by Dick Bryant
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A.B. Miniatures is a new line of 15 mm figures produced by the sculptor of the Battle Honors range.The first releases are Napoleonics: Austrian German grenadiers, fusiliers in helmet or shako, Hungarian fusilier in shako, Kurassiers, Dragoons, and infantry casualties. There are also French Line fusiliers, grenadiers, voltiguers and command. Most types are available in more than one pose, at $4.50 for a packet of 12. Available from Emperors Headquarters, 5744 Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634. Battle Honors has extended their ACW range with new Iron Brigade, Zouave, and marching figures in hat or kepi and coat. At least 15 of their previous packs have been improved with new figures. $4.00 for a pack of 10 figures. Available from Emperor's Headquarters, 5744 Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60634. Wargames Foundry has started two new 25 min ranges. The late Roman Empire is represented by 26 infinity (Draconarius, Leginarius, Auxilia, Lianciari, and archers in a variety of guises, as well as assorted command figures. Cavalry are due out next. The Persian and Peoloponnesian Wars is an even more ambitious first release, with some 86 Greek hoplitcs, Spartan hoplites, and Greek light infantry. The French Napoleonic 25 min line now extends to 90 infantry and artillery figures, and 4 guns. Also expanded is the Great War line, with new French artillery figures (and a 75mm gun), infantry in both kepi and hclmc% wounded German infantry, Highlanders, and some new equipment. Available from Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr, Westlake, OH 44145. Napoleonique /Encore is an update of the old, and very popular, Jim Getz Napoleonique rules. Glenn Davis has reprinted the original rules (intended for a figure scale of 1:30), then added a section with modifications for playing at 5 figure/scale combinations, ranging up to 1:90. $18.95 pus $2.00 postage from Glenn Davis, c/o Sidney Hobby Shop, 301 N. Ohio, Rear, Sidney, Ohio 45365. Elite Miniatures has expanded their extensive 25 min Napoleonic range with Austrian German and Hungarian Infantry firing and loading in helmet or shako, French Old Guard Infantry, and Russian and Prussian cavalry. The Elite Group, 2625 Forest Glen Tt, Riverwoods, IL 60015. Essex Miniatures has also released a batch of new Austrian Napoleonics. In 15 mm, these include fusiliers, grenadiers, jagers, grenz, artillerymen, mounted infantry, dragoons, lancers, hussars, and cuirassiers, 33 figures in all. Their Rcnaissance/ECW range has also expanded to over 100 figures and items of equipment. Available from Wargames, Box 278, Route 40 East, Triadelphia, WV 26059. Museum Miniatures has released 16 new ScIjuq Turk figures in 15 mm. These include Askaris, Turkomans, Bedouins, Turks, Syrians, Ahdath militia, and commanders. Available from Military Miniatures of Texas, 1238 Summer Park Lane, Katy, TX 774509. Chariot Miniatures are now producing 10 min ACW figures, singly based. I'm not sure how extensive the line is, nor of a source in the U.S, but both cavalry and infantry exist, and offer still another option for those short on gaming real estate. Chariot Miniatures, 25 Broad Mead, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1RX Quality Casings has a batch of new 15 min WW11 items out. These include Italian AB40 and AB41 Armored cars and 100mm 117 howitzer, a French Cotroen 1.5 ton truck, German Sdkfz 10/4 halftrack with 2cm flak, US m38 jeep with pedestal mounted .50 MG, small and medium rubber boats with or without US or German Engineer paddlers, and US and German Engineers with equipment, and casualties, medic's, and POWs. There are also some modern US M35a2 2.5 ton trucks. just before press time he announced 5 different packs of Waffen SS Infantry w/cameo packs; a Russian GAZ truck AA w/quad maxim MGs, Russian 122mm and 150mm Howitzers; an Italian truck, a prime mover and a Carto Commando command truck. Quality Casings, PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. Redoubt Enterprises has added to their 25 min Renaissance Range, releasing 15 Moorish marines, 4 Turkish Sipahis cavalry, and 6 light cavalry suitable for Akinji Ottoman vassals or Balkan Christians. There are also some new reiter and gendarme casualties and a selection of general-purpose clerics. Available from Miniature Service Center, 1525 Bridge #163, Youba Ciuty, CA 95993. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby. Back to Table of Contents -- Courier # 59 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1992 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |