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A. PURPOSE The Historical Miniature Gaming Society (HMGS) is a non-profit educational and service oriented organization dedicated to fostering historical miniature wargaming. Accomplishing of the overall goal shall be approached in the following ways: 1. Strengthening both historical miniature gaming and historical scholarship by emphasizing the relationship between the two fields through educational and research projects. Programs will be undertaken either by HMGS alone or in collaboration with scholarly and historical organizations. 2. Promoting an expanded public awareness and appreciation of historical gaming by collaborating in general adventure gaming gatherings with outside organizations and seeking favorable media exposure for the hobby. 3. Directly fostering the historical miniature gaming hobby through sponsoring area conventions devoted solely to the aspects of historical combat simulation. 4. Sponsoring demonstrations, seminars, and presentations for the general public which will focus on gaming disciplines and their relevance to the study of history. B. GOVERNING BODY 1. HMGS is governed by a board of directors, the size of which shall be decided upon in one of two ways:
(b) By written canvass of the membership. A simple majority of those voting will suffice unless the results are protested by an affected director or five members, in which case a majority equal to 51% of the total membership or two thirds of those voting is required. Meetings and results must be announced by newsletter. 2. The Board of Directors is empowered to collect and apply funds, negotiate on behalf of HMGS, assign projects and otherwise act in support of HMGS purposes. Issues affecting organizational goals shall be reported to the membership in the Newsletter. Recommendations affecting standards for activities, competitions, rules, etc. shall remain no more than suggestions or guidelines for HMGS unless acted on by the general membership; voting requirements being as outlined for item 1 above. 3. The Board of Directors shall elect amongst themselves or appoint from the membership any club officers or agents necessary for the day to day operating of the organization. These offices may include but are not limited to, a treasurer, chairman, secretary, and newsletter editor. C.FINANCIAL AFFAIRS HMGS shall obtain operating funds in support of its stated goals and purposes through various fund raising activities which shall include but not be limited to: 1. Direct Donation. By voice vote at the founding eeting (Nov. 21,1981) to avoid compromise of organizational independence, donations from any one commercial firm are limited to the amount of $1,000,000 unless an exception is approved by a majority of members. This limit does not apply to donations from other than commercial sources. 2. Sale or raffle of donated items. 3. Member dues; the amount of which is to be determined by vote based on recommendations by the Board of Directors. The current amount is $10.00 per annum. This amount primarily supports printing and distribution of newsletters, etc. 4. Proceeds from HMGS or joint public functions for which admission or other fees are charged. 5. Expenses of individuals acting in support of or as agents for HMGS will insofar as possible be borne by the agents themselves, and be construed as donations to HMGS. The Board of Directors, and more particularly theTreasurer, is responsible to the membership for the safe keeping, proper use, and accounting for HMGS funds. There shall be no commingling of personal and HMGS funds except as envisioned by items I and 5 above. To this end all HMGS funds shall be deposited in a separate HMGS account or accounts. More News
Jack Scruby Fades Away HMGS Bylaws NY Convention Well Attended PW & HMGS Make Presentation at Smithsonian Gleanings Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. V #1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1984 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |