by Dick Bryant
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Aerial Terrain Concepts produces vinyl mats about 4’ by 9’ 6” printed with a terrain photograph in color for use in aerial games. 33 mm hexes are over printed in white with broken lines. Pricey at $280, but attractive. Available from Combined Arms, Inc, PO Box 2057, Warminster, PA 18974, tel: (215) 635-2724, web: Alphacast has a new line of 15 mm Classical Greek figures featuring separately cast spears and shields with a variety of emblems and decorations. They have also added Serbian infantry to their 15mm Balkan Wars figure lines: a command group with officers, buglers, and ensigns (with printed color flags), with packs of firing, advancing, and marching infantrymen. Available in the US from the Virtual Armchair General, 10208 Haverhill Place, Oklahoma City, OK 73120-3922 tel: (405) 752-2420, web: Artizan Designs has some new 28 mm Italian Infantry in sun helmets, a third pack of Afrika Korps riflemen, DAK casualties, and German riflemen in greatcoats, British Commandos with LMGs and S.A.S. saboteurs, and US early airborne riflemen, SMG, BAR and character packs.. 5 Springwells, Mardy, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, NP7 6NW, U.K., web: Available in the US from Brigade Games. Baccus 6mm has some new Samurai figures in, oddly enough, 6 mm scale. These include mounted Samurai galloping and standing, Samurai foot archers, retainers, Sohei, and some pavises. There are also some packs of decals of clan patterns. 29 Highcliffe Drive, Sheffield, S11 7LT, U.K., web: Battlefield Terrain Concepts has begun offering unfinished versions of their hills and fields, in addition to the painted and finished terrain pieces. New products include four plowed fields, corn and wheat fields, five different types of hasty works and a new rocky outcrop. 754 Ray Street, Roanoke, VA 24019, tel: (540) 977-0696, web: Bayonets ‘n Bushido is a Pacific Theater expansion for the Guts ‘n Glory WWII skirmish system covering the fighting in the Pacific, China and Southeast Asia during WWII. It has 14 scenarios, special rules, vehicle and ordnance data for the Commonwealth, US, Netherlands, China, and Japan, and two Korean War scenarios. GTB Entertainment, PO Box 802884 Santa Clarita, CA 91380-2884, tel: (661) 255-2605, web: Baueda Wargames produces resin terrain items. First into production include 1/72 dry stone walls and barricades. There are also Mongol yurts, roman legionary camp tents and Bedouin desert tents specifically designed to fit DBM 15mm baggage bases. 21 Corona Road, Cambridge, Cambs, CB4 3EB, U.K., web: Brigade Games Historical Miniatures has begun issuing figures from three new ranges sculpted by Mike Owen. These are WWI in Africa, beginning with Schutztruppe in sun helmet or slouch hats, and Kings African Rifles Askaris in fez; WWI - Bellau Wood, with U.S. Marines in helmet and tunic and German Stormtroopers; and Victorian Age characters, represented so far by a couple of sets of Irish brawlers. web: Camel Miniatures is a new firm. Their first products are Japanese WWII paratroops in 15 mm, with rifle, SMG, LMG, mortar, officers, casualties, snipers, and chutes. These are available through East Riding Miniatures, 1 The Woodlands, Goddard Avenue, Hull, HU5 2BW, U.K., web: Corvus Belli has begun releasing a new line of 25mm Hundred Years War figures, which so far include infantry command, dismounted knights, spearmen, halberdiers, bowmen, crossbowmen, handgunners, cavalry command, mounted knights with sword or lance, hobbilars and crossbowmen. There are also additions to the 15 mm Carthaginian line: Numidian light horse, three packs of Libyan spearmen, and two of Phoenician spearmen. Available in the US from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059, tel: (304) 547-0000, web: Dixon has a batch of new 28 mm Vikings, lead by a standing chieftain with sword and shield. He commands a huscarl standing with axe, Vikings running with axe, wielding a sword, kneeling with spear or axe, and thrusting with spear or axe. There are also four vignettes: a raiding party with goose, woman with three children, Viking with captive children, and Vikings carrying a chest. Available in the US from Wargames. Essex Miniatures has been adding to their 15 mm Samurai line with a Samurai foot standard bearer, lower class foot standard bearer, general seated with bodyguard, bodyguard infantry, mounted general with bodyguard, mounted bodyguard with naginata, warrior monks with naginata, warrior monk general on foot with assorted monks as bodyguards, and even a warrior monk general standing in cart with horse and attendant. Also in 15mm are a variety of Arab camp scenes, with tents, campfires, camels, civilians, leaders, palm trees, and assorted impedimenta. In the Crusades range they have added Armenian heavy infantry, medium infantry, and bowmen, plus Sudanese javelin/spearmen and bowmen. In 25mm, there are new Romans (400-275 BC), with Legionaries with shield and either spear or pilum, Triarius with spear & shield, Velites with spear and shield, foot officers, (all with multiple variants), a Signifer with lion skin or bearskin headdress, and a musician. Available in the US from Wargames. Figurehead has a flotilla of 1:1250 scale WWII models for coastal battles. Recent releases include a British Harbor Defense motor launch, Fairmiles A, B, C, and D with variants, and Denny SGB; German Siebel Ferry, Siebel Gun Platform, submarine Type VIIC in thee variants, two variants each of the US Elco 70’, 77’, and 80’, and two of the Higgins 78’; Italian MAS 501, MAS 526/536, MAS 552/555, MS II, VAS I, II and III, an auxiliary schooner, and a caique. Available in the US from The Last Square. HistoriFigs is a new company producing the Jack Scruby line of historical wargaming figurines. In addition to producing the existing line, new 30 mm figures are planned. P.O. Box 69, Cotati, CA 94931-0069, web: Langton Miniatures has started three new series of 1:1200 ships. Galleys of the Mediterranean, 1500-1700 has a wide variety of galleys along with a selection sailing support vessels, over 20 ships so far. Warships of the Great Lakes covers battles from 1756 to 1815 with 16 vessels, and the Baltic fleets 1778-1809 include 9 Swedish and 7 Russian vessels. web:, Available in the US from Brookhurst Hobbies,12188 Brookhurst Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840, web: Osprey continues to publish a flurry of books. Among the recent issues are: in the Men At Arms Series, Roman Military Clothing (2) AD 200 – 400; Napoleon’s Red Lancers, and The Austro-Hungarian Forces in WWI (1) 1914 - 16; in the Campaign series, Tannenberg 1410, Towton 1461, Quebec 1759, The Yom Kippur War 1973 (2) The Sinai, and Auldearn 1645; in the New Vanguard series, Austrian Napoleonic Artillery, M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank 1943-65, and German Pocket Battleships 1939-45; in the Warrior series, Japanese Warrior Monks AD 949 - 1603 Imperial Japanese Naval aviator 1937-45, British infantryman in the Far East 1941-45,and Darby’s Rangers 1942; in the Essential Histories series, The Gulf War 1991, The Boer War 1899-1902, and The Wars of the Roses 1455-1485; in the Elite series Heroines of the Soviet Union 1941-45; and finally, in the Fortress series, Japanese Castles 1540-1640, and American Civil War Fortifications (1) Coastal brick and Stone Forts. Perfect Captain has posted “Actions!”, a miniatures ruleset for smaller engagements in their late 16th century rules system, “Spanish Fury”. Meant for battles with from 300-2500 men per side, it includes armies for English, Scottish, Irish, French Protestant and Catholic, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Venetian & other Italian, Polish, Russian, and Turkish with 40 troop types. Some 21 scenarios, a scenario generator color graphics and counters are provided along with a small campaign game. I think this could be classed as donationware: sample and download via the web at Piquet Inc. has released a second edition of Hallowed Ground, a supplement to the Piquet master rules covering the period 1836-1876. This includes three rules sets using the company, battalion, or regiment as the basic game unit, so that games can cover a Mexican War skirmish between battalions or an American Civil War battle with each player commanding a Corps. 8995 S. Edgewood Lane, Highlands Ranch, CO 80130, tel: (303) 470-5727, web: Renegade Miniatures, which makes 28 mm figures, has new WWI British HMG teams German Jagers and HMGs, and French Chasseurs and HMGs. They’ve also added fully armored English Civil War pikes in standing, marching, advancing, and advancing at high port poses, along with Celtic slingers and chariots. 