The 1991 Persian Gulf War

EUCOM US European Command

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

This force was in the area of responsibility of the US European Command, but was under the Tactical Control of CENTCOM, and was integrated into their operations by a rather loose version of the JFACC Air Tasking Order (ATO). ITF Proven Force supported CENTCOM's operations by striking targets in northern Iraq and providing combat search and rescue, electronic support, etc., in this same area.

7440th Composite Wing (Provisional)

    20th Tactical Fighter Wing

    79th Tactical Fighter Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 4 F-11 1E

    26th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing

    38th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 1 RF-4C

    32nd Tactical Fighter Group

    32ndTactical Fighter Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 4 F-15C

    36th Tactical Fighter Wing

    525thTactical Fighter Squadron (athicirlik Air Base, Turkey): 4 F-15C

    52nd Tactical Fighter Wing

    23rd Tactical Fighter Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 3 F-4G, 3 F-16C

    66th Electronic Combat Wing

    42nd Electronic Combat Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 1 EF-111A

    43rd Electronic Combat Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): I EC-130H

    401st Tactical Fighter Wing

    612th Tactical Fighter Squadron (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 6 F-16C

    552nd Airborne Warning and Command Wing

    963rd, 964th, 965th AWAC Squadrons (at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey): 1 E-3B

    96th Bombardment Wing

    917th Air Refueling Squadron (at IncirlikAirBaseTurkey): 3 KC-135A

    39th Special Operations Wing

    21st Special Operations Squadron (at Batman Air Base, Turkey): I MH-53J Pave Low III

    67th Special Operations Squadron (at Batman AB, Turkey): 1 HC-130N/P Combat Shadow

    4th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery (-) (US Army):

    2 batteries (A & B) of Patriot defending Turkish air bases.

US Army Europe (USAREUR)

    Task Force Patriot Defender

    Multinational force consisting of seven Patriot batteries deployed to defend Israel from Scud attack. Includes four US Army batteries (A & B Batteries, 4th Battalion, 43d Air Defense Artillery, A & B Batteries, 1st Battalion, 7th ADA), two Israeli batteries (IDF 1 and 2), and one Dutch battery (327 Squadron [Patriot]) which deployed near the end of the war, but fired no missiles.

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