Khalkin Gol 1939

Soviets vs. Japanese

Soviet Briefing

by Tom Harris

Soviet Briefing and Troop List

Background: In the summer of 1939, the Japanese Manchurian Army attempted to "adjust" its border with Mongolia in a disputed area between the town of Nomohan and the Khalkin Gol River. Though the terrain feature is in itself meaningless, the Far Eastern command does not want the Japanese to feel that they can "adjust" the border at will. There already have been other disputes along the Korean- Soviet border, and it appears that the Japanese are testing the water for future advance.

Marshal Zukhov has been placed in command of this operation, and has announced his twin goals. First, he wishes to persuade the Japanese the climate is a bit too hot for them. Second, he and every man in the Red Army, including yourself, is looking forward to paying the Japanese back for the 1905-06 war. The main problem with his plan is that due to supply constraints, it will not be possible to bring forward all the troops that you would like to have for this operation. Nevertheless, your orders call on you to break through the Japanese defenses and to exploit into their rear areas. A second force will be operating eight kilometers north of here, so your battle will not be the only one that the Japanese have to fight today.

Regular; Morale: 9

    Regimental Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 command infantry stand
      1 staff telephone wagon
      1 engineer stand
      1 supply wagon
      1 recon infantry stand

    Mortar Battery, with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 120mm mortar
      1 limber

    Regimental Gun Company, with:

      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 76.2L19 regimental gun
      1 limber

    Antitank Company, with:

      2 gun crew stands
      2 45L46 AT guns
      2 limbers

    AAA Company, with 2 AAMG stands (ds)

    3 Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with 1 command infantry stand
      3 Infantry Companies, each with:
        1 command infantry stand
        2 infantry stands
        1 weapons stand

      MG Company, with: 2 MMG stands

      Mortar Company, with 1 82mm mortar stand (ds)

    1st Battalion, 32nd Howitzer Regiment
    Regular; Morale: 9

      1 command stand
      1 FO stand
      2 cars
      1 medium truck with trailer
      3 gun crew stands
      3 122mm howitzers
      3 medium trucks

5th Tank Brigade
Regular; Morale: 9

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command BT-7
      1 heavy tractor
      1 medium supply truck

    1st Tank Battalion, with:

      1 command BT-7
      3 BT-7s
      2 T-28M-2s

    2nd Tank Battalion, with:

      1 command T-26
      5 T-26s

    1 Motor Rifle Battalions, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 car
        1 recon BA-32

      3 Infantry Companies, each with:

        2 infantry stands
        1 medium truck

      MG Company, with:

        2 AAMG stands (ds)
        2 medium trucks

      Mortar Company, with:

        1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
        1 medium truck

      1 AA Battery, with:

        1 gun crew
        1 37L70 AA gun
        1 tractor

Khalkin Gol 1939 Soviets vs. Japanese

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