Booster Ridge
Golan Heights
October 8th, 1973

Syrian Set-Up

by Frank Chadwick/Greg Novak


81th Independent Tank Brigade (Experienced; Morale: 7)

Headquarters, 81st Independent Tank Brigade, with:

    1 command T-54 tank
    1 staff radio truck
    1 FO stand
    1 jeep

1st/3rd Tank Battalion, with:

    1 command T-54 tank
    4 T-54 tanks

2nd Tank Battalion, with 3 T-54 tanks

4th Infantry Battalion, with:

    4 infantry stands
    1 RPG- 7 stand
    1 MMG stand
    6 BTR-152U

70th Independent Tank Brigade (All elements Regular; Morale: 10)

    Headquarters, 70th Independent Tank Brigade, with:
      1 command T-55 tank
      1 staff BTR-60U
      1 recon BRDM-1

    1st Tank Battalion, with:

      1 command T-55 tank
      6 T-55 tanks

    2nd Tank Battalion, with:

      1 command T-55 tank
      6 T-55 tanks

    3rd Tank Battalion, with:

      1 command T-62 tank
      6 T-62 tanks

    4th Infantry Battalion, with:

      1 command stand
      6 infantry stands
      1 RPG-7 stand
      1 AT-3 (Swagger) stand
      1 107mm RR stand (ds)
      1 82mm mortar stand (ds)
      9 BTR- 60
      2 medium trucks

Off-Board Artillery, with 3 M-138 122mm howitzers

Syrian Notes

1. The 81st Independent Tank Brigade had reorganized and regrouped its forces from 0400 to 0900. It starts the game anywhere behind the Syrian start-up line.

2. The 70th Independent Tank Brigade enters the east edge of the board on the 1st turn of the game.

3. The Syrian infantry had cut down the sides of the AT Ditch over the last two days with their entrenching tools. Vehicles may cross the ditch at any non-mined point at a cost of half of their movement for the turn.

4. The Syrian artillery has 16 rounds of 122mm HE , and four rounds of smoke on hand per gun.

5. The AT-3 stand has three rounds of ammunition, and must dismount and be stationary to fire.

6. The two Syrian RPG-7 stands are "pure" stands. They may fire their RPGs in any eligible fire phase, and do not have to keep track of ammunition. All Syrian infantry stands have integral RPG-7 AT weapons, with three rounds of ammunition per stand, and are subject to the integral AT rule.

7. The 82mm mortar stand of the 4th Battalion, 70th Independent Tank-Brigade functions as a battalion mortar for that unit only.

More Golan Heights October 8th, 1973: Booster Ridge

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