by Walter Simon
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Italian Army Handbook May 1943Athena's 1st major publication, due November at £ 7.50 plus £ 1.67 post ( overseas). Orders are invited now. This is a facsimile of the US Army intelligence handbook issued during WW2, a format well known to most from the German & British Armies' handbooks already issued by other publishers. No other publisher would touch the Italian Army, so Athena rushed in where wise people (?) feared to tread. The handbook will be paperback, approx. 800, 434pp, over 200 illus. of insignia, uniform, AFVs & other vehicles, artillery, bridging, mines, field fortifications, camouflage, signalling equipment & aircraft, plus more than 50 organisational & equipment tables for formations from Army down to platoon & section level. Athena Books, 20 St. Mary's Rd. Dorchester, S. Yorks, England. MagazinesSlingshot (6 issues per year with membership in The Society of Ancients). 1984 Subscription rates are $12.00 plus $8.00 for overseas surface mail or $18.00 for overseas airmail. Sent to W.J. Thurlow, Treasurer, 15 Longfleet Road, Pool, Dorset BH15 2HN, ENGLAND. September issue (No. 109) is heftier than usual. Apart from the usual review of figures and rules there are a number of interesting articles including a review of the states using chariots at the time of the Hittite Empire. The Crossbow in Mediaeval English Armies, the Rise of Thebes and two studies on Bronze Age Warfare. There is also (God help us) an article suggesting that more troop types and factors be added to the 6th edition rulesto accommodate varioys armoured knights. In the samevein, another article has some suggestionsfor modifyingthe use of morale and melee random factors in WRG. All in all a very good issue. The Nugget (Published bimonthly, 00.00 for 6 issues) Bob Cordery, 50 Booth Close, Thomersmead, London SE 28. Note the increase in subscription rate which includes overseas postage. The new subscription year for The Nugget (Volume 4) begins now and runs until I uly '84. Paddy Griffith has bowed out as editor but will still be somewhat involved in the production of The Nugget. The latest issue to hand (No. 15, July 1983) has changed again, it's shrunk down to digest size. The content isjust as good as ever with discussion on role playing in gaming (an underused part of the game in my opinion), rules review, a discussion of various boardgame formats, the use (actual and potential), of computers in wargaming and a complete set of rulesfor small medieval battles. There are also some reviews of the various happenings at the Pendbell Hall conference in January. The Nugget is highly recommended for thinking wargamers. MORE MAGAZINE NOTESSubscription information for Miniature Wargames (reviewed last issue) is 12 issues (one year) for £ 14 to Europe and surface mail or £ 24 for airmail. Make cheques payable to Conflict Publications, Ltd. and send to Miniature Wargames, 12C Manor Rd., Stoke Newington, London N16. Back numbers are available. US subscribers can buy it from the Armory see advt. this issue. Two new magazines will be appearing soon. Blue and Gray magazine is for "those who still hear the guns". it will feature guides to Historic ACW sites, articles by noted historians, wargaming, book reviews and much more. Information is available from POB 28685, Columbus, OH 43228. The other magazine is to be published by Steve Jackson Games and is titled "Fantasy Gaming". It will feature the fantasy stuff that previously appeared in Space Garner which will now concentrate on S.F. gaming. Both Fantasy and Space Games will be published bimonthly at $3.00 each. More News
Jack Scruby Fades Away HMGS Bylaws NY Convention Well Attended PW & HMGS Make Presentation at Smithsonian Gleanings Back to Table of Contents -- Courier Vol. V #1 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1984 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |