Gazala Battles May 1942
TO&E Part 1:
Axis Formations


by Jeff Glasco

Jeff Glasco was a contributor to the old CP and has now returnedto the pages of the CPQ with a two-part article on OBs for the Battle of Gazala. Part I deals with the Axis forces, while Part II in the next CPQ will deal with the Commonwealth Allied formations. I have asked the local old North African addict, one Frank Chadwick, to look over Jeff's work and make any annotations.

Frank's Notes

Jeff has done a very good job. I am impressed. In some cases my research differs from his, but his is sufficiently detailed that I'm not absolutely certain that mine is correct. I'II try to confine my kibitzing to things I'm fairly sure of or, failing that, at least put a warning flag on the alternative data. I am particularly hesitant to mess with his German information as he has obviously read my previous article on the subject and has stayed close to it in most cases. This leads me to believe that where he has departed from it he has done so deliberately and with good reason. So I will make occasional comments on the Germans, but don't take them as the last word.

Gazala Battles May 1942 TO&E Part 1: Axis Formations TO&E

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