by Dick Bryant
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GHQ continues to find more WWII items to include in their Micro Armour range. They have added a German SdKfz 251 C "Stuka zu Fuss" rocket launcher, a Canadian Military Pattern 3-ton truck, a British Infantry Support Weapons pack (Vickers MGs, 3' mortars, Boys ATRs, PIATs, and heavy mortars), a German cross decal sheet, a US stars & stars with circles decal sheet, and a sheet of Red Cross decals for a variety of eras and nationalities. The 1:1200 Micronauts range for WWII has also been expanded with new battleships (Missouri and Nagato), cruisers (Northampton and Tenryu classes), destroyers (UK "H" and "J" classes), and destroyer escorts (Matsu class). New Napoleonic era ships are also available in 1:1200; the Victory (100), Bellona (74), Le Superbe (74), and Constitution (44). GHQ, 2634 Bryant Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55408 tel. (612) 374- 2693. Quality Castings has released a batch of new WWII vehicles and figures in 15mm. These include an Italian M1 3/40 tank, Semovente M40 75/18 assault gun, 47mm AT gun, and motorized infantry in advancing, defending, command, weapons, and gun crew packs. The French are represented by a Panhard 178AC and a CHAR "B" heavy tank. There are now 1942 and 1943 models of the Russian T34/76, while the Germans get prime mover and 2cm quad flak gun versions of the Sdkfz 7 halftrack. Another new departure is the production of packs of figures for vehicles. These come in rider & driver, tank crew, and open top vehicle crew packs for US and German armies. Crews for other nationalities are promised, as are more Sdkfz 7 variations, an Elephant 88mm tank destroyer, German 20 and 37mm ground mount flak guns, Russian BA-10 armored car, and a redo of the US halftracks. Quality Castings, P.O. Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. Minifigs has bought Greenfield-Garrison's terrain line. They intend to re-release only a fraction of these items, feeling that most need to be upgraded. The first offering in this line, nowtitled Battle-Vistas, and intended for 15mm, is a group of field works sets, each priced at $15. These include trench walls, redoubts, gun positions, sap heads, and angles to connect them all. Minifigs has joined the expanding ranks of manufacturers producing figures for Napoleonic battles with the Ottoman Empire. They have divided these into two lines: Ottoman Turkey and Mameluke Egypt. The Ottoman infantry is composed of Jannisaries, Nizarn-i-Jeclid, Sekhans, and Fellahin, the first two also available with command. There are Turkish artillerymen and Spahis with either pistols or lances. Mameluke infantry includes Sekhans, Fellahin with swords and spears, and servants with swords; the musket-armed Sekhans are available with comand. The cavalry, available with orwithout command, is comprised of Mamelukes with carbines or with slung carbines wielding swords and lances, Bedouins with carbines and lances, and carnekirnounted Bedouins with lances. The French Revolutionary Wars line is being filled out with French cavalry. Now available are Hussars de la Liberte, Hussars in shako with cloth wing, Chasseurs in shako with cloth wing, or in bicomes, and Dragoons in helmets orforage caps.All butthe last are also available with command. The previously issued dromedary corps are now available with command. The later Napoleonic line has added French sappers in bearskins and colpacks and British sappers with shouldered axes. Miniature Figurines Ltd., Box P, Pine Plains, NY 12567, tel. (518) 398-5166. Ceramic Castles suitable for gaming with 25mm figures are being offered by Mitic-Maria Studios. Cast in low-fire whiteware for easy paintability, these feature towers which open to reveal floors and stairs. Although the fortifications appear more suitable to fantasy than to historical games, a variety of wall sections, gates, towers, and bridges is available at prices ranging from $2 to $21. Custom work is also available. Mitic-Maria Studios, 10236 Coloma Rd., Rancho Cordova, CA 95670. Ral Partha has managed to sneak in some new 25mm Ancients among their D&D and BattleTech figures. New Egyptians include Pharaoh and light chariot, royal guard, spearmen, axemen, archers, javelinmen, command, and light chariot. The Hittite contingent includes a general and heavy chariot, guardsmen, axemen, command, and heavy chariot. There are also Syrian archers, spearmen, and light chariot, Libyan javelinmen and archers, Shardana royal guard, Nubian archers, sea people and Anatolian allies. Most are priced at 6/$5, with chariots higher. Ral Partha Enterprizes, 5938 Carthage Court, Cincinnati, OH 45212, tel. (800) 543-0272. Ulster Imports has started castingthe Freikorps and Platoon 20 figures in Canada, using a more malleable alloy. The Indian Wars, ACW, WWII, and Viet Nam lines are the first to be put into production. North American orders can now be directed to Ulster Imports, Box 1748, Champaign, IL 61824-1748. Orders for Freikorps lines not yet in production here will be faxed to Northern Ireland for direct airmail shipment at no extra cost. RSM has released a new batch of 15mm Franco-Prussian figures. The French include a Line Infantryman marching in kepi, Dragoon, Lancer, Hussar in kepi, Guard Chasseur, Line Chasseur, Chasseur d'Afrique, Cuirassier, and a general. Among the Germans are an Infantryman marching in pickelhaube, Guard Grenadier, also in pickelhaube, Prussian Guard Hussar, Prussian Hussar, Prussian "Death's Head" Hussar, Uhlan, Dragoon, Cuirassier, Bavarian Lt. Dragoon, and a general. These figures are.25 each, while there are galloping, trotting, and standing horses at .35 each, and French light and heavy guns, a mitrailleuse, and a Krupp gun at 1.25 apiece. RSM Ltd. Mail Order Sales, 188 S. Woodland Ave., Lex- ington, KY 40502, tel. (606) 254-6122. Connoisseur is now selling their Museum Miniature 15mm range in the US. Lines available include Napoleonics, ACW, pirates, 100 Years War, War of the Roses, Medieval French, Normans, Vikings, Macedonian Successors, Seleucids, Asiatic Early Successors, Hellenistic Creeks, Hoplite Greeks, Ancient British and Welsh, Gauls, Republican, Early and Middle Imperial Romans, Thracians, Skythians, Lysimachids, Bactrians, and Galatians. Infantry are .35, cavalry .75 each. The Connoisseur Group, 2625 Forest Clen Traiul, Riverwoods, IL 60015. Stone Mountain has made several additions to their 15mm ACW lists. There are now ragged Rebs firing and loading, ragged Yanks either advancing or firing and loading, 54th Massachusetts firing and loading, and the 1 st Louisiana Native Guard advancing. Of special interest is a unit pack of a USA "Glory" brigade, containing the 54th Mass, 56th and 60th US Colored Infantry, 1 st and 3d Louisiana Native Guards, and Btty A, US Colored Lt Artillery (1100 troops with command, 3 gun battery, and mtd general) for $38. There are also a number of new groups of 15mm figures for the Plains Wars. These include troopers in kepi or soft hat riclingwithout weapons in hand, prone troopers firing carbines, casualties fortroopers and horses, mounted and dismounted Pony Express and Gunfighter figures, Apache warriors on foot with bows, Plains Indians casualties and Apache casualties, both with horses. Also in 15mm are a sphinx and a pair of base camps for use in DBA, cast in resin. Stone Mountain Miniatures, P.O. Box 594, Broomfield, CO 80038, tel. (303) 465-4246, fax (303) 465-8800. Two Dragons has released several armed peasants in their 15mm Warriors of the Shogun line. Three are running, armed with axe, katana, or large flail; one is swinging a large mallet, and the last is kneeling thrusting with a staff. There is also a Taiko, or war drum, with two crew. Two Dragons Productions, 70 Luck Lane, Marsh. Huddersfield, West York- shire, HDII 4QX, UK. The Drum produces a line of structures which is now being offered by Geo- Hex. there are buildings, field works, and fortifications for the ACW in 15MM and 25mm, 15mm Napoleonic, 15mm Log stockade, 20mm and 10mm Viet Nam, and 10mm Arabian. Pricesrunfrom $1.50forsome gabions to $15 for a large stone townhouse with archway. SIMTAC, Inc. has announced the release of their 15mm range of Ancients. This includes Acaemenid Persians, Macedonians, Indians and Personalities. This is the most complete range available anywhere and it includes the allied nationalities listed for use with W.R.G. or Tactica. These are blisterpacked 24 footor8 mounted to a packfor $6.00,12 Foot Command or 6 Mounted Command for $4.00, Equipment packs are $5.00 each and Personality packs are $2.00 ea. The Greek range have separate weapons and separate shields, allowing endless custornization. SIMTAC, Inc. has moved to a new facility, moving their production and shipping operations into a 3000 sq. ft. building in the East Lyme industrial Park. Their mailing address will remain the same. They reported that the added room will allow an increase in inventory stock levels, as well as provide needed production space. SIMTAC's goal will be to turn around all orders within 2 working days of receipt, and plan to maintain the high quality and continue to provide the service they have become renowned for. Over the past 4 years, SIMTAC has grown from astartup operation to the 2nd largest range of historical figures available worldwide. So far in 1990, they have released over 150 new items. SIMTAC plans to continue to expand their ranges and provide new products for the discriminating gamer n the years to come. SIMTAC, Inc., 20 Attawan Road, Niantic, CT 06357 (203) 739-3609. PublicationsHistorical Gamer is a new magazine for wargamers, edited by William Biles. The premier issues includes ashort description of the Battle of Kay, 1759, with comments on how to make a playable game out of an assault on entrenched gun positions on a narrow front, an article on incorporat- ing political intrigue into Byzantine battles based on Manzikert and Yamuk, an account of the magazine system of logistics during the Seven Years War, reviews of Two Dragons and Elite Miniatures Napoleonics figures and two computer games, and a history of the Seven Years War (part one of four) by Biles, reprinted from Miniature Wargames. There is also a 14 page list of manufacturers of wargaming products, intended to be an annual feature. They intend to cover miniatures, computer games, and boarclgames in future issues. Worth a look. $3.95 for a single issue, $25 for a 6 issue subscription; 36 pages, 81/2xl 1, color is used on the covers and three inside pages. Historical GamerMagazine, 1863 S. Limes- tone, Lexington, KY 40503. The Reiter is the journal of the US Pike and Shot Federation, devoted to Renaissance gaming. The September issue has a number of pieces on Federation competitions and ratings, an article on sword design, a short treatment of the development of artillery during the Renaissance, a description of Maximilian armour, and a long continuing account of a campaign being fought in Burbank, CA, now in its fourth year. Other issues have had articles on heraldry, scenarios, rules questions and contentions, and painting techiques. A set of Renaissance rules by Carl Amedio is scheduled to appear in a future issue. 40 pages, 81/2xl 1; $15/4 issues and membership. Panaplia is another new magazine, this one from Italy. The first couple of issues have articles on history Outland, Prague 1757, Operation Brevity, 1941), uniforms (Hanoverian cavalry, British camel reg't., Norsemen), wargaming (Blitzkrieg in France with Command Decision), reviews of books, rules, and figures, editorials, and some other stuff - an article on visiting Waterloo, for example. For those who can read (or struggle through) Italian, this is worth your consideration. 52 pages, A4, color covers; Lit. 20000/6 issues. Livio Agostini, Via Della Ciuliana 85 - 00195 Roma, Italy. Gazette des Armes & Uniformes is another foreign magazine, but not a new one. Now 20years old, this glossy monthly is a competitorof Uniformes. It covers uniforms, figures, toy soldier collecting, weaponry, and reenactments, and provides yet another outlet forthe indefatigable Funkens. The September-October issue has articles on uniforns of the US Army 1812-1815 and Mussolini's Black Shirts, articles on Czech pistols, the Nagant 1887 revolver, and the Jo-Lo-Ar pistol, two reenactment groups, and Quiralu toy soldiers. Schoolboy French is suff icent to enjoy this. 82 pages, 4-color throughout, A4 size. 122, Av. des Champs Elysees, 75008 Pads, France. Gamelog is a newsletter by James Lurvey, aimed at wargamers in the area of South Dakota (local has a different meaning in the west than it does here on the east coast). Mostly a personal view of wargaming, issue 76 includes two battle reports, one on WWII N. African desert, and one which involved Zulus, wargs, orcs, and knights. There is a list of Origins awards nominees, some convention reports, and reviews of some computer games. 18 pages, folded 8.5x11" $10/12 issues. James B. Lurvey, 405 N. Madison St., Pierre, SD 57501-2630. The Knights' Round Table is a newsletter for medieval gamers, intended as a forum for disucssions centered on Knighthood and the Middle Ages, a rules set by Chris Parker. The first issue has an assortment of new rules and clarifications and a scenarioto fight, a pattern Chris expects to follow. Free to purchasers of the rules, a copy is available from CR Publishing, P.O. Box 295, West Newbury, MA 01985. The Phoenix is the expanding publication of the HMGS Midwest. The March issue contains society business, a WWII scenario based on the movie "In Harm's Way", a commentary on the Grand Opening of the Emperor's Headquarters in Chicago, a piece on writing a computer program for scenario building, a list of wargame clubs and gamingnights, and an events calendar. For membership information, contact Nick Klapper, P.O. Box 572, Madison, WI 53701, tel. (608) 249-3264. PW Review In the April issue, Wally Simon gives an account of his adventures crouched under Paddy Griffith's dining room table with three other wargamers, a vacuum cleaner, a sewing machine and a large salad dish. No, not some strange cult, just Paddy's game of "Sink the Tirpitz" (they didn't). Other articles include a set of 6mm Ancients rules by Scott Holder, rules on a game built on brigade officers' morale and quest for glory, a report on mechanisms and outcome of a Charge campaign, and an account of Wally's doings at Cold Wars. 20 pp photocopied, $10/12 issues. Walter Simon, 12905 Layhill Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906. Catalogs ReceivedHex-O-Gram: Zocchi Distributors, 1512 30th Ave.,Gulfport, MS 39501. More of a monthly newsletter, this 4 page flyer lists all the hard-to-find wargame items that Lou is famous for. Back issues, out of print rules and games as well as the latest offerings. Though most of the items are board game and fantasy realted, he does carry many historical items. For instance, the most recent lists 1 5mm Napoleonettes, 25mm Confederals and old MiniFigs. $5.50/year. Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059. Stamped, self-addressed envelope will get you this latest catalog featuring Dixon 25mm Napoleon in Egypt, ACW, Indian Mutiny, Age of Marlborough, and their many other lines. Geo-Hex, 609 North East Schuler, Unit #1, Portland, OR 97212. The new 1990 catalog with many color illustrations makes your mouth water for this beautiful terrain. All the newadditions are there, now - let me see - where did I put my checkbook? $3 (I think, it may have gone up) to the address above. Publications of Old Fort Niagara - A collection of books and pamph- lets about Fort Niagara, the siege of 1759, and the early Revolution, all inexpensive. Old Fort Niagara, P.O. Box 169, Youngstown, NY 14174-0169. Whittlesey Miniatures - Revo flags, 25mm Napoleonics, Normans, Saxons, Vikings and Landsknechts, 54mm 'toy' figures. Whittlesey Miniatures, 6 St. Mary's St., Whittlesey, Nr. Peterborough, Cambs. Modelers Mart, 1183 Cedar St., Safety Harbor, FL 34695. The new color catalog for 1990 is out. 1200) pages of illustrated catalog covering just about every scale, period, manufacturer. Contains figures, buildings, paints and painting services, rules, magazines and reference books. Cost is $5.00 to address above. GDW 1990 catalog features their various boardgames, Science Fiction and Fantasy offerings. But more importantly they list their Harpoon Rules and various playing aids and scenario booklets as well as the same for Command Decision andjohnny Reb. Catalog is free from GDW, P.O. Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702. Connoisseur Group - 25mm figures by Connoisseur and Elite, Battleground structures, Howard Hues Paints. $1.00. Connoisseur Croup, 2625 Forest Glen Trail, Riverwoods, IL 60015. RSM - 25mm (SYW, AMR, F&I, 18C Turks), 20mm (ACW, Napoleonic, Colonial), and 15mm (Franco-Prussian) figures, books, rules, $1.00 RSM Ltd. Mail Order Sales, 188 St. Woodland Ave., Lexington, KY 40502, tel. (606) 254-6122. Ulster Imports - Freikorps 1 5mm, Platoon 20mm, Lyzards Grin Artillery, Howard Hues Paints, Ceo-Hex, rules, campaign booklets. Ulster Imports, Box 1748, Champaign, IL 61824-1748. Civil War Bookshop - List of about 100 books and manuscripts on the ACW, specializing in New York soldiers and units. 23 Maplewood St., Albany, NY 12208, tel. (518) 438-7138. Courier Dispatch News of The Hobby
Man on Horseback Award: Dick Bryant $100 Added to HMGS Reward for Stolen Figures AvalonCon Product News Life and Death of a Wargamer: Peter Featherstone Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. IX No. 5 Back to Courier List of Issues Back to Master Magazine List © Copyright 1990 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |