By Dick Bryant
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Battle Honours has added to their 25mm WWII line with a large number of new vehicles and infantry. There are German Hanomags in early and late troop carrier, 75L18, 75L50, and Nebelwerfer versions, two versionsof the StuG III, a Marder II, PzKwIV G and H, a late Tiger I with or without zimmerit, Kublewagen, Sturm Panzer IV, Wespe, Jagdpanzer, Staff car, Wimber Winits Quad, and a Pak 40 with crew. Russian vehicles include the T60, T70, T34/76, T34/85, KV-1, SU85, SU100,and GAZ jeep, plus 57 mm and 76.2 mm AT guns and crews.The US gets the M4A3 in both 75 and 76 mm versions. Infantry sets include Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, British Paratroops, Russian Infantry in winter and summer versions and NKVD. Each typically has bags of riflemen, heavy weapons, and command/light MG, with a variety of weapons and poses in each bag, and there are tank crews for each nationality. Available from Grandiosity, P.O. Box 750992, Dayton, OH 45475-0992, tel: (937) 439-2488, web: Minifigs USA has been bought by Game Figures Inc, and Tom Dye is in the process of getting the figures back into stores. He says that packaging will change and only molds in good condition will be used until new molds are made from masters supplied by Minifigs UK. The process of deciding which of the 4,000 figures in the line are ready for production is expected to take a while. email: Reviresco has released a Mitsubishi A5M4 (Claud), Ki-27 (Nate), Ki-43 (Oscar), Polikarpov I-16, Curtiss P36, P-40B and P-40E in 1/144 scale. For those who prefer two wings there is a new SPAD II in the same scale. Photos are available at the Reviresco web site at Quality Casting has released another batch of 15 mm WWII items, including some figures from a new sculptor. These last include Italian Bersagliari and infantry, French infantry, US seated infantry, and German and Russian high command. Many of the equipment and vehicle items are newly scupted versions as well, including the Japanese Type 95, Russian T70, JS III, and 76mm M42 AT gun and the US M26 Pershing, and M45 Pershing with 105mm howitzer. Several other Russian vehicles have had their tracks resculpted. Completely new are the Russian Dshk on wheeled or AA tripod, and 57 mm AT gun, and the US M4, M4A1 cast hull, M4A2 in 75 mm and 76mm gun versions, and 105mm howitzer Shermans. Finally, they are producing resin aircraft in 15 mm. This quarter's releases were a Spitfire MkVb, Yak 9D, Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, and P-51D Mustang. PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312, tel: (703) 354-5469, email:, web: C & Q Equipment Co is producing 20 mm WWI figures for Africa and the Middle East. These are designed by Peter Rodgerson in a chunky style and cast by Pendraken. So far they include British, Australians, South Africans, Indians, Turks, Askaris, and German officers. Each nationality has two or three infantry poses, a MG team, and a cavalryman. Infantry are .70 a figure, cavalry and MG teams 1.90. In the US: 11521 S.W. 60th Ter, Miami, FL 33173, tel: (305) 598-1007, email: Military Miniatures continues to expand their 15 mm line of WWII resin and metal models. Released in the US as Battle Front, their recent efforts include German Sdkfz 251 variants (Pak 40, single 20mm AA gun, triple AAMG, flamethrower and engineer); British 25 lb gun and Quad, Kangaroo, Bren Carrier, Mk VIb, Valentine MkI/VII, A10, A13, Matilda I, Matilda II, Crusader III, Churchill III (welded or cast turret), Cromwell VII, Cromwell VIII (CS), and Comet; and for the Americans, a batch of Shermans: M4a3 with sand-bag armor (mid-production with 75 or 76 mm gun, and a late production model with 75mm), M4a3e8, and M4a3e2 Jumbo, M3 75mm GMC, a 2 1/2 ton truck, and a Dodge weapons carrier. Available from A.T.A.K. Miniatures, 38 Shady Lane, Mercerville, NJ 08619, tel: (609) 890-2550, email: Old Glory 25 mm Ancient releases include New Kingdom Egyptians, Hittites, Assyrians, Alexandrians, Thessalians, Indians, Thracians, Greeks, Seleucids, Scythians, Republican Romans, Carthaginaians, Imperial Romans, late Romans, Dacians, Parthians, Sarmatians, Sassanids, Goths, Huns, Franks, Lombards, Palmyrans, and Carolingians, with four to a dozen bags for each and more promised. The Italian wars of the Renaissance have a dozen landsknecht, ten Swiss and Italian, five Spanish and five new artillery packs. The Napoleonic French are augmented by 5 bags of Guard infantry, another five of Guard cavalry, and two bags of aides. Jumping all the way to WWII, there are new US marines with bazookas and German dismounted cavalry. Available from: Pharoah's Guard Hobbies, 45108 Garrett's Lake Road; Johnson, Oklahoma 74804, tel: (405) 904-0903, email:, web: Foundry has a new line of Darkest Africa figures in 25 mm, intended for Colonial adventures. These are supplied in packs of seven or eight figures in a variety of poses. So far there are explorers, adventurers, Askaris, Ruga-Ruga, Zanzibari Arab slavers, and African tribal warriors. Each has up to 15 packs with varied dress and armament, and there are packs of "characters" as well as the standard fighting types. Next on the schedule are Germans, Beligians, Masai, Azande and Ngoni. They have also started a new Pirates line for the 17th and 18th century. These are expected out in December or January, beginning with Henry Morgan and crew, Blackbeard, Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, Mary Read, and others, with some two dozen packs planned so far. The Foundry Ltd, 1549 Marview Drive, Westlake, Ohio 44145, tel: (440) 871-4587 Fax. (440) 892-5887 Minicraft has some 1/144th scale WWII aircraft out, including the Junkers Ju-88A4, Heinkel He-111-H6, Mitsubishi G4M1 Betty, and Lockheed P-38J Lightning. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies, 12188 Brookhurst St., Garden Grove, CA 92840, tel: (714)636-3580, email:, web: FAA has added to their 20 MM WWII line, with an Austrian 4.7cm Bohler ATG, Romanian 47mm Schneider export ATG and 75mm Resita AT/Field Gun, Belgian FRC 76mm mortar, German 10.5cm recoilless L/17.5 mod 42, 2.8cm sPzB41 in Fallschirmjager and Wehrmacht versions, and an Italian 81/14 mod 35 Mortar. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies. Peter Pig has released a bunch of new stuff in a variety of scales and periods. There are redesigned 15mm US troops with M-16 for Vietnam, The USS Keokuk and Passaic in 1/600 for your ACW river battles, and 15 mm Spanish Foreign Legion and troops in Adrian helmets for the Spanish Civil War. For WWII in 15 mm, there are German Bergepanther, Jagdpanther, and tank mechanics, and some British infantry. There is also a 15mm Russian Civil War Series, including an Austin Putilov A/C, with some Red Army infantry, gun crews, and HMGs (all in "pointy" hat). Available from Brookhurst Hobbies. SHQ is supplying new 20mm WW II figures, including German "Mediterranean" Artillery Crew and Motorcycle & Sidecar, 7 British paratroop packs in Denison smock and belt, early Russian Infantry, MMG, mortar, motorcycle, and tank riders. New German equipment includes the Opel Blitz in office body or Maultier office body, Ford in office body or Maultier office body, an Art Schl T-70(r) Gun Tractor, and the 8.8 cm Raketenwerfer 43 Puppchen. The Russian goodies now available are an SU-76i SP gun, T-60, T-70 and an NKL-26 Armored Aerosan. Available from Brookhurst Hobbies. Thoroughbred, which produces ACW Ships in 1/600 Scale has released two new models, the CSS Gaines sidewheel gunboat, and the CSS Alabama commerce raider. Available from Grandiosity. War in Mexico includes maps, OBs, campaign and battle descriptions, color plates of uniforms and flags. Published by Emperor's Press, it is available from Emperor's HQ for $38. 5744 W. Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634, Tel: (773) 777-7307. Kettles at Dawn is a ruleset for ACW battles in 1/600 or 1/1200 from Lindsey Games. It claims to provide full statistics on all major ironclads, and has both calculated fire and range estimation variations. email:, web: GP Hobby in Poland has introduced a new line of WWII 1/72 armor models. First out are the BT-5, 7TP, C7P, TKS , with some modifications. GP Hobby & Model, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 114/10, 30-074 Krakow, Poland, web: Osprey's recent books include Eggmuhl 1809, San Juan Hill 1898, and Vittoria 1813 in the Campaign series, Armies of the Caliphates 862-1098, Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars no. 1, and French Indo-China War 1946-1958 in the Man at Arms series, and Pirates 1660-1730 in the Elite series. Dayton Painting Consortium, Ltd. Provides painted 15mm units of all periods for reasonable per unit prices. 15 & 25mm figures are painted at a per figure fee. Their large catalog of painted units and buildings is available from PO Box 24185, Huber Heights, OH 45424. PH/FAX (937)667-1037 Essex has a new 15 mm range for all armies of Western and Central Europe in the period 1665-1745. With about 100 figures in all, these are grouped by appearance rather than nationality (line infantry in tricorne and gaiters, for example), and include grenadiers of various sorts, pikemen, and highlanders, as well as the more standard types of infantry and cavalry. Available from Wargames, Box 278, Tridelphia, WV 26059-0278, tel: (304) 547-0000, email: Old North State is a line of 10 mm ACW figures, supplied in packs of 12 cavalry (three poses), 12 infantry (two poses), or 16 gunners, 4 carriages, and 8 tubes for artillery, each for $5.00. There are 11 Confederate infantry, 12 Union infantry, 7 generic infantry and generals, 9 cavalry, and 5 artillery packs, plus coastal and naval guns, trains, and equipment. Joe burgess, 104 Omni Ct, Stephens City, VA 22655, tel: (540) 869-6964, email: Savage and Soldier, the Colonial wargaming magazine, is being put on the web one back issue article at a time by Milton Soong and some volunteers. Easy Eight Enterprises has come out with a line of 28 mm miniatures for use with their WWII skirmish rules. Available so far are an American squad and a late war German squad, each with ten different figures for $22.99, a German platoon command of 5 figures and a terrain piece, also $22.99, and a German MG42 with three crew and a terrain piece for $14.99. 10036 Caenen Lenexa, KS 66215, tel (800) 335-2977, web: Guns Under Two Flags is a set of rules for ACW combined land and naval warfare, using 15 mm models and figures. The designer, Charles Morfin, can be reached at 10329 La Reina Ave, Downet, CA 90241, tel: (562) 929-7177. Bob Lehman is making hand-crafted terrain sections with trees, shrubs, fencing and rock formations. A square foot crossroads section in 15 mm, for example, is $15, and hills come with or without lakes. ponds, roads, and other adornments. 1900 County Line Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, tel: (330) 544-1571 3-D Contours also produces terrain items, including hills, roads, streams, fences, fortifications, and forests. Hills range in price from $5 to $150, and a foot-long piece of 6-inch wide river with an elaborate stone bridge is $35. A figure painting service is available. Andrew Doyle, 120 McPhail Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401, tel: (601) 583-4321. More Dispatch News
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