Italian Forces in Spain


by Greg Novak

For those looking for a good source on the war, including information on the Spanish Navy and Uniforms. I suggest that you look for Bob Cordcry s booklet La Ultima Cruzada, 2nd Edition. R.G. Cordery. 1991.

Other sources used include:
Reorganization del Regimiento de Artilleria Pesada Numbero 3- San Sebastitian, 1939
Alcofar Nassaes Jose Luis. C.T.V. Los Legionarios Italianos en la Guerra Civil Espanula 1936-1939, Dopesa, Barcelona, Spain. 1972,
Bolloten, Burnett. The Spanish Civil War, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel, 1\C. 1991.
Bradley, Ken, International Brigades in Spain 1936-1939, Osprey. London. 1994.
Brome. Vincent. The International Brigades. William Morrow. New York. 1965.
Colodny, Robert, The Struggle for Madrid. Paine-Whitman Publishers, New York, 1958.
Condray, Pat (ed) The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 An American Military Perspective. Alexandria, Virginia 1992.
Cooling, Benjamin. Case Studies in the Development of Close Air Support. Office of Air Force History, Washington DC. 1990.
Cordery, Bob, La Ultima Cruzada, Second Edition. R.G. Cordery. 1993.
Coverdale. John F., Italian Intervention in the Civil War. Princeton Unversity Press, 1975.
Eby. Cecil, Between the Bullet and the Lie, Holt Rinehurt and Winston, New York. 1969.
Hill,. George. The Battle for Madrid. St. Martin", Press, New York. 1970.
Infantry Journal, various articles and notes. 1937, 1938.
Jellinek Frank, The Civil War in Spain, Howard Fertig, New York. 1969.
Johnson. Verle, Legions of Babel. Pennsylvania State University Press. University Park PA 1967. .
Landis, Arthur. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Citadel Press. New York. 1967.
Larrazabal, Jesus Salas, Ail War Over Spain. Ian Allan Ltd. London (English Translation 1974).
Liddell Hurt. Basil. I'he Othcr Side of the Hill. Cassell. London 1948.
Mitchell. David, The Spanish Civil War. Granada. London. 1982.
Proctor, Raymond L.. Hitlers Luftwatte in the Spanish Civil War, Greenwood Press, Westport Connecticut 1983.
Richardson. R. Dan, Comintern Arm. The University Press of Kentucky. Lexington. KY 1982
Servicio Historico Militar, LaMarche Sobre Madrid. Monogruph #1 Madrid. 1968.
Servicio Historico Militar. La Lucha en Rorno a Madrid. Monograph #2 Madrid. 1968.
Servicio Historico Militar. La Campana dc Andalucia, Monograph #3 Madrid. 1969.
Servicio Historico Militar, La Campana en el Norte. Monograph #4 Madrid. 1969.
Servicio Historico Militar, La Invasion de Aragon y el Desembarco en Mallurca, Monograph #5 Madrid. 1970.
Servicio Historico Militar, Vizcaya, Monograph #6 Madrid, 1971.
Servicio Historico Militar. La ofensiva Sobre Segovia La Batalla de Brunete Monograph #7 Madrid, 1972.
Servicio Historico Militar, El Final del Frente Norte, Monograph #8 Madrid. 1972.
Servicio Historico Militar. La Grail Ofensiva Sobre Zaragoza Monograph #9 Madrid, 1972.
Servicio Historico Militar, La Batalla dc Teruel. Monograph #10 Madrid, 1974,
Servicio Historico Militar, La Llegada al Mar, Monograph #11 Madrid, 1975
Servicio Historico Militar. La Ofensiva Sobre Valencia, Monograph # I 2 Madrid, 1977.
Servicio Historico Militar, La Batalla del Ebro, Monograph #13 Madrid.
Servicio Historico Militar. La Campana de Cataluna. Monograph #14 Madrid, 197',
Servicio Historico Militar, La batalla de Pozoblanco Y El Cierre de la Bolso de Merida, Monograph #R 15 Madrid. 197?
Servicio Historico Militar, Los Asedios, Monograph #16 Madrid. 1983.
Thomas. Hugh, The Spanish Civil War- Harper and Row. New York I961.
Turnbull. Patrick. The Spanish Civil War. 1936-1939. Osprey, London, 1978.
Wilson, John. Tanks and Truck, of the Spanish Civil War. Partizan Press 1989.
Zaloga, Steven. Soviet Tank, and Combat Vehicles of World War Two. Arms and Armor Press. London 1984.

Italian Forces in Spain


Quick Guide to the Spanish Civil War [Part 1: CPQ 7]

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