The Egyptian Army
in 1973

TO&E: Armored Division

by Greg Novak

Regular, Morale 8
    Divisional Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 BTR-50
      1 staff radio BTR-50

    Antitank Missile Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with
        1 command BRDM-2
        1 support stand
        1 medium supply truck with trailer

      3 Companies, each with 2 BRDM-2 AT-3's

    Recon Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with 1 command stand and 1 jeep
      Tank Company, with 1 command T-55 and 1 T-55
      Light Tank Company, with 1 command PT-76 and 1 PT-76
      Infantry Company, with
        1 command stand
        1 recon infantry stand
        1 infantry stand
        2 BTR - 60 APC

    Antitank Gun Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with 1 command stand and 1 jeep
      2 Batteries, each with:
        2 gun crew stands (ds)
        2 85mm AT guns
        2 medium trucks
        1 medium truck with ammo trailer

      1 Battery, with:
        2 gun crew stands (ds)
        2 100mm AT guns
        2 medium trucks
        1 medium truck with anunc, trailer

    Engineeer Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with 1 command stand and 1 jeep
      3 Companies, each with: 2 engineer stands and 2 BTR-50's with ammo trailer

    2 Armored Brigades, each with:

      Brigade Headquarters, with: 1 command T-55
      Brigade Recon Company, with 1 PT-76 light tank 1 recon BRDM-1
      Brigade AAA Battery, with
        1 ZSU-23/4
        2 jeeps
        2 SA-7 teams

      Brigade Engineer Company, with: 2 engineer stands and 2 BTR-60's with trailers
      Brigade Maintenance Company, with 2 ARV's and 1 Maintenance Truck

      3 Tank Battalions, each with:

        Battalion Headquarters, with: 1 command T-55
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

      2 Companies, each with: 2 T- 55's

    1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion, with

      Battalion Headquarters, with
        1 command stand
        1 BTR- 50
        1 support stand
        medium supply truck with trailer

      3 Infantry Companies, each with
        3 infantry stands
        3 BTR- 50's

      Weapons Company, with:
        1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
        1 82mm. recoilless rifle stand
        1 107 min recoilless rifle
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 Sagger AT-3 stand
        4 BTR-50's

Mechanized Brigade, with:

    Brigade Headquarters, with
      1 command stand
      1 BTR-50
      1 staff radio BTR-50

    Brigade Recon Company, with: 2 recon BRDM-1's
    Brigade AAA Battery, with
      1 ZSU-23/4
      2 jeeps
      2 SA-7 teams

    Brigade Engineer Company, with: 2 engineer stands and 2 BTR-50's with trailers
    Brigade Mortar Battery, with
      1 command stand
      1 120mm mortar
      1 gun crew stand
      1 medium truck

    3 Mechanized Infantry Battalions, each with

      Battalion Headquarters, with
        1 command stand
        1 BTR-50
        1 support stand
        1 medium supply truck with trailer

      3 Infantry Companies, each with
        3 infantry stands
        3 BTR-50's

      Weapons Company, with:
        1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
        1 82mm recoilless rifle stand
        1 107 nun recoilless rifle
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 Sagger AT-3 stand
        4 BTR-50's

    Tank Battalion, with:

      Headquarters, with: 1 command T-55 and 1 medium ammo truck with trailer
      3 Companies, each with: 2 T-55's

Artillery Brigade, with

    Brigade Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 jeep
      1 staff radio truck

    Brigade AAA Battery, with
      1 ZSU-23/4
      2 jeeps
      1 gun crew
      2 SA- 7 teams
      1 light truck

    Brigade Engineer Company, with: 2 engineer stands and 2 BTR-60's with trailer
    Brigade Antitank Missile Battery, with 1 UAZ-469 with AT-3

    2 Artillery Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with
        1 COP stand
        1 jeep
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

      3 Batteries, each with:
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 122mm M38 howitzer
        1 medium truck

    1 Artillery Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with
        1 COP stand
        1 jeep
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

      3 Batteries, each with:
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 122mm D74 field gun
        1 medium truck

    1 Artillery Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with
        1 COP stand
        1 jeep
        1 medium ammo truck with trailer

      3 Batteries, each with:
        1 gun crew stand (ds)
        1 122mm D30 field gun
        1 medium truck

1 Mortar Battalion, with:

    Battalion Headquarters, with
      1 COP stand
      1 jeep
      2 medium ammo trucks with trailer

    3 Batteries, each with:
      1 gun crew stand (ds)
      1 160mm mortar
      1 medium truck


1. Divisional troops use the number of the Division for their designation, with companies lettered throughout the battalion on a 1 to 3 or 1 to 4 basis, thus Number 1 Company, 6th Recon Battalion. Brigade Companies use the number of the Brigade for their designation, hence 1st Armored Brigade's AA Battery. Battalions within a Brigade are numbered with Roman Numerals, I to IV (or V as needed), with the companies numbered by type (Infantry, Weapons, Tank) throughout the Brigade. Thus, Number 8 Tank Company, IIIrdBattalion, 21st Armored Brigade.

Next issue we will continue the coverage of the 1973 Yom Kippur War including the remainder of the Egyptian army and equipment lists, the Jordanians, Iraqis, Saudis, and Syrians.

The Egyptian Army in 1973

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