By Dick Bryant
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Age of Napoleon no. 27 features the attempted 1798 French invasion of Ireland with four articles, another installment in a series on the details of the lines of Torres Vedras, a treatment of camp followers, some biographical pieces, and some reviews. 48 pp glossy, $42 for 6 issues from On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ 08525. The Herald is the newsletter of HMGS - Great Lakes. The Sept/Oct issue has articles on chapter business, book and figure reviews, battle reports, a treatment of figure scales, and wargaming event schedules. Membership is $10/year, and includes 6 issues. HMGS Membership Secretary, 2251 Wayne Madison Rd, Trenton, OH45 067. Tornado Alert is the journal of Tornado Alley HMGS. Issue 32 includes, in addition to chapter news, book reviews, a convention list, and descriptions of Spearhead and Johnny Reb III with some rules questons taken from the Historical Miniatures and JR III web sites. Membership is $12/year including 6 issues. TAHMGS, PO Box 890031, Oklahoma City, OK 73189-0031. The Citadel is the newsletter of the Northwest HMGS. The Fall issue has an article on ACW Union aritllery organization and drill, a battle report with OBs, maps, and commentary, analysis of how wargaming is changing in Vancouver, and the first part of a series on armor in the Spanish Civil War, along with editorial material and a convention schedule. Membership is $10/year, including 4 issues. Mark Serafin, 2614 Rucker Ave #7, Everett, WA 98201, email: Other Publications of Interest Received Age of Empires (19th Century), On Military Matters, 55 Taylor Terrace, Hopewell, NJ , HMGS Dispatch,(Midsouth),Major Bill Harting, 101 Taylor Rd, Estill Springs, TN 37330-3831. HMGS East Newsletter LTC Wilbur Gray, 2727 Duke St, Apt 1106, Alexandria, VA 22314. Lone Warrior (solo wargaming),Solo Wargamers Association, 1707 Ridge Rd, Leavenworth, KS 66048.,$20 / 4 issues. Miniature Wargames Wargames Inc, B0x 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059-0278, tel: (304) 547-0000. PW Review Walter Simon, 12905 Layhill Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20906,$18/12 issues Spearpoint (NA Soc. Ancient & Medieval Wargamers),Scott Dickson, 590 Woodend Dr. SE, Concord, NC 28025,$18 / 6 issues & membership. The Messenger (HMGS Pacific SW),HMGS/PSW, PO Box 701, Norwalk, CA 90651-0701,$15/yr membership. The Piquet Dispatch Piquet Inc, 165 Charles ST, Vestal, NY 13850, email:,$14/4 issues. The Zouave (ACW) The Zouave, c/o Marek/Janci Design, 725 Ranch Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187-3656, email:,$24/ 4 issues. More Dispatch News
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