The 1991 Persian Gulf War

Joint Forces Command

by David Nilsen and Greg Novak

Eastern Area Command/Joint Forces Command-East

Task Force Omar

    10th Mechanized Brigade (Royal Saudi Land Forces-RSLF)
    UAE Motorized Infantry Battalion

Task Force Othman

    8th Mechanized Brigade (RSLF)
    "Al Fatah (Liberation)" Motorized Infantry Brigade (Kuwait)
    North Oman Battalion
    Bahrain Infantry Company

Task Force Abu Bakr

    2nd King Abdul Aziz National Guard Brigade (Saudi Army National Guard-SANG)
    Qatari Mechanized Battalion

Task Force Tarki

    Royal Saudi Marine Battalion
    6th Moroccan Mechanized Infantry Regiment
    Senegal Infantry Battalion

Reserves/JFC-E Troops

    1st East Bengal Infantry Battalion
    Kuwait/UAE Aviation Battalion
    14th and 18th Field Artillery Battalions (RSLF)
    Engineer Force 5 Saif Allah (RSLF)

Northern Area Command/Joint Forces Command-North

Task Force Khalid

    Task Force Muthana
      20th Mechanized Brigade (RSLF)
      35th "Shaheed (Martyrs)" Armored Brigade (Kuwait)

    Task Force Sa'ad

      4th Armored Brigade (RSLF)
      15th "Al Tahrir (Freedom)" Commando/Mechanized Infantry Brigade (Kuwait)

Reserves/JFC-N Troops

    "Al Haq (Truth)" Motorized Infantry Brigade (Kuwait)
    "Khulud" Motorized Infantry Brigade (Kuwait)
    15th Field Artillery Battalion (RSLF)
    1st Aviation Battalion (RSLF)
    Niger Infantry Battalion

Forward Forces Command Ar Ar

    (This force was officially subordinated to JFC-Nordi, although it functioned as a separate command. Its forces were deployed along the Iraqi border in northern Saudi Arabia, west of Rafha, so played no role in the war.) King Faisal Brigade (SANG), including 41st and 42d SANG Battalions 5th Airborne Battalion (RSLF) 7th Pakistani Armored Brigade

Egyptian II Corps

    1st Ranger Regiment
    3rd Mechanized Division
    4th Armored Division
    126th Antiaircraft Brigade

Syrian 9th Armored Division

    4th Commando Brigade

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