The 1991 Persian Gulf War

NATOACE North Atlantic Treaty Org.
Allied Command Europe, Mobile Force

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

These forces did not participate in the war against Iraq, but deployed to Turkey under the NATO mandate to defend one of its members from a possible attack from Iraq. In response to the US build-up at Incirlik, Saddam began moving ground forces to the Turkish border, as well as Scud B and A] Hussein missiles to within range of Incirlik. Following this announcement, Turkey requested air defense support from its NATO allies, with the following result.

Belgian Air Force

    8th Escadrille, No. 3 Wing (at Diyarbakir, Turkey): 4 Mirage 5BA

German Luftwaffe

    Jagdbombergeschwader 43 (at Diyarbakir, Turkey): 4 Alpha Jets

Italian Air Force

    Unknown units (at Diyarbakir, Turkey): 1 RF-104,2 G.91R

NATO Airborne Early Warning Force

    (at Diyarbakir, Turkey): 1 E-3A

Dutch Army

    Two Patriot batteries, 502 and 503 Squadrons (Patriot), and two HAWK batteries, 324 and328 Squadrons (Hawk), defending Turkish airbases.

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