The Egyptian Army
in 1973

Egyptian Order of Battle 1973

by Greg Novak

Start of the Campaign, 1973

GHQ - Reserve

3rd Mechanized Division

    Divisional Troops
    23rd Armored Brigade
    10th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    114th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    39th Arillery Brigade

6th Mechanized Division

    Divisional Troops
    22nd Armored Brigade
    1st Mechanized Brigade
    113th Mechanized Brigade
    43rd Artillery Brigade

23rd Mechanized Division

    Divisional Troops
    24th Armored Brigade
    116th Mechanized Brigade
    118th Mechanized Brigade
    67th Artillery Brigade

140th Parachute Brigade
150th Air Assault Brigade
160th Air Assault Brigade
Presidential Guard Brigade
Nasser Independent Armored Brigade
63rd Artillery Brigade (Antitank)
64th Artillery Brigade (FROG)
128th Commando Group
130th Commando Group
131st Commando Group
132rd Commando Group
134th Commando Group

Second Army

2nd Army Recon Battalion
2nd Army Forward SAM Battalion
Second Army Artillery

    47th Army Artillery Brigade
    57th Army Artillery Brigade
    62nd Mortar Brigade

182nd Parachute Brigade
15th Independent Armored Brigade
135th Independent Infantry Brigade (Port Said Garrison)
90th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
129th Commando Group
9th Engineer Brigade
2nd Infantry Division

    Divisional Troops
    4th Infantry Brigade
    120th Infantry Brigade
    117th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    59th Artillery Brigade attached
    ??? Engineer Brigade

18th Infantry Division
    Divisional Troops
    134th Infantry Brigade
    135th Infantry Brigade
    136th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    ??? Artillery Brigade attached
    ??? Engineer Brigade

21st Armored Division

    Divisional Troops
    1st Armored Brigade
    14th Armored Brigade
    18th Mechanized Brigade
    51st Artillery Brigade

16th Infantry Division

    Divisional Troops
    3rd Mechanized Brigade
    16th Infantry Brigade
    112th Infantry Brigade
    41st Artillery Brigade attached
    ??? Engineer Brigade

Third Army
3rd Army Recon Battalion
3rd Army Forward SAM Battalion
Third Army Artillery

    53rd Army Artillery Brigade
    55th Army Artillery Brigade
    60th Mortar Brigade

130th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
127th Commando (Ranger) Group
109th Engineer Brigade

7th Infantry Division

    Divisional Troops
    11th Infantry Brigade
    12th Infantry Brigade
    8th Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    49th Artillery Brigade attached
    ??? Engineer Brigade

19th Infantry Division

    Divisional Troops
    5th Infantry Brigade
    7th Infantry Brigade
    2nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade
    69th Artillery Brigade attached
    ??? Engineer Brigade

4th Armored Division

    Divisional Troops
    2nd Armored Brigade
    3rd Armored Brigade
    6th Armored Brigade
    6th Mechanized Brigade
    4th Artillery Brigade

Red Sea Command
??? Infantry Brigade
??? Infantry Brigade
133rd Commando Group

The Egyptian Army in 1973

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