by Dick Bryant
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ELAN ENTERPRISES UP-AND-RUNNING AGAIN Their facility re-location now complete, Elan is back at full steam. Any of their muchvalued customers who have concerns over figure orders should call at (813) 848-8020 9am to 9pm 7 days/wIL Elan is now carrying Osprey books, Howard Hues paints, Drum Scenics, and much more. WATERLOO MINIATURES HAVE MOVED Waterloo Miniatures have moved to 106 Chatsworth Circle, Sugarland TX 77479. This is just outside of Houston. Their latest flyer shows additions to Battle Honors and Old Glory 15mm Napoleonic figures. NASAMW ANNOUNCES ELECTION RESULTS The North American Society of Ancient and Medieval WarGamers (NASAMW) has just completed its biennial election of new officers. The newly elected slate is as follows:
Vice-President - James Kasper, 2086 Hillcrest Ave., Cleveland, OH 44109 (216)661 -5617. Secretary-Treasurer*- Scott Dickson, 1009 S. HighlandAve., Landis, NC 28088 (704)8574455 Lifetime Vice-President - Kruse Smith, 17B Scott Circle, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731 (617)274-0903 Honorary Vice-President- Glen Boise, 507 N. Main St.,Apt C, Kokomo, IN 4690 1, (317)452-5522 SPEARPOINT Editor - Terry Gore, 890 Janes Road, Rochester, NY 14612 (716)227-4813 Tournament Director**- Scott Holder, 4346 Rolling Stone Way, Alexandria, VA 22306, (703) 765-0793 (Please call only Tues. nights from 7 to 9). *At his own request and as approved by the NASAMW Executive Committee, Scott Dickson will retain the post of Treasurer and step down as Secretary. There will thus be a separate Secretary for NASAMW who shall be a permanent member of the Executive Committee as soon as the necessary changes can be effected to the NASAMW Bylaws. The Executive Committee has unanimously approved the sclecdon of Mike Reed to be Secretary. Mike will serve the current two year term after which the post will be elective in the same manner as the other officers. For the time being, Mike will act as Scott's deputy in the Secretarial position until such time the required amendments to the By-laws are enacted. ** This is a newly designated position that effectively confirms a job Scott Holder has been doing for years. As soon as the By-laws can be amended, the Tournament Direcmr will be made a permanent member of the Executive Committee. The office of Chief Umpire will he made a separate position, elected by a vote of the Executive Committee and the Regional Coordinators. Scott is currently Chief Umpire and will retain that post until such time as the election for Chief Umpire can be held. NASAMW has long had a reputation as a WRG 7th Edition Tournament organization, only. It is our hope to broaden our appeal to all Ancient and Medieval gamers who enjoy other miniature rules such as Tactica, DBA, Ancient Empires, etc., and also to boardgamers who play Ancient/Medieval games such as SPQR, Crusades, Siege of Jerusalem, etc. Membership in the Society costs $12 per year which entitles one to the Society journal, The SPEARPOINT and participation in all Society functions. If you're interested in joining or in getting more information please contact Scott Dickson at the above address. HMGS NEWS There are now 8 chapters to HMGS. with more forming. I have news about four of the groups, those not mentioned are: HMGS East, HMGS Midwest, and HMGS Northwest. If the contact person will send The Courier news of their organization and their newsletter, information about their group will appear in this column. HMGS MID SOUTH Enquiries to 1011 Taylor Rd, Estill Springs TN 37330. Their newsletter The HMGS Dispatch contains Miniature gaming articles as well as membership business. In this issue they announce their Seige of Augusta Convention for Jan 8-10. See Calendar. Augusta College's Continuing Education Department has a children's program during the summer called Kid's College. Kids can take classes in sports, academics and hobbies. Bill Harting was able to become part of the program with naval history and military history camps in which he offered demos and miniature games to demonstrate various periods. It was very successful with the kids and the college. Here is a way to bring new blood to the hobby. Now is the time to start as it takes some time to get these things in place. Approach your local Continuing Education facility about such a program. Oh by the wW. You can charge a modest stipend and make a few bucks for your club or hobby. Contact Bill (address above sorry Bill) I'm sure he will be glad to offer some pointers. Perhaps HMGS would put together a pamphlet that would help interested parties get started in this? HEART OF AMERICA HMGS: Their newsletter, The Communique also offers gaming articles. Diana Sampson, 10721 N. Walnut, Kansas City MO 64155. HCAHMGS had Don Featherstone as a guest to their March convention, which was very successful. If Don were the only person to show up at a con, it could be deemed successful. TORNADO ALLEY HMGS is the newest HMGS affiliate as far as I know. They cover the Oklahoma City area and south central U.S.For info write to PO Box 20863, Oklahoma City, OK 73156. Their newsletter, Tornado Alert contains gaming articles and puzzles. I don't have a better date for their convention, WARCON than it takes place in July. ROCKY MOUNTAIN HMGSCovcdng the Rocky Mountain area, the contact point is Cpt. Hank Martin, PO Box 13073, Ft. Carson CO, 80911. Their first newsletter, The Pinnacle came out in August and contains an extensive convention listing and new product news. HMGS PACIFIC SOUTH WEST new President is Steven Verdoliva who announces their March 13th and 14th convention in Norwalk CA, See calendar. To contact Steve about HMGS, write to PO Box 701 Norwalk CA 90651 Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 59 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |