By William Greenwald
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Battle Honours, most noted for their fine miniature figurines, has produced a miniature wargaming 'Battle Management System' program for Napoleonics called EAGLER BEARER. Written in BASIC and available for IBM PC, EAGLE BEARER provides the best in miniature gaming without the paperwork overhead, charts or dice. From initial order of battle generation to end of battle statistics, EAGLE BEARER provides the gamer with a complete Napoleonic gaming system. EAGLE BEARER comes packaged in 6x8 inch boxed format, and contains 36 page booklet, 31/2" or 51/4" floppy disk (360K PC DOS version), and a set of numbered unit markers. Additional modules are also available to enhance the capabilities of the system. These include The Army Organizer (Module EM01) and The Couriers (Module EM04). First, the system module allows the user access to the different portions of the program via menus. Selecting the 'CONSCRIPT', in the opening menu, gives the user an indispensable set of tools to create an Order of Battle with Unit names, Troop types, Weapons, Morale and so forth. Entering unit data is a very simple process of menu selection and an occasional name entry. It is aided by a very concise series of tables in the last few pages of the manual that contain national unit strengths and Morale, and Commander data. One of the nicest features of this section is the COPY LAST function. This allows the user to copy the last unit into the next one, where you would only need to modify the name or other parameter to make a different unit. Each unit is accessed by a unit number, and the user is able to move around in the OB 'Data Base' to make changes at will. A super feature. Once the OB is completed, it can be saved to disk for later use and even brought back to modify. Portions can be selected and saved to create Army Lists. This list can be recalled to create new OBs. The really nice thing about Army lists is you can have your complete list of units installed and then take only portions to make new Orders of Battle. Other menu selections of the CONSCRIPT are; GENERALS, SCOUTING results, FLANK MARCH assignments and STAFF list creation. All add to the fine level of game detail. Once done with CONSCRIPT we are back at the opening menu and can now select EAGLEBEARER. This is the Battle Manager. The real beauty of this program is 'Fog of War' that is generated when playing. The program keeps track of all the 'paperwork' that would normally accompany Roster Game systems, and since no casualties are removed from the table (until units are destroyed or Rout off the table), no one really knows the condition of a particular unit unless the commander actually attaches his figure to it. He then would get a report during the Dispatch Phase, either via screen output or printer hard copy, another excellent feature that adds to the intrigue, fun and overall detail of EAGLE BEARER. The opening menu of the battle manager contains 4 options. UNIT MOVEMENT, BATTLE ACTION, ORDER OF BATTLE, and CAME UTILITIES. With the Unit Movement option all units are given their orders for formation changes and charges. The computer will respond in various ways relative to the current condition of the unit. As a result, the order may or may not be given or performed. For example, a unit may not have time to form Square because the enemy cavalry unit is too close. The BATTLE ACTION option is where eligible units may fire. The program then sequences through each unit in order; targets and ranges are input, and the results are shown on the screen (or not shown if REFEREE OFF option is selected). The program accumulates casualties and applies them after firing sequence is complete. One drawback here is that you can't go back to fire a unit if it is passed over accidentally. A BOMBARDMENT feature is included as an additional option to Artillery, if the Battery doesn't have any direct targets and are outside of 600 yards. This BOMBARDMENT feature is included later in the turn to allow use of Grand Batteries. A target Commander is selected and all the visible units under his command are subject to BOMBARDMENT. Also featured is the program's ability to divide a unit's fire among different targets. Incidentally, EAGLE BEARER keeps track of ammunition use also. After firing, Combat is resolved. Since the program has recorded who has charged (previously ordered in movement option), the program will ask with whom these units are in contact. It is possible for more than one unit of each side to be involved in a single melee. The Program records the results of these Melees and then moves on to generate Dispatches. Dispatches are where commanders get information about the units under their command either in battle or on Flank March. One other option in the opening menu of EAGLE BEARER is GAME UTILITIES. Here is where the user can restore units to original formation, strength and morale. Return routed units and cancel charges and pursuits. Lastly, a selection to set the Time and Weather of a battle. The end of turn sequence allows the CinC to allocate unassigned troops to extra commanders and the assignment of new commanders to replace old ones. At the end of the turn the program indicates the results of the turn's actions by specifying each unit that was involved and their reactions; these reactions can be anything from OBEY ORDERS to ROUT. Units that ROUT out of Melee can be PURSUED by the victors, a check which is made automatically. A SHOCK EVENTS test is made at the request of either the players or the Referee. This function must be selected at the appropriate time and should be based on the particular game situation. If a unit is surrounded, facing a forced surrender, the CAPITULATION test may be selected. Additional Modules, which are now available are The Army Organizer, and The Couriers. The Army Organizer allows the user to divide the OB into Brigades, Divisions and Corps. The Couriers contains functions to send messages between commanders which includes delays in transit and possible enemy capture.. As an experienced wargamer and programmer, my opinion is that these features make EAGLE BEARER a very dynamic and exciting way to wargame. Negatives I note only three things that are negative. First, the program does not 'remember' the current game turn number when the game is saved to be continued on another day. It is not clear how or if this affects the Flank March orders in regards to unit arrival time. Second, there is a minimum limit of ten game turns for Flank March arrival. In my opinion, this minimum should be one turn. In my first test play (which naturally took longer as we didn't know the rules), we only accomplished 5 turns in three and one-half hours. At this time, reinforcements were sorely needed. Later, when I tried to use the CANCEL FLANK MARCHES option in the CONSCRIPT, it didn't seem to work. While I later expected to see the troops show up on the battlefield when we continued the game weeks later, none arrived until turn 15. An explanation for the operation of this feature is not included. For those who have or are planning to purchase EAGLE BEARER, I commend your choice but have a suggestion. When using the Army list features, there seems to be a residue left over in memory if you create and save a large list followed by a smaller one. When saved, the smaller list has some of the entries left over from the larger list. To eliminate this anamoly the user should save an army list called NULL when no order of battle is loaded. Reload this NULL list after you save a real list and before you create and save a new one. The NULL list is actually an empty list and will clear out the memory. Costs are Eagle Bearer: $65.00 + $4.00 S&H; EM01 Army Organizer: $28.00+ $4.00 S&H; EM04 The Couriers: $28.00+ $4.00 S&H. EAGLE BEARER, is solely available in the US from Battle Honours America, 17 Ridge Rd., Budd Lake, NJ 07828. In conclusion I cannot praise Battle Honours enough for this exciting gaming experience. Reviewing Stand
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