Booster Ridge
Golan Heights
October 8th, 1973

Referee's Notes and Historical Commentary

by Frank Chadwick/Greg Novak

Referee's Notes

1. The game starts at 0900 and ends at the conclusion of the 1145 turn.

2. The cost to cross each contour level, either up or down, is 2" for tracked vehicles and personnel, and 4" for halftracks and wheeled vehicles. If a contour line is crossed on a road or trail, half these costs.

3. The areas marked as scrub give cover to stationary units and vehicles, but do not block line of sight.

4. Victory is determined by the following condition: (This is a winner take all game, there is no chance of a draw.) Israeli Victory: Prevent the Syrians from exiting seven tanks off the west map edge within the victory zone. Syrian Victory: To exit seven tanks off the west edge of the board in the area marked as the victory zone.

Historical Information

Again, if this battle looks familiar to those of you who purchased The Sands of War, once again you're right. I have been on Frank's case for some time to get him to write up several modem battles for the CP. At the end of our last conversation, he told me to check out "Booster Ridge."

This is a battle that I was involved with before. During the earlier stages of the playtest of the Sands of War, I served as the Syrian commander for this scenario. At that time, Frank was working on the battles of October 6 and 7 and as the Syrian it was a far different game. One inched one's way forward a day at time, burning up Syrian brigades as one went and nibbling slowly away at the Israeli positions. Frank's decision to just do the last day made for a much more balanced game. The action on the 8th is a classic case of the settlers holding out against the Indian hordes in the hope that the cavalry will arrive in time.

This game will probably work best with micro armor and a alternate scale. One could use either the centimeter version, or one could half all movement distances, ranges, artillery burst areas, etc., and construct the terrain with each square 6" on a side An 8' by 9' board in 20mm would be a bit hard to manage, and other than Frank, I don't know that many gamers with 30+ 20mm Soviet model tanks. On the other hand, if played with micro armor and a scale of each square being 12" on a side, it gives on a very good feeling for the battle and the problems that both side faced.

For the record, the cavalry did arrive in time. As Israel remnants were being pushed down the western slopes and the Syrians were out to break through, the reinforcements arrive and helped drive the Syrians back and off Booster.


Duel for the Golan, Joseph Bermudez, unpublished manuscript.

Weapons Data

CenturionVI60/2525(30)/9T: 105, 2/16, LMG, AAMG
HalftrackIII90/40OT 1/1T:HMG, H:LMG
Jeep/106II125/30-T: 106RR, 2/4
JeepII125/30-1/2 stand
M113III85/30A3/2T: HMG, LMG, 1 stand
M125III80/30A3/2T:HMG, 81mm mortar, 2/28

Direct Fire Weapons Chart

WeaponROF2"5"10"15" 20"30"40"50"60"HE
3.5" Bazooka19x36x32x3-HE 4
105APDS29:309:279:258:24 8:235:203:181:151:12-
105 HEAT2 9x59x59x58x57x54x52x5 1x5-HE 5
106mm RR1 9x59x56x55x54x52x51x5 --HE 5

Command stand14"
Infantry Stand2AR8"
MMG stand212"
AT-3 stand
RPG-7 stand14"
crew stand
Vehicle HMG115"
Vehicle LMG110"

T-62VI60/25S20(23)/6T: 115 SB, 1/10, LMG
T-54V60/25S22/6T: 100, 1/8, LMG, AAMG
T-54V60/25S22/6T: 100, 1/11, LMG, AAMG
BTR-60PUIII80/20AW 2/1staff radio
BTR-60III80/20AW 2/1T: HMG, LMG 1 stand
BTR-152UIII90/40WOT 1/1T: HMG, 1 stand
JeepII125/30-1/2 stand
Medium TruckIII75/15-2 stands or 1 dbl stand

WeaponROF2"5"10"15" 20"30"40"50"60"HE
RPG-719x46x41x4-HE 4
100 APDS19:279:257:23 5:213:191:16----
100 HEAT19x59x56x5 5x54x52x51x5--HE 5
107mm RR19x59x56x54x53x51x5-HE 5
115 APFSDS19:359:329:30 8:278:254:232:211:19 --
115 HEAT19x59x59x57x5 6x53x51x5-- HE 5

More Golan Heights October 8th, 1973: Booster Ridge

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