15 Treesdale Close, Paignton, Devon, TQ3 3QB, U.K., Available in the US from Brigade Games. Reviresco has a variety of new stuff, beginning with five Chinese warlord infantryman from the 1920’s and 30’s in 28 mm (including one with parasol and rifle) with an accompanying gun crew. In the same scale there is a 12 cm Krupp howitzer of 1889 in 1/64, with four German crew in garrison hats, pickelhaub, pith helmet, or steel helmet (and corresponding uniforms) suitable up to the beginning of the Great War, plus a British 1909 4.5” howitzer. In 1/72 there is a Whippet tank in 1/72nd scale as a 40-piece white metal kit complete with highly-visible rivets. Finally, there are three new 1/144 aircraft: a Sopwith Dolphin, an A.E.G.-G4, German WWI bomber, and a Travel Air Mystery Ship, this last being the first of a line of Golden Age Air Racers. Not very useful in battle, but one of my all-time favorite aircraft. John McEwan, 1119 San Francisco Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98506, tel: (360) 754-9591, Skirmish Campaigns: Normandy - Heroes of Omaha and Panzer Lehr. A companion to “Normandy-First Hours,” this booklet covers US forces from their landing at Omaha Beach to the counter-attack of Panzer Lehr west of St. Lo in early July 1944 with a series of linkable scenarios. Available from Brigade Games. Skytrex has added half a dozen new German ships to their 1/300 WWII line. These include a 700 ton Escort vessel F5, with a 1939 variant, an Escort Sloop K1, K.U. j1 Escort Naval trawler, the K.U.j4 variant, and an M601 Escort Minesweeper. Table Top Towns Painted 15mm and 25mm buildings at reasonable prices. Latest catalog features Musket Miniatures bldgs Architectural Heritage, Hudsen & Allen painted buildings. 930 Mellish Drive, Lapeer MI 48446. The Sword and the Flame 20 now has a 48-card event deck available. These cards describe assorted developments which apply to the British Native, or both sides, and are intended to add the unexpected into the game in a balanced way. The cards are accompanied by notes and instructions from designer Patrick R. Wilson. Eight Hundred Fighting Englishmen is an add-on to TSATF/20, intended to handle larger battles, using bases rather than individual figures. It includes provisions for British, Zulu, Pathan and Dervish forces. There are now only three game phases and morale is handled differently. And That’s The Way It Was, 213 3rd Street NE, Hickory, NC 28601-5124, tel: (828) 324-0751, The Virtual Armchair General sells Richard Houston’s 25mm Gunboat models and has added the first of two new Chinese Junks and a Sampan. “Junk #1” to their listing. Under their “Studio 33” logo, they offer the “SMS Grendel” for German Colonial gamers who want to have the last word on the river! An extensively modified version of the Stone House Miniatures resin cast model of the “Queen Rose,” the “Grendel” has been assembled, painted, armed and outfitted so that all you need to add is the crew—and some Native Peoples in need of being seriously—if not Teutonically—”Civilized!” She even comes with her Ship Record Sheet for the soon to be released rules “More Gunboat Diplomacy.” Finally The Virtual Armchair General is now accepting orders for the complete Sikh Wars Battalion Flags sets designed by Chris Ferree. Many of these Colors will do double duty for the Mutiny as well, but every British Army and “John Company” unit that carried its Colors into battle is represented in three sets, and the first of two sets of flags for the Sikh Khalsa is also ready to go. Two Tin Soldiers is offering 15mm WWII Finnish Infantry and Weapons. The Finn command pack contains radiomen with a radio, NCO’s, Officers, Recon type figs, and more. Assault Pioneers with assorted anti-tank weapons. Ski-troops and winter type troops are planned for later release. Two Tin Soldiers, #182 1971 Western Ave, Albany, NY 12203 Victory Force is selling 28mm WW2 Germans and US Leg Infantry. They have separate hands so one figure can be used to carry a variety of weapons. There are US and German rifle grenadiers, US Medic, US Combat Engineers, figures unavailable elsewhere. The Engineers have CE with a pole charge, bangalor torpedo, flamethrower, explosives and fuel can (for FT), and demo charges. Victory also makes two half-squads, one pair for the Germans and one for the US, that make up a full squad. Pictures of US infantry and some German on his site. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 88 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |