Chadwick's Guide to the Afrika Korps

Part I: 2.41-7.41

by Frank Chadwick


Divisional Troops, with:

    Division Headquarters, with:
      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 staff radio truck
        1 band stand
        1 light truck

      Military Police Detachment, with:

        1 recon MP stand
        1 light truck

      Admin Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 car
        2 medium baggage trucks
        2 support stands

    Divisional Supply Detachment, with:

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      2 Workshop Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 workshop vans
        1 medium baggage truck
        1 medium truck
        2 support stands

      8 Light Truck Columns, each with 2 medium cargo trucks with trailers
      2 Heavy Fuel Truck Columns, each with: 4 medium fuel trucks with trailers
      Supply Dump Company, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        4 support stands
        2 medium trucks

    Signal Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      Radio Company, with: provides staff vehicles for divisionlregiments
      Telephone Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 medium telephone truck with trailer
        1 medium repair truck with trailer
        1 support stand

5th Panzer Regiment

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command PzKw III command variant

    Headquarters Company, with:

      1 staff radio SdKfz 251
      2 recon PzKw IIFs
      1 band
      1 light truck
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    Maintenance Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 SdKfz 7 recovery tractor
      1 maintenance van
      1 medium truck
      1 support stand
      1 medium baggage truck

    2 Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command PzKw IIIG
        1 recon PzKw IIF
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen

      Supply Column, with:

        1 medium ammo truck with trailer
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 medium supply truck with trailer
        1 medium fuel truck with trailer

      2 Light Companies, each with:

        1 command PzKw IIIG
        1 PzKw I
        I PzKw IIF
        1 PzKw IIIG

      Medium Company, with:

        1 command PzKw IVE
        1 PzKw IIF
        1 PzKw IVE

200th Rifle Regiment

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck

    2nd Machinegun Battalion, with:

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 recon motorcycle stands
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen

      2 Machinegun Companies, each with:

        1 command MMG stand
        2 MMG stands
        3 light trucks

      Machinegun Company, with:

        1 command MMG stand
        2 MMG stands
        1 light truck
        2 SdKfz 251/1

      Weapons Company, with:

        1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 gun crew stand
        1 medium truck
        1 light truck

    8th Machinegun Battalion, with:

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 recon motorcycle stands
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen

      2 Machinegun Companies, each with:

        1 command MMG stand
        2 MMG stands
        3 light trucks

      Machinegun Company, with:

        1 command MMG stand
        2 MMG stands
        1 light truck
        2 SdKfz 251/1s

      Antitank Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 car
        2 gun crew stands
        2 50L60 AT guns
        2 light trucks

      Weapons Company, with:

        1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
        1 50L60 AT gun
        1 gun crew stand
        1 medium truck
        1 light truck

    3rd Reconnaissance Battalion

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 staff radio truck

      Scout Car Company, with:

        1 command SdKfz 222
        2 recon SdKfz 222s
        1 recon SdKfz 232

      Motorcycle Company, with:

        1 command motorcycle infantry stand
        1 motorcycle weapons stand
        2 motorcycle infantry stands

      Heavy Company, with:

        1 gun crew stand
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 37LA5 AT gun
        1 75L12 infantry gun
        1 engineer stand
        2 light trucks
        1 medium truck

      Supply Column, with:

        3 light ammo trucks with trailers
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 maintenance van
        2 support stands
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

39th Antitank Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 light general supply truck with trailer
      1 support stand
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    3 Antitank Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      3 gun crew stands
      2 37L45 AT guns
      1 50L60 AT gun
      3 light trucks

605th Antitank Battalion (Self-Propelled)

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 light general supply truck with trailer
      1 support stand
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    3 Antitank Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 JgdPz Is

I Battalion, 75th Artillery Regiment

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 kubelwagens
      1 support stand
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    3 Artillery Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 105L28 howitzer
      1 medium tractor

I Battalion, 33rd Flak Regiment

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen

    3 Heavy Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 88L56 AA gun
      1 heavy tractor

    2 Light Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 gun crew stands
      2 20L113 AA guns
      2 light trucks

    Supply Column, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      4 medium ammo trucks with trailers
      2 support stands
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

606th Light AA Battalion (SP)

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 light general supply truck with trailer
      1 support stand
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    3 Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 SP 2cm AA

200th Engineer Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 support stand
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    2 Engineer Companies, each with:

      1 command engineer stand
      2 engineer stands
      2 medium trucks


1. The 5th Light Division was not an existing formation, but rather was created to control the first wave of German troops to reach North Africa.
2. The 200th Rifle Regiment was the headquarters created to control the two machinegun battalions.
3. Each command MMG and MMG stand in the two machinegun battalions has integral AT rifles.
4. By the time the division reached Tobruk in early April, over half of the tanks had broken down. For the mid-April attack, each battalion had the equivalent of four model tanks operational (one each Pz I, II, III, IV). In Operation Brevity, only the II Battalion was involved, and had a strength of about six operational model tanks (1 each Pz I, IV, 2 each Pz II, III). In Operation Battleaxe, the regiment was nearly at full strength, except that the PzKw Is were gone.


Divisional Troops, with:

    Division Headquarters, with:
      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 staff radio truck
        1 band stand
        1 light truck

      Military Police Detachment, with:

        1 recon MP stand
        1 light truck

      Admin Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 car
        2 medium baggage trucks
        2 support stands

    Divisional Supply Detachment, with:

      Headquarters Company, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      3 Workshop Companies, each with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        2 workshop vans
        1 medium baggage truck
        1 medium truck
        2 support stands

      12 Light Truck Columns, each with 2 medium cargo trucks with trailers
      3 Heavy Fuel Truck Columns, each with 4 medium fuel trucks with trailers
      Supply Dump Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        4 support stands
        2 medium trucks

    Signal Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      Radio Company, with provides staff vehicles for divisionl regiments

      Telephone Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 medium telephone truck with trailer
        1 medium repair truck with trailer
        1 support stand

8th Panzer Regiment

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command car
      1 command PzKw III

    Headquarters Company, with:

      1 staff radio SdKfz 251
      1 recon PzKw II
      1 band
      1 light truck
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    Maintenance Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 SdKfz 7 recovery tractor
      1 maintenance van
      1 support stand
      1 medium baggage truck

    2 Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command PzKw III
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen

      Supply Column, with:

        2 medium ammo trucks with trailers
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 medium supply truck with trailer
        1 medium fuel truck with trailer

      2 Light Companies, each with:

        1 command PzKw IIIG
        1 PzKw IIF
        1 PzKw IIIG

      Medium Company, with:

        1 command PzKw IVE
        1 PzKw IIF
        1 PzKw IV

15th Rifle Brigade

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 staff radio truck

    15th Motorcycle Battalion

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 support stand
        1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

      3 Companies, each with:

        1 motorcycle command infantry stand
        2 motorcycle infantry stands
        1 motorcycle weapons stand

      Machinegun Company, with:

        2 MMG stands
        1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
        2 medium trucks

      Heavy Company, with:

        1 engineer stand
        1 gun crew stand
        1 37LA5 AT gun
        2 light trucks

    104th and 115th Rine Regiments, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car

      Headquarters Company, with:

        1 staff radio truck
        1 engineer stand
        1 band stand
        1 gun crew stand
        1 50L60 AT gun
        3 light trucks
        1 recon motorcycle infantry stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen

      Supply Column, with:

        1 medium ammo truck with trailer
        1 support stand
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

      Infantry Gun Company, with:

        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 150L12 infantry gun
        1 medium truck
        1 medium ammo truck

      2 Battalions, each with:

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 kubelwagen
          1 support stand
          1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
          1 medium general supply truckM

        3 Companies, each with:

          1 command infantry stand
          2 infantry stands
          1 weapons stand
          2 medium trucks

        Machinegun Company, with:

          2 MMG stands
          1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
          2 medium trucks

        Heavy Company, with:

          1 engineer stand
          1 gun crew stand
          1 37LA5 AT gun
          2 light trucks

33rd Reconnaissance Battalion

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 staff radio truck

    Scout Car Company, with:

      1 command SdKfz 222
      1 recon SdKfz 231
      2 recon SdKfz 221s

    Motorcycle Company, with:

      1 command motorcycle infantry stand
      1 motorcycle weapons stand
      2 motorcycle infantry stands

    Heavy Company, with:

      1 gun crew stand
      1 37L45 AT gun
      1 engineer stand
      2 light trucks

    Supply Column, with:

      3 light ammo trucks with trailers
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 maintenance van
      2 support stands
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

33rd Antitank Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 28/20 sPzBchs stands
      2 light trucks
      1 light general supply truck with trailer
      1 support stand
      1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

    3 Antitank Batteries, each with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      2 gun crew stands
      1 37LA5 AT guns
      1 50L60 AT gun
      2 light trucks

33rd Artillery Regiment

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car

    Headquarters Battery, with:

      2 support stands
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    Supply Column, with 4 medium ammo trucks with trailers

    2 Field Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 FO stand
        2 kubelwagens
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

      3 Artillery Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 105L28 howitzer
        1 medium tractor

      Medium Battalion, with:

        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 FO stand
          2 kubelwagens
          1 support stand
          1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
          1 medium general supply truck with trailer

        3 Howitzer Batteries, each with:

          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 150L30 howitzer
          1 medium tractor

33rd Engineer Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 support stand
      1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
      1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    3 Engineer Companies, each with:

      1 command stand
      3 engineer stands
      2 medium trucks


1. The 15th Panzer Division was shipped to North Africa as a complete '41 Panzer Division.
2. Only part of the division was present for Brevity. Of the tanks, only I Battalion was present, and apparently the medium company had not yet reached the front.
3. Each infantry and weapons stand has integral AT rifles.


    II Battalion, 115th Artillery Regiment
      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 forward observer
        2 kubelwagens

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 210L31 howitzer
        1 heavy tractor

      Supply Column, with:

        3 medium ammo trucks with trailers
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    408th Artillery Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 forward observer
        2 kubelwagens

      3 Batteries, each with:

        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 105L52 gun
        1 heavy tractor

      Supply Column, with:

        2 medium ammo trucks
        1 support stand

        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    900th Engineer Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      2 Companies, each with:

        1 command engineer stand
        2 engineer stands
        3 light trucks

      Supply Column, with:

        2 medium trucks with engineer stores
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck with trailer

    300th Oasis Battalion

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen

      5 Companies (2nd, 6th, 10th, 12th, 13th), each with:

        1 command stand
        3 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand

    5 Separate Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 kubelwagen
        1 gun crew
        1 37L45 AT gun
        1 light truck
        1 support stand
        1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
        1 medium general supply truck

      3 Companies, each with:

        1 command infantry stand
        1 weapons stand
        2 infantry stands

      Weapons Company, with:

        3 MMG stands
        1 8cm mortar stand (ds)
        1 medium truck

    Coastal Artillery

      4 Coastal Artillery Battalions, each with:
        Headquarters, with:
          1 command stand
          1 support stand
          1 medium baggage truck with field kitchen
          1 medium general supply truck

        3 Batteries, each with:

          1 gun crew stand (ds)
          1 155L/34(f)

        612th Static Flak Battalion, with:

          Headquarters, with:
            1 command stand
            1 light general supply truck with trailer
            1 support stand
            1 light baggage truck with field kitchen

          3 Batteries, each with:

            1 command stand
            3 gun crews
            3 20L113 AA guns


      1. The five seperate infantry battalions were the III-347, III-268, III-255, III-241, and III-258.
      2. The four coastal artillery battalions were the 523rd, 533rd, 528th, and 529th.
      3. Each infantry and weapons stand has integral AT rifles.

Chadwick's Guide to the Afrika Korps

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