Hill 260.8
Grossdeutschland at Nowosselowska:
July 8th, 1943

German Set-Up

by Frank Chadwick/Greg Novak

Veteran; Morale: 9 (Recon Battalion Morale: 10)

Assault Gun Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command StuG IIIG
      1 recon motorcycle stand
      1 engineer stand
      1 SdKfz 251/1
      1 SP 2cm AA

    3 Assault Gun Companies, each with 1 command StuG IIIG and 2 StuG IIIGs

Recon Battalion

    Headquarters, with:
      1 command stand
      1 SdKfz 250/1
      1 staff radio truck
      1 FAC radio truck

    Scout Car Company, with

      1 command SdKfz 232
      1 recon Sdkfz 231
      3 recon SdKfz 222

    3 Motorcycle Companies, each with:

      1 command motorcycle stand
      3 motorcycle infantry stands
      1 motorcycle weapons stand

    Heavy Company, with:

      1 command stand
      1 kubelwagen
      1 gun crew (ds)
      1 75L46 AT gun
      1 gun crew stand
      1 75L12 infantry gun (battalion gun)
      1 engineer flamethrower stand
      1 maultier medium truck
      1 medium truck
      1 light truck

Attached Units

    1 SP 2cm AA (From Panzer Jager Battalion)
    1 FO (Divisional Medium Artillery Battalion)
    1 kubelwagen


1. The FO controls the Gross Deutchland's Medium Artillery Battalion. The battalion has two 15L30 howitzers, each with a total of 12 rounds, and a 105L52 gun, with a total of 12 rounds.

2. At the start of each turn that the FAC truck is stationary and operating under a Call Fire Order, roll 1D10. If a 1 is rolled, contact is made with a flight of the Luftwaffe. Roll below to see what assets are present. For every complete hour since contact was last made with the Luftwaffe, add one to the number needed to contact the Luftwaffe. Once contact is made, the modifier is lost. Aircraft flying an escort mission can not be called on to strafe, but will attempt to intercept enemy fighters and ground attack aircraft as well as escort any friendly bombers/attack aircraft. German aircrews are Veteran; Morale: 9.

Die Roll Aircraft

    1,2,3, 2 Me 109 G (Escort) and 2 Me 110 G (Fighter Bombers)
    4,5,6, 3 Me 109 F (Escort) and 3 Ju 87 D (Dive Bombers)
    7,8, 3 Me 109 G (Escort) and 3 FW 190 F (Fighter Bombers)
    9,0 4 Me 109 G (Escort) and 2 Hs129B-2-R3 (Attack Bombers)

3. German forces may cross attach elements before the start of the game. They may start anywhere south of the Werchopenje Road.

More Grossdeutschland at Nowosselowska: July 8th, 1943: Hill 260.8

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