Hill 260.8
Grossdeutschland at Nowosselowska:
July 8th, 1943

Soviet Set-Up

by Frank Chadwick/Greg Novak

Rifle Regiment (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    Headquarters Company
      1 command stand
      1 command infantry stand
      1 staff telephone stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 recon cavalry SMG stand
      1 ammo supply wagon (attached)

    Regimental Gun Company, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L16 infantry gun
      1 limber

    Antitank Gun Company, with:

      1 gun crew
      1 451A6 AT gun
      1 limber

    Mortar Company, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 120mm mortar
      1 medium truck

    Antitank Rifle Company, with 2 PTRS AT rifle stands
    Submachinegun Company, with 2 SMG stands

    3 Infantry Battalions, each with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command stand
        1 command infantry stand
        1 PTRS AT rifle stand

      3 Rifle companies, each with 2 infantry stands
      Machinegun Company, with 2 MMG stands
      Mortar Company, with 2 82mm mortar stand (ds)

Attached Troops

AAA Battalion (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    Headquarters Battery, with 1 command stand and 1 car
    2 Auto Weapons Batteries, each with
      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 37L70 AA gun
      1 medium truck

    2 MMG Batteries, each with 1 quad AAMG truck

AT Battalion (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    Headquarters Battery, with:
      1 command stand
      1 car
      1 light ammo truck

    3 Firing Batteries, each with:

      1 gun crew
      1 45L66 AT gun
      1 light truck

    Anti Tank Rifle Battery, with:

      2 PTRS ATR stands
      1 medium truck

Light Self-Propelled Gun Regiment, with:

    2 Firing Bafteries, each with 1 Su-76

Divisional Artillery Regiment, with 2 spotters


Tank Brigade (Experienced; Morale: 8)

    Headquarters Company, with:
      1 command BA-32 armored car
      1 recon motorcycle SMG stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 light truck

    Antitank Battery, with:

      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 76L39 AT gun
      1 heavy tractor

    Medium Tank Battalion, with 1 command T-34/43 and 5 T-34/43
    Light Tank Battalion, with 1 command T-70 and 3 T-70

    Motor Infantry Battalion, with:

      Battalion Headquarters, with:
        1 command infantry stand
        1 PTRS AT rifle stand
        2 light trucks
        1 recon BA-32 armored car

      2 Rifle Companies, each with:

        2 infantry stands
        1 medium truck

      Tank Desant Company, with 2 MMG stands
      Mortar Company, with 1 82mm mortar stand (ds) and 1 medium truck


1. Each spotter controls one artillery action. Each battalion has two 76L39 field guns with 30 rounds animunition, and one 122L22 howitzer with 15 rounds ammunition. Each spotter is assumed to have preregistered his artillery on up to six geographical points.

2. All Soviet onboard command (not command/infantry), staff, and spotter stands start the game in bunkers. All onboard weapons, including the SU-76s, start the game in weapons pits. All other onboard stands start the game entrenched.

3. The Soviet staff stand only issue orders to the Rifle Regiment and its attached unit, and then only when those stands are in bunkers, weapons pits, entrenchments, or the town of Nowesselowka.

4. The Soviet setup area for the rifle regiment and its attached elements is marked on the map. The tank brigade enters the game as follows: Starting with the 11:00 turn, the Soviets roll 1D10. On a roll of 1, the tank Brigade enters the north edge of the board on the followmg turn. For each turn afterward if the tank brigade has not arrived, add one to the the roll needed. Thus on the 11:15 turn, a roll of 1 or 2 would be needed. On the 11:30 turn, the roll would be 1-3, etc. Remember that the tank brigade arrives the turn after it is successfully rolled for.

5. At the start of each hour roll 1D10 to see what elements, if any of the Red Air Force are present. This roll is made only a the start of each hour. Not that these aircraft do not have ~ FAC present, and any ground attack aircraft must spot their targets before they attack them. Fighters on a fighter sweep remain overhead for four turns, ground attack aircraft return home as soon as they have used their ordnance. Soviet aircrews are Experienced; Morale: 8.

Die Roll Aircraft

    1,2,3 No Aircraft Present
    4,5,63 MiG-3 (Fighter Sweep)
    7,8 2 La-5 (Escort) and 3 P-39D (Ground Attack)
    9,0 3 Yak-3 (Escort) and 3 IL-2m2 (Ground Attack)

More Grossdeutschland at Nowosselowska: July 8th, 1943: Hill 260.8

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