      Towed Battery, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 gun crew stands
        2 50L60 AT gun
        2 light trucks

    155th Artillery Regiment

      Headquarters, (as 33rd Artillery Regiment)

      Supply Column with 4 medium ammo trucks with trailers

      I Battalion, 155th Artillery Regiment, (as I Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment)

      II Battalion, 155th Artillery Regiment, (as I Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment)

      III Battalion, 155th Artillery Regiment, (as III Battalion, 33rd Artillery Regiment)

    200th Engineer Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      3 Engineer companies, each with:

        1 command engineer stand
        3 engineer stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 medium trucks
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 light truck

    Frank's Notes

    See my notes above on tank types and distribution.

90th Light Africa Division

    Division Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck
      1 recon motorcycle infantry stand

    155th Infantry Regiment (Motorized), with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 staff radio truck
        1 engineer stand
        1 light truck
        1 recon motorcycle infantry stand

      707th Infantry Gun Company (SP), with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 GWII
        1 medium ammo truck

      I Battalion, 155th Infantry Regiment, with:

        Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      4 Companies, each with:

        1 command infantry stand
        1 weapons stand
        2 infantry stands
        1 gun crew (ds)
        1 76L39(r) AT gun
        3 medium trucks

      II Battalion, 155th Infantry Regiment, (as I Battalion, 155th infantry Regiment)

    361st Artillery Regiment

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car

      Supply Column, with 2 medium ammo trucks with trailers

      I Battalion, 361st Artillery Regiment

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 forward observer stand
          2 kubelwagens
          1 staff telephone truck

        2 Field Batteries, each with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 105L28 howitzer
          1 medium truck

        Medium Battery, with:

          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 105L52 gun
          1 medium truck

      II Battalion, 361st Artillery Regiment, (as I Battalion, 361st Artillery Regiment)

        1st Battery, 613rd AA Battalion, with:
          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          3 gun crew stands
          3 20L113 AA guns
          3 light trucks

    900th Engineer Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      2 Companies, each with:

        1 command engineer stand
        2 engineer stands
        1 gun crew
        1 50L60 AT gun
        2 medium trucks

      Supply Column, with 2 medium trucks with trailers

    580th Recon Company Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 10

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 recon infantry stand
      1 gun crew stand
      1 50L60 AT gun
      2 light trucks
      1 recon SdKfz 222

    190th Antitank Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      2 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 gun crew stands
        2 50L60 AT guns
        2 light trucks

    606th Flak Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      2 Batteries, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 2cm SP AA

    Sonderverband 288

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 staff radio truck
        1 recon SdKfz 221
        1 recon kubelwagen with MG

      1st, 2nd & 3rd Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand
        2 medium trucks

      4th Company, with:

        3 MMG stands
        1 8cm mortar stand
        1 medium truck
        3 light trucks

      5th Company, with:

        1 command stand
        2 gun crew stands
        1 37L45 AT gun
        1 50L60 AT gun
        2 light trucks
        1 StuG IIID

      6th Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        3 gun crew stands
        3 20L113 AA guns
        3 light trucks

      7th Company, with:

        1 command stand
        3 engineer stands
        2 medium trucks

      Supply Column, with 2 medium ammo trucks with trailers

    Frank's Notes

    I am fairly sure that when the 200th Regiment was detached from the main body of the 90th Light Division, its 708th Infantry Gun Company remained with the division. See the notes to Group Cruwell above.

Gazala Battles May 1942 TO&E Part 1: Axis Formations TO&E

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