Gazala Battles May 1942
TO&E Part 1:
Axis Formations

Panzer Armee Afrika HQ and Assets

by Jeff Glasco

Panzer Armee Afrika

Troop Quality: Elite, Morale: 11

Army Headquarters, with:

    1 command stand (Rommel)
    1 SdKfz 250/1
    1 car
    1 staff radio truck
    2 recon motorcycle infantry stands

Army Headquarters Combat Escort, with:
Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen

    Panzer Company, with:

      1 command PzKw IIIG
      1 pzKw IIIg
      1 Stuart tank (c)

    2 Heavy Flak Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 88L56 AA gun
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 heavy tractor
      1 medium ammo truck with trailer

    Antitank Battery, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 50L60 AT guns
      2 gun crew stands
      2 light trucks

    Light AA Battery, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      3 20L113 AA guns
      3 gun crew stands
      3 light trucks

Heckler Combat Group

Troop Quality: Elite, Morale: 10
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen

    13th Company, 800th Brandenburger Regiment: Troop Quality: Elite, Morale: 10

      1 command stand
      2 recon infantry stands
      1 37L45 AT gun
      1 50L60 AT gun
      1 21b AT gun
      3 gun crew stands
      3 light trucks
      1 Stuart tank (c)
      1 PzJdg I

    775th Pioneer Landing Company, with: Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 10

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 engineer stands
      1 medium truck
      1 recon SdKfz 222

    San Marco Marine Battalion, with: Troop Quality: Experienced, Morale: 9

      Headquarters: 1 command infantry stand
      2 Marine Infantry Companies, each with: 1 command infantry stand and 2 infantry stands
      Marine Machinegun Company, with 3 MMG stands

Frank's Notes: The battalion of the San Marco Marine Regiment present at this time was the Bafile Battalion.

Fallschirmjager Lehr Battalion, with Troop Quality: Veteran, Morale: 9

    Headquarters, with 1 command stand
    3 Fallschirmjager Companies, each with:
      1 command parachute infantry stand
      2 parachute infantry stands
      1 parachute weapons stand

    Fallschirmjager Machinegun Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 MMG stands
      1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
      1 75L10 recoilless gun
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      3 medium trucks

    Fallschirmjager AT Gun Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      3 gun crew stands
      2 37L45 AT guns
      1 47L32 AT gun
      3 light trucks

Gazala Battles May 1942 TO&E Part 1: Axis Formations TO&E

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