Booster Ridge
Golan Heights
October 8th, 1973

Israeli Set-Up

by Frank Chadwick/Greg Novak


7th Armored Brigade 75th Mechanized Battalion (Veteran; Morale: 8 All other elements Elite Morale: 9)

Headquarters, 7th Armored Brigade, with:

    1 command Centurion tank
    1 staff radio halftrack
    1 FO
    1 jeep

74th Tank Battalion, with:

    1 command Centurion tank
    1 Centurion tank

77th Tank Battalion, with:

    1 command Centurion tank
    2 Centurion tanks

Armor School Battalion, with:

    1 command Centurion tank
    2 Centurions

75th Mechanized Battalion, with:

    1 command stand
    4 infantry stands
    1 MMG stand
    5 M-113
    1 jeep with 106 RR
    1 M 125 SP 81mm mortar

17th Golani Battalion, with:

    1 command stand
    1 infantry stand
    1 MMG stand

Off Board Artillery, with: 3 M-109 155 howitzers


    52nd Tank Battalion (Elite; Morale: 9)
      1 command Centurion tank
      2 Centurion tanks

    Attached Reserve Company (Veteran; Morale: 10)

      1 command Centurion tank
      1 Centurion tank

Israeli Notes

1. Note that the Israelis had a chance to regroup and re-arm their remaining forces from 0400 to 0900. All supply vehicles are empty and have left the area in search of additional supplies, all support stands have been used as replacements.

2. The l7th Golanii Battalion has two bunkers and one entrenchment remaining in the area marked as X on the map. There also remains 24 1"x 1" AT and AP minefields that can be placed adjacent to one another along the banks of the AT ditch and about the bunkers. All mines must be placed within 10" of the bunkers.

3. The remaining Israeli units may be placed anywhere behind the Israeli start line. Remember that tanks that are adjacent to contour lines, and which are firing downhill, are considered to be in a hull down position.

4. To determine when, the Israeli reinforcements enter the west edge of the board, at the start of each command phase roll 1D10. If the number rolled is less than the current game turn, then the reinforcements arrive on that game turn. The earliest the reinforcements can arrive is 9:15, and they will be on the board by 11:30.

5. The Israeli artillery has 10 rounds of 155mm ammunition on hand per gun.

6. The M 125 is organic to the 75th Mechanized Battalion and functions as a battalion mortar for that unit only. It has a ROF of 2, and a range of 72".

7. All Israeli infantry stands qualify as 3.5" bazookas stands. There are no ammo limits on these stands.

8. Do not use the priority fire rule for this game, or allow the Israeli tank crews the +1 to their ROF bonus for being Elite. (The remaining crews were exhausted). They still receive the +1 to hit AT bonus for being Veteran/Elite.

Israeli Weapons Data
Command Stand14"
Infantry Stand2 AR8"
MMG stand110"
Vehicle HMG115"
Vehicle LMG110"

More Golan Heights October 8th, 1973: Booster Ridge

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